the gods

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Englisch - Englisch

Definition von the gods im Englisch Englisch wörterbuch

The God
(Informal) second floor of an auditorium; first seating raised-balcony above ground level in a theater or opera house; dress circle
plural of god
Among the gods In the uppermost gallery of a theatre, which is near the ceiling, generally painted to resemble the sky The French call this celestial region paradis Dead gods The sepulchre of Jupiter is in Candia Esculapius was killed with an arrow The ashes of Venus are shown in Paphos Hercules was burnt to death (Ignatius ) Triple gods (See Trinity )
Most scholars think that Homer's post-Mycenaean audience did believe in the existence of the gods described in the Iliad, although they did not perhaps stand in very profound awe of them and were not terribly superstitious; on the one hand, the gods (especially Zeus) were believed to hold the power of determining an impersonal "fate" for humans, but, one the other, even Zeus himself was subject to, and struggled with, fate; S
the gods

    Türkische aussprache

    dhi gädz


    /ᴛʜē ˈgädz/ /ðiː ˈɡɑːdz/


    ... gods.  And in fact, they get their energy from the continuum.  What is the continuum? ...
    ...  We would view them as gods, like in Greek mythology.  Zeus could control objects around ...