to come to blows

listen to the pronunciation of to come to blows
Englisch - Türkisch
saç saça baş başa gelmek
come to blows
come to blows
yumruk yumruğa gelmek
come to blows
(deyim) kavga başlamak
to come to
to come to

Yarın gelmek zorunda kalacaksın. - You'll have to come tomorrow.

Tom Mary'nin onun partisine gelmek istediğini duyduğunda gerçekten memnun oldu. - Tom was really glad to hear that Mary wanted to come to his party.

Englisch - Englisch

Definition von to come to blows im Englisch Englisch wörterbuch

come to blows
To fight; to initiate physical conflict, especially subsequent to escalating tension or antagonism

Iraqi security forces and peshmerga almost came to blows in the disputed area of Khanaqin, in Diyala province, after Iraqi troops tried to enter the mixed town.

come to blows
go to battle, fight
to come to blows