to be subject to taxation in the home jurisdiction

listen to the pronunciation of to be subject to taxation in the home jurisdiction
Englisch - Türkisch

Definition von to be subject to taxation in the home jurisdiction im Englisch Türkisch wörterbuch

be subject to
tabi olmak
be subject to
bağımlı olmak
be subject to
bağlı olmak
to be subject
tabi olmaya
be subject to
1. -e tabi/bağlı olmak: This income is subject to taxation. Bu gelir vergiye tabidir. This is subject to confirmation by the assembly. Bu
to be subject to taxation in the home jurisdiction


    to be sub·ject to tax·a·tion in the home ju·ris·dic·tion

    Türkische aussprache

    tı bi sıbcekt tı täkseyşın în dhi hōm cûrısdîkşın


    /tə bē səbˈʤekt tə takˈsāsʜən ən ᴛʜē ˈhōm ˌʤo͝orəsˈdəksʜən/ /tə biː səbˈʤɛkt tə tækˈseɪʃən ɪn ðiː ˈhoʊm ˌʤʊrəsˈdɪkʃən/