to argue or compete without regard to one's actions or feelings

listen to the pronunciation of to argue or compete without regard to one's actions or feelings
Englisch - Englisch
gloves are off

The gloves are off in this match; both teams are purposefully committing fouls against opposing players!'.

to argue or compete without regard to one's actions or feelings


    to ar·gue or com·pete with·out re·gard to one's actions or feelings

    Türkische aussprache

    tı ärgyu ır kımpit wîdhaut rıgärd tı wʌnz äkşınz ır filîngz


    /tə ˈärgyo͞o ər kəmˈpēt wəᴛʜˈout rəˈgärd tə ˈwənz ˈaksʜənz ər ˈfēləɴɢz/ /tə ˈɑːrɡjuː ɜr kəmˈpiːt wɪðˈaʊt rəˈɡɑːrd tə ˈwʌnz ˈækʃənz ɜr ˈfiːlɪŋz/