to come by

listen to the pronunciation of to come by
Englisch - Türkisch

Bu günlerde iş edinmek zor. - Jobs are hard to come by these days.

İşsiz pek çok kişi ile işleri edinmek zordur. - Jobs are hard to come by with so many people out of work.

(Fiili Deyim ) 1- önünden geçmek , gelip geçmek 2- elde etmek , kazanmak

Dan Linda'nın oğlunu görmek için uğramak istedi. - Dan wanted to come by to see Linda's son.

ziyaret etmek
(Dilbilim) yanından geçmek
(Dilbilim) başına gelmek
sahip olmak
kaza sonucu bulmak

Bu günlerde iş bulmak zordur. - Jobs are hard come by these days.

Bu nadir pulu bulmak zordur. - This rare stamp is hard to come by.

temin etmek
önünden geçmek
elde etmek
to by
Englisch - Englisch
To obtain; to get, especially by chance or involuntarily

A loyal friend is hard to come by.

To come near to; to pass; to visit

Your beau came by while you were shopping.

A command to a sheepdog to move clockwise around the sheep
obtain, especially accidentally
visit informally and spontaneously; "We frequently drop by the neighbors' house for a cup of coffee"
To come by something means to obtain it or find it. How did you come by that cheque?
reach, catch up with -; receive by inheritance
to come by

    Türkische aussprache

    tı kʌm bay


    /tə ˈkəm ˈbī/ /tə ˈkʌm ˈbaɪ/


    ... And then you come by, like, a year and a half later, and she's not there. So it's.... ...