to be in an advanced state of disrepair

listen to the pronunciation of to be in an advanced state of disrepair
Englisch - Türkisch

Definition von to be in an advanced state of disrepair im Englisch Türkisch wörterbuch

to be in

Planında olmak istiyorum. - I want to be in your plan.

O anda Boston'da olmak müthiş heyecan vericiydi. - It was tremendously exciting to be in Boston at that time.

to be in an advanced state of disrepair


    to be in an ad·vanced state of dis·re·pair

    Türkische aussprache

    tı bi în ın ıdvänst steyt ıv dîsrîper


    /tə bē ən ən ədˈvanst ˈstāt əv ˌdəsrəˈper/ /tə biː ɪn ən ədˈvænst ˈsteɪt əv ˌdɪsrɪˈpɛr/