to chaff

listen to the pronunciation of to chaff
Englisch - Türkisch
{i} saman

Eski kuşlar saman ile yakalanmış değil. - Old birds are not caught with chaff.

(hayvan yemi olarak) saman
(Askeri) (NATO) KARIŞTIRMA REFLEKTÖRLERİ: Bir radar karşı önlem olarak ekseriya mermi kovanlarından veya roketlerden bırakılan veya uçaklardan serpilen, elektromanyetik enerjiyi yansıtmada kullanılan frekans kesici metal varak şeritlere, tellere veya metalize cam liflere verilen isim
{i} saman tozu
chaffer şakacı kimse
{f} şaka etmek
{f} takılmak (Argo)
tahılın dış kabuğu
{i} önemsiz mesele
{i} şakalaşma
{f} ufalamak
{i} kıyılmış hayvan yemi
{f} kesmek (saman vb)
saçma ve anlamsız söz
{i} ıvır zıvır
chaffy kabuklu
yem olarak kullanılan ufalanmış saman
tahıl kabuğu
Englisch - Englisch
To make fun of; to turn into ridicule by addressing in ironical or bantering language; to quiz
The inedible parts of a grain-producing plant

To separate out the chaff, early cultures tossed baskets of grain into the air and let the wind blow away the lighter chaff.

Loose material dropped from aircraft specifically to interfere with radar detection
Fragments of straw including the glume and hull removed from cereal grains in threshing or processing
{n} the husks of corn, any worthless thing
Small strips of metal foil, usually dropped in large quantities from aircraft or balloons Chaff typically produces a radar echo which closely resembles precipitation Chaff drops once were conducted by the military in order to confuse enemy radar, but now are conducted mainly for radar testing and calibration purposes
be silly or tease one another; "After we relaxed, we just kidded around"
The inedible parts of a plant whose seeds are eaten as grain
The glumes or husks of grains and grasses separated from the seed by threshing and winnowing, etc
foil in thin strips; ejected into the air as a radar countermeasure material consisting of seed coverings and small pieces of stem or leaves that have been separated from the seeds
Light jesting talk; banter; raillery
Anything of a comparatively light and worthless character; the refuse part of anything
{i} husks separated from grains; straw that has been cut up for animal feed; something worthless, refuse; teasing, joking; (Airplanes) metal scraps released from an airplane in order to disrupt signals from radar-guided weapons
By extension, any excess or unwanted material, resource, or person; anything worthless
The scales or bracts on the receptacle, which subtend each flower in the heads of many Compositæ, as the sunflower
material consisting of seed coverings and small pieces of stem or leaves that have been separated from the seeds
To use light, idle language by way of fun or ridicule; to banter
foil in thin strips; ejected into the air as a radar countermeasure
Grain husks
Chaff is the outer part of grain such as wheat. It is removed before the grain is used as food
Chaff is paper-like stuff that appears though the roasting process These little brown flakes are fragments of the innermost skin (the silverskin) of the coffee fruit that still cling to the beans after processing has been completed Roasting causes these bits of skin to lift off the bean
Straw or hay cut up fine for the food of cattle
{f} tease, joke with
Ribbon-like pieces of metallic materials or metallized plastic which are dispensed by aircraft or ships to mask or screen other "targets" The radar reflections off the chaff may cause a tracking radar to break lock on the target The foil materials are generally cut into small pieces for which the size is dependent upon the radar interrogation frequency (approximately 1/2 wave length of the victim radar frequency) Being this length, chaff acts as a resonant dipole and reflects much of the energy back to the radar Also see rainbow, rope, stream chaff, and window
If you separate the wheat from the chaff or sort the wheat from the chaff, you decide which people or things in a group are good or important and which are not. It isn't always easy to separate the wheat from the chaff. Good-natured teasing; banter
Strips of metallic foil designed to confuse SAMs
Small thin, dry scales on the receptacles of many of the Asteraceae
to chaff