to celebrate

listen to the pronunciation of to celebrate
Englisch - Türkisch
kutlamak için

Sözleşme çantada, öyleyse kutlamak için dışarı çıkalım. - The contract is in the bag, so let's go out and celebrate.

O, onun doğum gününü kutlamak için bir partiydi. - It was a party to celebrate her birthday.

{f} bayram yapmak
{f} göklere çıkarmak
kutlama yapmak

Kutlama yapmak için burada değilim. - I'm not here to celebrate.

Biz kutlama yapmak için dışarı çıkıyoruz. - We're going out to celebrate.


Sözleşme çantada, öyleyse kutlamak için dışarı çıkalım. - The contract is in the bag, so let's go out and celebrate.

Hindistan'ın Bağımsızlık Günü, Ağustosun on beşinde kutlanıyor. - India's Independence Day is celebrated on the fifteenth of August.

mark the occasion
(deyim) Kutlamak
yönetmek aşai rabbani ayinini yönetmek
{f} yönetmek (ayin)
{f} ayin yapmak
{f} aşai rabbani ayinini yönetmek
Englisch - Englisch
To honour by rites, by ceremonies of joy and respect, or by refraining from ordinary business; to observe duly; to keep

to celebrate a birthday.

To perform or participate in, as a sacrament or solemn rite; to solemnize; to perform with appropriate rites

to celebrate a marriage.

To extol or honour in a solemn manner

to celebrate the name of the Most High.

To engage in joyful activity in appreciation of an event

I was promoted today at work—let’s celebrate!.

assign great social importance to; "The film director was celebrated all over Hollywood"; "The tenor was lionized in Vienna"
{v} to praise, extol, solemnize
(deyim) mark the occasion
If you celebrate, you do something enjoyable because of a special occasion or to mark someone's success. I was in a mood to celebrate Tom celebrated his 24th birthday two days ago
have a celebration; "They were feting the patriarch of the family"; "After the exam, the students were celebrating"
To honor by solemn rites, by ceremonies of joy and respect, or by refraining from ordinary business; to observe duly; to keep; as, to celebrate a birthday
have a celebration; "They were feting the patriarch of the family"; "After the exam, the students were celebrating
If an organization or country is celebrating an anniversary, it has existed for that length of time and is doing something special because of it. The Society is celebrating its tenth anniversary this year
To extol or honour in a solemn manner; as, to celebrate the name of the Most High
To extol or honor in a solemn manner; as, to celebrate the name of the Most High
When priests celebrate Holy Communion or Mass, they officially perform the actions and ceremonies that are involved. Pope John Paul celebrated mass today in a city in central Poland
{f} feast, hold festivities; praise, glorify
To perform or participate in, as a sacrament or solemn rite; to solemnize; to perform with appropriate rites; as, to celebrate a marriage
celebrate, as of holidays or rites; "Keep the commandments"; "celebrate Christmas"; "Observe Yom Kippur"
To honour by solemn rites, by ceremonies of joy and respect, or by refraining from ordinary business; to observe duly; to keep; as, to celebrate a birthday
to celebrate


    to cel·e·brate

    Türkische aussprache

    tı selıbreyt


    /tə ˈseləˌbrāt/ /tə ˈsɛləˌbreɪt/


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