Said of an item from the circulating collection which has been checked out and kept by the borrower past its due date The Mount Libraries charge fines for overdue materials Overdue charges can be avoided by renewing an item on or before its due date
A book is considered overdue when the book is not returned on or before the due date at the time indicated at the inside back cover An item is considered one day overdue when, for example, an item with a January 3rd, 1999 due date is returned on January 4th, 1999
[books] - A book that has not been returned by the due date is said to be "overdue " The Libraries charge fines of 25 cents per book per day for books which are overdue
A book (or other library material) that has not been returned by the due date is said to be "overdue " If it is not returned, eventually the patron will be charged to replace the book
Overdue sums of money have not been paid, even though it is later than the date on which they should have been paid. Teachers have joined a strike aimed at forcing the government to pay overdue salaries and allowances
An overdue item is one that is returned to the library after it's due date At the Peabody Institute Library, we charge 5 cents per day for each overdue item The money owed for an overdue item is called a "fine "
Status of a record--requisition, resume, interview, or offer--that has been in Needs Attention status for a given number of days as set by the system administrator Overdue records are those that have been inactive longer than Needs Attention records by the set number of days Such records are noted in the total in the Overdue column in the Message Marquee on the WebBench Main page