the three wise men that met the baby jesus at the epiphany

listen to the pronunciation of the three wise men that met the baby jesus at the epiphany
Englisch - Türkisch

Definition von the three wise men that met the baby jesus at the epiphany im Englisch Türkisch wörterbuch

(isim) Mecusiler
Englisch - Englisch
the three wise men that met the baby jesus at the epiphany


    the three wise men that met the ba·by Je·sus at the E·piph·a·ny

    Türkische aussprache

    dhi thri wayz men dhıt met dhi beybi cizıs ät dhi îpîfıni


    /ᴛʜē ˈᴛʜrē ˈwīz ˈmen ᴛʜət ˈmet ᴛʜē ˈbābē ˈʤēzəs ˈat ᴛʜē əˈpəfənē/ /ðiː ˈθriː ˈwaɪz ˈmɛn ðət ˈmɛt ðiː ˈbeɪbiː ˈʤiːzəs ˈæt ðiː ɪˈpɪfəniː/