to avow

listen to the pronunciation of to avow
Englisch - Englisch
To declare openly and boldly, as something believed to be right; to own, acknowledge or confess frankly

Vito avowed to take revenge on the man who murdered his father.

to declare openly
{v} to justify, own, acknowledge
to declare or affirm solemnly and formally as true; "Before God I swear I am innocent"
If you avow something, you admit it or declare it. a public statement avowing neutrality. to make a public statement about something you believe in (avouer, from advocare; ADVOCATE)
To declare openly, as something believed to be right; to own or acknowledge frankly; as, a man avows his principles or his crimes
{f} declare; acknowledge; confess
To acknowledge and justify, as an act done
A vow or determination
To state in a positive manner
To bind, or to devote, by a vow
admit openly and bluntly; make no bones about
to avow