the explosion of a bomb or similar weapon in the air rather than on the ground

listen to the pronunciation of the explosion of a bomb or similar weapon in the air rather than on the ground
Englisch - Englisch
the explosion of a bomb or similar weapon in the air rather than on the ground


    the ex·plo·sion of a bomb or si·mi·lar weap·on in the A·ir rath·er than on the ground

    Türkische aussprache

    dhi îksplōjın ıv ı bôm ır sîmılır wepın în dhi er rädhır dhın ôn dhi graund


    /ᴛʜē əkˈsplōᴢʜən əv ə ˈbôm ər ˈsəmələr ˈwepən ən ᴛʜē ˈer ˈraᴛʜər ᴛʜən ˈôn ᴛʜē ˈground/ /ðiː ɪkˈsploʊʒən əv ə ˈbɔːm ɜr ˈsɪməlɜr ˈwɛpən ɪn ðiː ˈɛr ˈræðɜr ðən ˈɔːn ðiː ˈɡraʊnd/