to bracket

listen to the pronunciation of to bracket
Englisch - Englisch
Generically any of "(", ")", "", "{", "}", and, in the area of computer languages, ""
"" specifically - opposed to the other forms of which have their own technical names
Any intermediate object that connects a smaller part to a larger part, the smaller part typically projecting sideways from the larger part
A fixture attached to a wall to hold up a shelf
To set aside, discount, ignore

SIL got access to academic legitimacy; linguists bracketed the evangelical engine that drives SIL because they got access to data and tools.

To place in the same category

Because the didn't have enough young boys for two full teams, they bracketed the seven-year olds with the eight-year olds.

"" specifically, the other forms above requiring adjectives for disambiguation
To bound on both sides, to surround as enclosing with brackets

I tried to hit the bullseye by first bracketing it with two shots and then splitting the difference with my third, but I missed.

To mark distinctly for special treatment
{n} a small support of wood a cramp
one or more SNA messages (chains of Request/Reponse units) that are exchanged between two Lus to complete a unit of work Only one bracket may be active in a session at a time If LU 6 2, Data Flow Control constructs brackets to bound LU 6 2 conversations
The groupings determined by underwriting amounts of various firms in a syndicate Tombstone advertising is normally in bracket order, with each firm appearing alphabetically within a given bracket
A structural support attached to a column or wall on which to fasten another structural member
either of two punctuation marks ([ or ]) used to enclose textual material
After the bracket is established shots are fired with intermediate elevations until the exact range is obtained
Projecting element or hardware attached to the surface of a member to support other members
either of two punctuation marks (`<' or `>') sometimes used to enclose textual material
To place within brackets; to connect by brackets; to furnish with brackets
A metal or ceramic or porcelain attachment that is glued onto a tooth and serves as a means of fastening the arch wire
A structural support projecting from a wall or column on which to fasten another structural member Examples are canopy brackets, lean-to-brackets, and crane runway brackets
place into brackets; "Please bracket this remark"
support element under a roof overhang, often decorative rather than functional
Item attached to a wall to hold up a shelf
If two or more people or things are bracketed together, they are considered to be similar or related in some way. The Magi, Bramins, and Druids were bracketed together as men of wisdom Austrian wine styles are often bracketed with those of northern Germany. = categorize
An architectural member, plain or ornamental, projecting from a wall or pier, to support weight falling outside of the same; also, a decorative feature seeming to discharge such an office
A figure determined by firing a projectile beyond a target and another short of it, as a basis for ascertaining the proper elevation of the piece; only used in the phrase, to establish a bracket
The cheek or side of an ordnance carriage
{i} support, brace; angular shelf support; classification; frame
one of several ranges of numbers
support with brackets; "bracket bookshelves"
Brackets are a pair of written marks that you place round a word, expression, or sentence in order to indicate that you are giving extra information. In British English, curved marks like these are also called brackets, but in American English, they are called parentheses. The prices in brackets are special rates for the under 18s = parenthesis
To shoot so as to establish a bracket for (an object)
1 A turn on one foot in which the skater changes direction and edge, producing a trace in which the cusp of the turn points outwards from the center of the circle 2 Any compulsory figure consisting of two circles with one bracket turn half way around each circle
A chained set of RUs and their responses, which together make up a transaction between two LUs One bracket must be finished before another can be started
the [ ] used to enclose an ellipsis, ie words that are understood, but not part of the actual text Same as Crotchet
A metal or ceramic brace that is glued to a tooth and serves as a means of fastening the arch wire
In the United States navy it is called fork
support with brackets; "bracket bookshelves
A gas fixture or lamp holder projecting from the face of a wall, column, or the like
Brackets are pieces of metal, wood, or plastic that are fastened to a wall in order to support something such as a shelf. Fix the beam with the brackets and screws. adjustable wall brackets
The [ and ] are brackets Sometimes called "square" brackets
A support for a shelf, projecting from a wall
"[" and "]" specifically - opposed to the other forms which have their own technical names
A structure projecting from a wall or other vertical element for the purpose of providing support for an object
One of two characters [], used to inclose a reference, explanation, or note, or a part to be excluded from a sentence, to indicate an interpolation, to rectify a mistake, or to supply an omission, and for certain other purposes; called also crotchet
an L-shaped support projecting from a wall (as to hold a shelf)
A member often triangular in form,that projects from a wall or other vertical surface and supports another component, such as an EAVE
A small supporting piece of wood or stone, often formed of scrolls or other decorative shapes, designed to bear a projected weight, such as a window
If you say that someone or something is in a particular bracket, you mean that they come within a particular range, for example a range of incomes, ages, or prices. a 33% top tax rate on everyone in these high-income brackets Do you fall outside that age bracket?
[arch] Overhanging detail projecting as a support for a decorative statue or other carved device
Generically any of "(", ")", "[", "]", "{", "}", and, in the area of computer languages, "<", ">"
a category falling within certain defined limits
A wooden or metal mounting device designed to fit in the pinhole of an insulator, and attach it to a (normally) vertical surface such as a pole or the side of a building See also: Pin
an L-shaped support projecting from a wall (as to hold a shelf) either of two punctuation marks ([ or ]) used to enclose textual material a category falling within certain defined limits classify or group place into brackets; "Please bracket this remark"
A projecting support for a shelf or other structure
A category of racing based on type of vehicle and estimated time See Brackets
A term signifying the extent of an underwriter's commitment in a new issue, e g , major bracket or minor bracket
{f} enclose in brackets; support with brackets; group together; mark off, delineate; take the same photograph using a range of exposures (Photography); include, encompass
A metal or ceramic part that is glued onto a tooth and serves as a means of fastening the arch wire
To make several exposures, some greater and some less than the exposure that is calculated to be correct Bracketing allows for error and permits selection of the best exposure after development
A projecting angled or curved form used as a support, found in conjunction with balconies, lintels, pediments, cornices, etc
Brackets are pair of marks that are placed around a series of symbols in a mathematical expression to indicate that those symbols function as one item within the expression
A piece or combination of pieces, usually triangular in general shape, projecting from, or fastened to, a wall, or other surface, to support heavy bodies or to strengthen angles
classify or group
To make several exposures, some greater and some less than the exposure that is calculated to be correct This allows for error and permits selection of the best exposure after development
A shot, crooked timber, resembling a knee, used as a support
"(" and ")" specifically, the other forms above requiring adjectives for disambiguation
to bracket


    to brack·et

    Türkische aussprache

    tı bräkît


    /tə ˈbrakət/ /tə ˈbrækɪt/


    ... But, ideally, you want to try to bracket it ...