Wer diesen Bericht liest, erhält alle Angaben, die erforderlich sind, um die Fakten selbst zu prüfen.
- The one who reads this report obtains all statements that are necessary to be able to check the facts by himself.
Das sind die Fakten. Denkt mal darüber nach!
- These are the facts. Think hard about them!
Der Sachverhalt entspricht nicht Ihrer Vermutung.
- The facts don't correspond with your assumption.
Puede que ella conozca los hechos.
- She may know the facts.
Queremos saber los hechos.
- We want to know the facts.
Eu conheço muito bem os fatos.
- I know the facts well enough.
Ele reuniu todos os fatos antes de fazer perguntas na reunião.
- He armed himself with all the facts before asking questions at the meeting.
Je ne discute pas les faits que vous présentez mais seulement les conclusions que vous en tirez.
- I don't dispute the facts you've presented but only the conclusion you draw from them.
Je connais suffisamment les faits.
- I know the facts well enough.
La storia non coincide con i fatti.
- The story is not in accord with the facts.
I fatti dimostrarono che le nostre preoccupazioni non erano necessarie.
- The facts proved that our worries were unnecessary.