this must not happen in future at any cost

listen to the pronunciation of this must not happen in future at any cost
Englisch - Deutsch
Das hat in Zukunft tunlichst zu unterbleiben
this must not happen in future at any cost


    this must not hap·pen in fu·ture at a·ny cost

    Türkische aussprache

    dhîs mʌst nät häpın în fyuçır ät eni kôst


    /ᴛʜəs ˈməst ˈnät ˈhapən ən ˈfyo͞oʧər ˈat ˈenē ˈkôst/ /ðɪs ˈmʌst ˈnɑːt ˈhæpən ɪn ˈfjuːʧɜr ˈæt ˈɛniː ˈkɔːst/