Kampanya başarılı oldu ve o seçimi kazandı.
- The campaign succeeded and he won the election.
Komünizm kampanyada en büyük konu oldu.
- Communism was the biggest issue in the campaign.
Eisenhower, savaşı sona erdirmek için mücadele etti.
- Eisenhower had campaigned to end the war.
Truman seçim gününe kadar mücadele etti.
- Truman campaigned until Election Day.
Eisenhower, savaşı sona erdirmek için mücadele etti.
- Eisenhower had campaigned to end the war.
... OBAMA: Barry, I think a lot of this campaign, maybe over the last four years, has been devoted ...
... for me, and I appreciate it. In the nature of a campaign, it seems that ...