the meeting is tentatively scheduled for thursday

listen to the pronunciation of the meeting is tentatively scheduled for thursday
Englisch - Deutsch
Die Besprechung ist vorläufig für Donnerstag angesetzt
the meeting is tentatively scheduled for thursday


    the meet·ing I·s tentatively scheduled for Thurs·day

    Türkische aussprache

    dhi mitîng îz tentıtîvli skeculd fôr thırzdi


    /ᴛʜē ˈmētəɴɢ əz ˈtentətəvlē ˈskeʤo͞old ˈfôr ˈᴛʜərzdē/ /ðiː ˈmiːtɪŋ ɪz ˈtɛntətɪvliː ˈskɛʤuːld ˈfɔːr ˈθɜrzdiː/