to balkanize

listen to the pronunciation of to balkanize
Englisch - Türkisch
birbirlerine düşman olan muhtelif ufak devletlere bölmek
(fiil) balkanlaştırmak
{f} balkanlaştırmak
Englisch - Englisch
To break up into small, mutually hostile political units
divide a territory into small, hostile states
{f} partition an area or territory into many small states that are frequently engaged in hostilities against one another (also balkanise)
to balkanize


    to Bal·kan·ize

    Türkische aussprache

    tı bôlkınayz


    /tə ˈbôlkəˌnīz/ /tə ˈbɔːlkəˌnaɪz/