to deduct the vat paid as input tax

listen to the pronunciation of to deduct the vat paid as input tax
Englisch - Deutsch
die gezahlte Mwst. als Vorsteuer abziehen
to deduct the vat paid as input tax


    to de·duct the vat paid as in·put tax

    Türkische aussprache

    tı dîdʌkt dhi vät peyd äz înpût täks


    /tə dəˈdəkt ᴛʜē ˈvat ˈpād ˈaz ˈənˌpo͝ot ˈtaks/ /tə dɪˈdʌkt ðiː ˈvæt ˈpeɪd ˈæz ˈɪnˌpʊt ˈtæks/