to be contrary to

listen to the pronunciation of to be contrary to
Englisch - Türkisch
zıt olmak
contrary to
hilafına olarak
contrary to
in tersine
contrary to
-in aksine
contrary to
in aksine
contrary to

Beklentilerin tersine onlar kolaylıkla kazandı. - Contrary to expectations, they won with ease.

be contrary to
-e zıt olmak, -e ters düşmek
contrary to
-in tersine/aksine
contrary to
(Fiili Deyim ) zıt olmak , ters olmak
contrary to
(Hukuk) aykırı

Sonuç onun beklentilerine aykırıydı. - The result was contrary to his expectations.

Onun söylediği gerçeğe aykırıdır. - What he has said is contrary to fact.

to be contrary
aykırı olmak
Englisch - Englisch

Definition von to be contrary to im Englisch Englisch wörterbuch

Contrary to
contrary to
as opposed to, counter to
to be contrary to


    to be con·tra·ry to

    Türkische aussprache

    tı bi kıntreri tı


    /tə bē kənˈtrerē tə/ /tə biː kənˈtrɛriː tə/


    ... really thinks that they run contrary to their interests, and even if the computer that they're ...