the fact that it is more expensive doesn't mean that it is superior

listen to the pronunciation of the fact that it is more expensive doesn't mean that it is superior
Englisch - Deutsch
Nur weil es teurer ist, muss es deswegen nicht besser sein
the fact that it is more expensive doesn't mean that it is superior


    the fact that it I·s more ex·pen·sive does·n't mean that it I·s su·pe·ri·or

    Türkische aussprache

    dhi fäkt dhıt ît îz môr îkspensîv dʌzın min dhıt ît îz supîriır


    /ᴛʜē ˈfakt ᴛʜət ət əz ˈmôr əkˈspensəv ˈdəzən ˈmēn ᴛʜət ət əz so͞oˈpərēər/ /ðiː ˈfækt ðət ɪt ɪz ˈmɔːr ɪkˈspɛnsɪv ˈdʌzən ˈmiːn ðət ɪt ɪz suːˈpɪriːɜr/