
listen to the pronunciation of they've
Englisch - Türkisch
{k} they have
they've got a terrible smell
onlar çok kötü kokuyor
{z} onlar: So they're saying "If only she were here!" Demek "Keşke burada olsaydı," diyorlar

Onlar yüzme ile ilgililer. - They're interested in swimming.

Onlar sömürgecilikle ilgililer. - They are related to colonization.


İnsanların ne dediği umurumda değil. - I don't care about what they say.

Kesilmiş uzuvları olan insanlar onları hâlâ orada gibi hissetmeye devam ediyor. - People with amputated limbs continue to feel them as if they were still there.


Onlar davetimizi reddetti. - They declined our invitation.

Onların başka şarapları yok. - They have no more wine.


Başardıkları her şey için onu ve Vali Palin'i tebrik ediyorum ve önümüzdeki aylarda bu milletin sözünü yenilemek için onlarla çalışmaya can atıyorum. - I congratulate him and Governor Palin for all they have achieved, and I look forward to working with them to renew this nation's promise in the months ahead.

they say
diyorlar ki
They both talk so much you can´t get a word in edgewise
k. dili Her ikisi o kadar çok konuşuyor ki senin konuşmana hiç fırsat kalmıyor
They left him to sink or swim
Onu kendi kaderine terkettiler
They treated me to a movie
Beni sinemaya götürdüler
they all
onların hepsi
they are as follow
şunlar gibidir
they are french
onlar fransız vardır
they are playing a trick on me.
Çünkü ben bir hüner oynuyorlar
they can
they changed into
onlar dönüşmedi
they eat
they go
onlar gitmek
they have life jackets
onlar can yeleği var
they have my goodwill
onlar benim iyi niyet var
they have read it as well as you
they invited friend and foe.
Onlar dost ve düşman davet etti
they know
they make a pair
Onlar bir çift yapmak
they must
onlar olmalı
they often wait
genellikle bekleyin
they parted
onlar ayrıldılar
they ride
onlar binmek
they say
İnsanlar diyorlar ki... Diyorlar ki
they want
onlar istemek
they were made one
onlar tek yapıldı
They both talk so much
{k} Her ikisi o kadar çok konuşuyor ki senin konuşmana hiç fırsat kalmıyor
They differ in kind
Çeşitleri ayrı
They left him to sink
Onu kendi kaderine terkettiler
They won't come on
Vaktinde gelmezler, gör bak!
they aren't on speaking terms
araları açık
they fit me like a glove
onlar beni tam uyuyorlar
they pinch me
bu ayağımı vuruyor
they saw me
beni gördüler
they saw me
beni görmüşler
they say
derler ki
they say
deniyor ki
they shall apply these provisions from ..
(Avrupa Birliği) bu hükümleri .. den itibaren uygularlar
they shall forthwith inform the commission thereof
(Avrupa Birliği) Komisyonu durumdan derhal haberdar eder
{k} they had
{k} they would
{k} they will
{k} they are
give them an inch and they'll take a mile
(deyim) yüz verirsin astarını isterler
give them an inch and they'll take a mile
(deyim) elimizi verdik kolumuzu kaptırdık
give them an inch and they'll take a mile
(deyim) elini ver kolunu kaptır
where are they
Don't count your chickens before they are hatched
(Atasözü) Dereyi görmeden paçaları sıvama
are they
as they say
Dedikleri gibi
count one´s chickens before they´re hatched
k. dili ayıyı vurmadan postunu satmak
counting eggs before they are laid
dereyi görmeden paçaları sıvamak
don't count your chickens before they hatch
(deyim) Dereyi görmeden paçaları sıvama
don't count your chickens until they're hatched
(deyim) Dereyi görmeden paçaları sıvama
everyone gets what they deserve
(deyim) Ne ekersen onu biçersin
give someone an inch and they'll take a mile
(Atasözü) Elini veren kolunu kaptırır
here they are
Burada bunlar
take things as they are
oldukları gibi şeyler almak
how long will they keep
ne kadar dayanırlar
how long will they keep
(isim) kadar dayanırlar
no matter what they say
eller ne derse dersin
take people as they are
insanları oldukları gibi kabul etmek
what type of music do they play
hangi müzik çalıyorlar
Englisch - Englisch
they have
They've is the usual spoken form of `they have', especially when `have' is an auxiliary verb. The worst thing is when you call friends and they've gone out. Contraction of they have. the short form of 'they have'
{i} verb used together with another verb to express past tense; they possess
the bigger they are, the harder they fall
The larger something is, the more disastrous and spectacular its downfall
the more things change, the more they stay the same
A proverb making the observation that turbulent changes do not affect reality on a deeper level other than to cement the status quo
A group of people or objects previously mentioned

I have a Ford Focus and a Toyota Corolla, but they are both broken..

People; some people; someone

They should do something about this.

A single person, previously mentioned, but of unknown or irrelevant gender

If there be found among you, within any of thy gates which the LORD thy God giveth thee, man or woman, that hath wrought wickedness in the sight of the LORD thy God, in transgressing his covenant, nd hath gone and served other gods, and worshipped them, either the sun, or moon, or any of the host of heaven, which I have not commanded; nd it be told thee, and thou hast heard of it, and enquired diligently, and, behold, it be true, and the thing certain, that such abomination is wrought in Israel: hen shalt thou bring forth that man or that woman, which have committed that wicked thing, unto thy gates, even that man or that woman, and shalt stone them with stones, till they die.

they two
third person dual pronoun
They would
They had
they would have; they would’ve; they woulda

If Jones hadn't been sent off for a foul, they'd've won easily.

they will
they shall
they are
Contraction of they is

They's gonna have breakfas' now.

{p} persons or things at large
The plural of he, she, or it
the bigger they come the harder they fall
people in important positions lose more when they become unsuccessful and fail, the more powerful and affluent people are the more they suffer when they lived through defeat and disaster
vagueness You use they in expressions such as `they say' or `they call it' to refer to people in general when you are making general statements about what people say, think, or do. They say there's plenty of opportunities out there, you just have to look carefully and you'll find them
They is a third person plural pronoun. They is used as the subject of a verb
They is never used adjectively, but always as a pronoun proper, and sometimes refers to persons without an antecedent expressed
pron. 3rd person plural pronoun used to replace names of people or things
You use they to refer to a group of people, animals, or things. The two men were far more alike than they would ever admit People matter because of what they are, not what they have
You use they instead of `he or she' to refer to a person without saying whether that person is a man or a woman. Some people think this use is incorrect. The teacher is not responsible for the student's success or failure. They are only there to help the student learn
they are the ones
they themselves, them and no others, they are solely responsible
they had something going
they were involved with each other, they had an affair, they were involved in a love story
they say
people generally say
they that sow in tears shall reap in joy
those who suffer by working hard will reap the rewards of this in later life
They'd is a spoken form of `they had', especially when `had' is an auxiliary verb. They'd both lived in this road all their lives
{f} verb used together with another verb to express past tense
{f} verb used together with another verb to express future tense
They'd is a spoken form of `they would'. He agreed that they'd visit her after they stopped at Jan's for coffee
They'll is the usual spoken form of `they will'. They'll probably be here Monday and Tuesday. Contraction of they will. the short form of 'they will'
{i} verb used together with another verb to express future tense
{i} they exist, they live, they occupy a certain position, they exist in a certain state
They're is the usual spoken form of `they are'. People eat when they're depressed. Contraction of they are. the short form of 'they are'
things are not always what they seem
don't judge a book by its cover, the interior is more important than the exterior appearance, outer appearances can be deceiving
things aren't always what they seem
don't judge a book by its cover, the interior is more important than the exterior appearance, outer appearances can be deceiving
things as they are
things as they currently lie, the situation as is
as they say
A vague invocation of popular convention when introducing a phrase or expression, which may be accompanied by attribution to a source or locale in which the phrase or expression is used
don't count your chickens before they're hatched
You should not count on something before it happens
if pigs had wings they would fly
Expresses speakers skepticism toward a hypothetical argument by another
kick someone when they are down
To make things worse for someone who is going through a difficult time
singular they
The use of they to agree to with a singular antecedent as in the sentence "Everyone said they knew what they were doing."
take things as they come
To accept and deal with events as they occur, with a composed state of mind

He also urges Louie: “Take things as they come and keep smiling. Keep your spirits up, my dear. Be of good cheer and all will be well.”.

you know what they say
Used to introduce, or alluding to, an apt adage

You know what they say about men with big feet, don't ya? A man in back smirked at me. I really didn't know what to say. I had heard the saying about men with big feet were supposed to be well hung, but I had no idea what would happen if I said something.

Happy are they that dwell in Thy house
first verse of a Jewish prayer
are they
Really? , Indeed?
as they say
as people say, as the saying goes, according to the saying
blessed are they that dwell in thy house
they that dwell in the presence of God are truly blessed (Biblical)
can two walk together except they be agreed?
two people cannot work together unless they are in agreement
count your chickens before they hatch
plan your future according to events that may or may not take place, depend on something whose outcome is uncertain
do not count your chickens before they are hatched
do not spend your money before you win the lottery, do not feel victorious before you undertake the challenge
don't count your chickens before they hatch
don't plan your future according to events that may or may not take place, don't depend on something whose outcome is uncertain, do not count on things too soon particularly if you don't have them yet
don't count your chickens before they're hatched
{f} don't plan your future according to events that may or may not take place, don't depend on something whose outcome is uncertain, do not count on things too soon particularly if you don't have them yet
here they are
referring to the location of more than one person
let the chips fall where they may
never mind the results; do something regardless of the consequences
remained as they were
did not change, stayed as they were
saw things as they were
saw everything for what it really was
take things as they are
accept the situation as it really is, accept reality
who are they?
who are those people there?, I've never seen them before
Türkisch - Englisch

Definition von they've im Türkisch Englisch wörterbuch

they have
{k} they've

    Türkische aussprache



    /ˈᴛʜāv/ /ˈðeɪv/


    ... team, and they've got some very talented players. ...