term life insurance

listen to the pronunciation of term life insurance
Englisch - Türkisch

Definition von term life insurance im Englisch Türkisch wörterbuch

term insurance
(Ticaret) vadeli sigorta
Englisch - Englisch

Definition von term life insurance im Englisch Englisch wörterbuch

term insurance
Protection during limited number of years; expiring without value if the insured survives the stated period, which may be one or more years but usually is five to twenty years, because such periods usually cover the needs for temporary protection
term insurance
Insurance for a specified term providing for no payment to the insured except upon losses during the term, and becoming void upon its expiration
term insurance
Life insurance under which the benefit is payable only if the insured dies during a specified period See also convertible term insurance, credit life insurance, decreasing term insurance, deposit term insurance, family income insurance, increasing term insurance, level term insurance, mortgage redemption insurance, and renewable term insurance
term insurance
The simplest and least expensive kind of life insurance, term provides protection for a specific period of time
term insurance
Life insurance under which the benefit is payable only if the insured dies during a specified period If the insured survives beyond that period, coverage ceases The type of policy does not build up any cash or nonforfeiture values
term insurance
Life insurance that does not build up cash value and where the premium normally increases as the insured gets older
term insurance
Term life insurance is life insurance coverage at a guaranteed rate for a specified period of time (Example: 30 year level term would guarantee a level premium for 30 years based on a specified death benefit) Term life insurance is usually the least expensive form of life coverage
term insurance
The type of Life Insurance policy that provides protection only for a specified period of time A common policy period would be one year, five years, 10 years, or until the insured reaches age 65 or 70 It does not build up any of the nonforfeiture values associated with Whole Life policies Contrast with Whole Life Insurance (LI)
term insurance
Type of life insurance that provides temporary protection for a specified number of years
term insurance
Provides a death benefit only, no build up of cash value
term insurance
Insurance providing coverage for losses to the insured during a stated period but becoming void upon its expiration
term insurance
A no-nonsense life insurance plan that calls for low annual payments ("premiums") that will increase as you get older See also Whole life insurance
term insurance
A type of life insurance policy that covers only a specified period of time, rather than the whole or remainder of the insured's life Often that period of time is a set number of years, such as 1, 10, or 20 years At other times, the policy is written for a term that expires at a specified age, for example when the insured turns 65
term insurance
provides policyholder with protection only The policy is designed pay out if the policyholder dies within the specified number of years (the term) If you live beyond the term you do not receive any payment This is thought to be the cheapest type of insurance
term insurance
Term insurance is life insurance that is in force for a specific time period, or term It expires without value if the insured survives the time period specified
term insurance
A plan of insurance that covers the insured for only a certain period of time not for his or her entire life The certificate pays a death benefit only if the insured dies during the term
term insurance
A type of insurance that is in force for a specified period of time
term insurance
Insurance that covers the insured for a certain period of time known as the "term " The policy pays death benefits only if the insured dies during the term, which can be one, five, 10 or even 20 years
term insurance
Life insurance payable to a beneficiary only when an insured dies within a specified period
term insurance
Life insurance under which the death benefit is payable only if the insured dies during a specified period of time Term insurance policies do not build up cash value, but they may offer conversion and renewable features
term insurance
Life insurance policy that does not build up cash value and where the premium normally increases as the insured gets older
term insurance
Provides a death benefit only, no build-up of cash value
term insurance
The type of life insurance that provides protection for a specified period of time  It usually has no real cash build up
term insurance
The type of Life Insurance that is quoted by InstantQuote It is the type of life insurance that provides protection for a specified period of time InstantQuote quotes 5 year, 10 year, 15 year, 20 year, 25 year and 30 year term It usually has no real cash build up
term insurance
low-cost insurance that is valid only for a stated period of time and has no cash surrender value or loan value; "term insurance is most often associated with life insurance policies"
term insurance
Life insurance providing a death benefit for a limited period of time on the life of the insured and expiring without value after the stated period
term life insurance


    term life insur·ance

    Türkische aussprache

    tırm layf înşûrıns


    /ˈtərm ˈlīf ənˈsʜo͝orəns/ /ˈtɜrm ˈlaɪf ɪnˈʃʊrəns/