
listen to the pronunciation of target
Englisch - Türkisch

Ok hedefini ıskaladı. - The arrow missed its target.

Ok hedefine varamadı. - The arrow fell short of the target.

{f} -i hedef almak
{f} -i amaçlamak
hedef göstermek
hedef tahtası
şamar oğlanı
alay konusu kimse/şey
hedef,v.hedefle: n.hedef
on target hedefe yöneltilmiş
tenkide hedef olan kimse
demiryolu makası üzerinde hattın açık veya kapalı olduğunu gösteren işaret
target date hedef edinilen tarih
(Askeri) HEDEF (ABD SAVUNMA BAKANLIĞI, SAVUNMA KURULU): 1. Askeri kuvvetler tarafından ele geçirilmesi veya imha edilmesi planlanan bir coğrafi bölge, kompleks veya tesis. 2. İstihbarattaki kullanımında, istihbarat faaliyetlerinin tevcih edildiği ülke, bölge, tesis, teşkilat veya kişi. 3. İleride ateş açmak amacıyla belirlenen ve numaralanan bir bölge. 4. Topçu desteğindeki kullanımıyla, hedefe isabet eden bir vuruş. Ayrıca bak "objective area"

O, tüfeği aldı ve hedefe nişan aldı. - He picked up the rifle and aimed it at the target.

Bu tabanca ile hedefe nişan al. - Aim at the target with this gun.

hedef almak
target audience
hedef dinleyici
target bearing
(Askeri) hedef kerterizi
target board
hedef tahtası
target complex
(Askeri) hedef kümeleri
target complex
(Askeri) hedef manzumesi
target cost
(Ticaret) standart maliyet
target cost
(Ticaret) hedef maliyet
target group
(Ticaret) hedef kitlesi
target list
(Askeri) hedef listesi
target of opportunity
(Askeri) ani hedef
target organ
(Denizbilim) erekörgen
target program
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) amaç program
target system
(Askeri) hedef sistemi
target theory
(Denizbilim) erekkuram
target acquisition system
hedefleme sistemi
target area
hedef alanı
target company
hedeflenen şirket
target computer
hedef bilgisayar
target date
amaçlanan tarih
target disk
hedef disk
target doppler
hedef dopleri
target drive
hedef sürücü
target heading
hedef yönü
target language
amaç dil
target language
hedef dil
target machine
amaç makine
target price
hedef fiyat
target program
hedef bağdarlama
target program
hedeflenen program
target program
amaç bağdarlama
target range
hedef menzili
target system address
hedef sistem adresi
target capacitance
hedef kapasitesi
target configuration
hedef konfigürasyon, hedef görünüm
target costing
(Ekonomi) Hedef maliyetleme
target customer
Hedef müşteri
target descriptor
Hedef tanımlayıcı
target host
hedef host
target information
hedef bilgi
target listener
hedef dinleyici
target of evaluation
Değerlendirme hedef
target phase
hedef fazi, amaç evresi
target practice
aşk. atış talimi
target system
hedef sistem
target thesaurus
Hedef hazine
Target height
(Tekstil) Hedef yükseklik
target acquisition
(Askeri) HEDEF TESPİTİ: Bir hedefin, bir silahı tesirli şekilde kullanmaya imkan verecek yeterlikteki ayrıntılarıyla keşfi, tanınması ve yerinin tespiti. Ayrıca bakınız: "target analysis"
target acquisition
(Askeri) Hedef tesbiti
target acquisition radar
(Askeri) HEDEF TESPİT RADARI: Gözetleme radarına (surveillance radar) nazaran menzili, genellikle daha kısa olmakla beraber daha sıhhatli olan bir hava savunma topçu radarı. Bu radarın normal görevi; ya tek başına aramak suretiyle ya da gözetleme radarından alacağı talimat üzerine hava hedeflerini bulmak ve bu hedefleri ateş idare radarına devretmektir
target acquisition; target audience; technical arrangement; theater Army
(Askeri) hedef tespiti; hedef kitle; teknik düzenleme; Kara Kuvvetleri harekat alanı
target address
hedef adresi
target allocation
(Askeri) HEDEF TAHSİSİ: Hava savunmada, silahların belirlenmesini takiben, özel bir hedef yada bölgenin belirli bir satıhtan havaya füze birliği veya önleme uçaklarına tahsis edilme işlemi
target analysis
(Askeri) HEDEF ANALİZİ: Muhtemel hedeflerin askeri bakımdan önlemlerini, taarruz önceliklerini ve bunlar üzerinde arzu edilen hasar veya tahribatı sağlamak için gerekli silahları tespit maksadıyla yapılan inceleme. Ayrıca bakınız: "target acquisition"
target angle
(Askeri) mevki açısı
target approach point
(Askeri) HEDEF YAKLAŞMA NOKTASI: Hava ulaştırma harekatında bir seyrüsefer kontrol noktası. Bu nokta üzerine gelen araçlar paraşütle atma veya iniş bölgesi istikametine son dönüşlerini yaparlar. Ayrıca bakınız: "initial point"
target area
(Askeri) ATIŞ BÖLGESİ: Bir silah veya birliğe, ateş altına alması için tahsis edilen bölge
target area base
(Askeri) İKİ NOKTA İLE İLERDEN KESTİRME; KISA BAZ USULÜ KESTİRME: Hedefleri veya kritik noktaları, bir baz hattının mukabil uçlarındaki iki gözetleme noktasından kestirmeye yarayan hat. Ayrı. ca bak. "single station method"
target area designator grid
(Askeri) HEDEF BÖLGESİ BİLDİRME GRİDİ: Hedef bölgelerini tarif etmek için kullanılan ve üzerinde numara ve harfler bulunan grid sistemi. Numaralar 1.000 metrelik bir kareyi; harfler ise numaralı kare dahilindeki 200 metrelik bir kareyi belirtir
target area grid
(Askeri) HEDEF BÖLGESİ ŞEBEKESİ: Fazla sıhhate lüzum olmadığı zaman, süratle nokta tarifinde kullanılan sadeleştirilmiş askeri grid
target area of interest
(Askeri) hedef ilgi alanı
target area survey
(Askeri) HEDEF BÖLGESİ YER ÖLÇMESİ: Toplu yer ölçmesinin, esas itibariyle, hedeflerin ve kritik yerlerin mevkii ile ilgilenen kısmı
target array
(Askeri) HEDEF DÜZENİ ŞEMASI: Belirli bir düşman durumunun, hedef analizinde (target analysis) çıkarılan şematik bir şekli. Hedef düzeni, ya müstakil olarak, ya da bir hedef kıymetlendirme raporuna iliştirilerek kullanılır
target array
(Askeri) Hedef bölgesi işareti
target array
(Askeri) hedef düzen şeması
target audience
target audience description
(Tıp) hedef kitle tanımı
target axis
(Bilgisayar) hedef akslar
target azimuth
(Askeri) hedef açısı
target bearing
(Askeri) HEDEF KERTERİZİ: Hakiki bir hedefin ateş eden bir gemiden olan hakiki pusula açısı
target bulletin
(Askeri) hedef bülteni
target butt
(Askeri) hedef çukuru koruma duvarı
target butt
target car
(Askeri) Bak. "target combat air petrol"
target chart
(Askeri) HEDEF HARİTASI: Bombardıman uçaklarına tahsis edilmiş hedefleri gösteren, büyük ölçekli harita veya kroki. Hedef haritası, bir çeşit hava seyrüsefer haritasıdır. Ayrıca bakınız: "map"
target chart
(Askeri) hedef haritası
target classification
(Askeri) HEDEF SINIRLANDIRMASI: Amfibi görev kuvveti ve unsurlarına yönelttikleri tahdide uygun olarak hedeflerin gruplandırması. D-gününden önce ateş edilmeyecek hedefler ve direk emir verilmemesi halinde imha edilmeyecek hedefler
target combat air patrol
(Askeri) HEDEF MUHAREBE HAVA KARAKOLU: Düşman uçaklarının imha edilmesi amacıyla bir düşman hedef bölgesinde bulundurulan ve amfibi harekatta hedef bölgenin civarında dost kuvvetlerin gemilerini örtmek için kullanılan avcı uçakları devriyesi. Ayrıca bakınız: "combat air patrol"
target complex
(Askeri) HEDEF MANZUMESİ: Coğrafi bakımdan bir bütün olarak kabul edilebilecek, seri halinde hedef kümeleri
target concentration
(Askeri) HEDEF KÜMESİ; HEDEF TOPLULUĞU: Coğrafi bakımdan birbirine yakın hedefler topluluğu. Ayrıca bakınız: "target complex"
target course
(Askeri) HEDEF ROTASI: Hareket halindeki bir hedefin takip ettiği yol. Buna (target course line) da denir
target course
(Askeri) hedef rotası
target course line
(Askeri) HEDEF ROTA HATTI: Bak. "target course"
target current
(Otomotiv) hedef akım
target data
(Askeri) hedef esasları
target data
(Askeri) HEDEF BİLGİLERİ/ESASLARI: Füzeyi hedefe oturtmak için, elektronik bir sıralama cihazına (sequencer) verilmesi gereken, füzenin süratli ve mahreki ile ilgili programlanmış esaslar
target data
(Askeri) hedef bilgileri
target data inventory
(Askeri) HEDEF BİLGİLERİ/ESASLARI ENVANTERİ: Hedef planlama koordinasyonu ve silah kullanımı için, Kurmay Başkanlıkları Kuvvet Komutanlıkları, ve birleşik ve belirli komutanlıkların standartlaştırılmış hedef bilgileri temin eden temel bir hedefleme programı
target data inventory
(Askeri) hedef bilgileri
target data inventory
(Askeri) hedef veri envanteri
target date
(Askeri) bitim tarihi
target date
hedef tarih
target date
beklenen gün
target date
(Askeri) BAŞLANGIÇ TARİHİ; BİTİM TARİHİ: Bir faaliyetin başlaması veya bitirilmesi istenilen tarih
target description
(Askeri) Bak. "description of target"
target description
(Askeri) hedef tanımı
target designating system
(Askeri) HEDEF TANITMA SİSTEMİ: Hedefin bir cihazla belirlenmiş yerini diğer bir cihaza nakletme sistemi
target designation
(Askeri) HEDEF TARİFİ: Bir hedefin bulunduğu yerin, herhangi bir yöntem veya araç ile gösterilmesi veya tarifi. Örneğin, izli mermiler ile bir hedefin bulunduğu yerin gösterilmesi
target designation
(Askeri) Hedef tesbiti
target desired ground zero (DGZ) designator; time definite delivery
(Askeri) hedefe göre istenen yer sıfır numarası belirleyicisi; kesin dağıtım zamanı
target detail
(Askeri) HEDEF POSTASI: Hedef atış eğitimi (target practice) sırasında, hedefleri gözetleyen ve atımlardaki isabet derecesine ait kayıtların tutulmasına yardım eden personel
target diagram
(Bilgisayar) hedef diyagram
target dilemma
(Ticaret) hedef çelişkisi
target director post
(Askeri) HEDEF KOMUTA POSTASI: Taktik hava kontrol sisteminin özel bir kontrol unsuru. Bu unsur hava ikaz hizmeti görmez, fakat her türlü hava şartları altında dost uçakların önceden belirlenmiş hedef koordinatları veya diğer coğrafi mevkiler üzerindeki durumunu tespit için kullanılır
target directory
hedef dizin
target discrimination
(Askeri) HEDEF AYIRMA YETENEĞİ: Bir güdüm sisteminin birden çok hedef bulması halinde, belirli bir hedefe kilitlenip kendisini bu hedefe sevk etme yeteneği
target disk
bilg. hedef disk
target dossiers
(Askeri) HEDEF DOSYALARI: Belirli bir coğrafi bölgeye ait toplanmış hedef istihbaratının konulduğu dosyalar
target draft
(Askeri) hedefin su çekimi
target drone
(Askeri) UZAKTAN KUMANDA MİNYATÜR HEDEF UÇAĞI: Önleme teçhizatı ve yöntemlerini denemek amacıyla hedef olarak kullanılan pilotsuz uçak veya füze
target echo
(Askeri) HEDEF EKOSU: Radar istasyonundan yayınlanıp, bir hava hedefine veya başka bir hedefe çarptıktan sonra tekrar aynı istasyon tarafından alınan radar dalgası
target echo
(Askeri) hedef ekosu
target evaluation
(Askeri) HEDEF KIYMETLENDİRMESİ: Hedeflerin askeri yönden önlemlerini ve birbirine göre taarruz önceliklerini belirlemek bakımından incelenmesi
target file
Hedef dosya
target folders
(Askeri) HEDEF DOSYA ZARFLARI: Belirli bir hedefe karşı girişilecek harekatın planlanması ve icrası için hazırlanmış hedef istihbaratını ve bunlarla ilgili malzemeyi içeren dosya zarfları
target folders
(Askeri) hedef dosya zarfları
target frame
(Askeri) HEDEF ÇERÇEVESİ: Hedefli atış eğitiminde kullanılan, kağıt hedeflerin takıldığı çevre
target grid
(Askeri) hedef gridi
target grid
(Askeri) HEDEF GRİDİ (VEYA BOMBARDIMAN DİSKİ): Gözetleyicinin, gözetleyici-hedef hattına nazaran bildirdiği isabet yeri ve düzeltmelerini, top-hedef hattına nazaran düzeltmelere dönüştürmesi için kullanılan alet
target group
hedef kitle
target id
(Bilgisayar) hedef kimlik no
target id
(Bilgisayar) hedef kimliği
target identification
hedef tanilama
target illustration print
(Askeri) HEDEF AÇIKLAMA BASKISI; HEDEF AÇIKLAMA KOPYASI: Belirli bir tesis veya nokta hedefinin, noktasal veya seçilmiş bir bölgenin tek kopyasından, böyle bir tesis veya noktayı en iyi şekilde açıklayan büyütülmüş parça
target indicating system
(Askeri) HEDEF GÖSTERME SİSTEMİ: Bir hava savunma otomatik silahı takip cihazına elverişli bir hedefin yaklaşmasını, bir hedef saf dışı edildikten sonra yeni hedefin yaklaşma istikametini göstermesini sağlayan sistem. Bu sistemin çalışması, takip cihazının silahı gösterilen yöne döndürülmesine ve hedefi yakalayıp takip etmesini gerektirir
target information center
(Askeri) HEDEF HABER TOPLAMA MERKEZİ, YER ÖLÇME HABER MERKEZİ: Sahra topçusu, donanma topçusu ve hava kuvveti gibi destek silahlarına hedef bilgileri toplamak, bu bilgileri kıymetlendirmek, yorumlamak, dağıtmak ve koordine etmek üzere gemide veya kıyıda kurulan istihbarat merkezi
target information center; toxic industrial chemicals
(Askeri) hedef bilgi merkezi; toksik endüstri kimyasalları
target information report
(Askeri) hedef bilgi raporu
target information sheet
(Askeri) HEDEF BİLGİ KAĞIDI, HEDEFİN KISA TARİFİ: Açıklayıcı hedef bilgilerini tamamlar. Hedef bilgi kağıdı, hedefin teknik ve fiziksel özelliklerini tam yeri hakkında detayları, tertibini önemini ve alçaktan uçan bir uçak için muhtemel engellerini içermelidir
target intelligence
(Askeri) Hedef istihbaratı
target intelligence
(Askeri) HEDEF İSTİHBARATI: Bir hedef veya hedef manzumesinin ana kısımlarını açıklayan, yerlerini belirten ve savunmasız kısımlarını ve nisbi önemini gösteren istihbarat
target intelligence officer
(Askeri) hedef istihbarat subayı
target intelligence package
(Askeri) hedef istihbarat paketi
target language
{i} öğrenilecek dil
target language
(isim) öğrenilecek dil
target length
(Askeri) hedef uzunluğu
target length
(Askeri) HEDEF UZUNLUĞU; HEDEF BOYU: Nişan alındığı zaman veya silah ateşlendiği anda hedefin nişancı veya gözetleyici tarafından görünen uzunluğu. Hedef uzunluğu; hareketli hedeflere nişan alırken silaha verilecek önlemeyi hesaplamakta birim olarak kullanılabilir
target length
(Askeri) hedef boyu
target list
(Askeri) (NATO) HEDEF LİSTESİ: Bilgi ve ateş desteği planlama amacıyla herhangi bir kademede bulundurulan teyit edilmiş muhtelif hedeflerin listesi
target list
(Askeri) HEDEF LİSTESİ (ABD SAVUNMA BAKANLIĞI, SAVUNMA KURULU): Komutanlığın üst kademesi tarafından saklanan ve neşredilen hedefler listesi. Bu liste, planlama veya bilgi amacıyla herhangi bir kuvvetin elinde bulundurulan doğrulanmış, muhtemel veya mümkün hedeflerle ilgili "list of targets" (hedefler listesi) nden farklı olarak destek silahları tarafından vurulacak olan hedefleri içerir
target locating instrument
(Askeri) HEDEF KESTİRME CİHAZI: Bak "track"
target location error
(Askeri) hedef tespit hatası
target materials
(Askeri) HEDEF İSTİHBARAT MALZEMESİ: Bir veya daha çok silah sisteminin belirli hedeflere karşı faaliyetini desteklemek üzere grafik, metin, çizelge vesaire halinde hazırlanmış hedef istihbarat örnekleri. Hedef istihbarat malzemeleri eğitim, planlama ve icra çalışmalarıyla bunların değerlendirilmesinde kullanılmaya uygundur
target materials program; telecommunications management program; theater manpowe
(Askeri) hedef materyal programı; telekomünikasyon yönetim programı; harekat alanı insangücü kuvvetleri
target monitor
(Bilgisayar) hedef monitör
target nomination list
(Askeri) önerilen hedef listesi
target nucleus
(Nükleer Bilimler) hedef çekirdek
target number
(Askeri) hedef numarası
target number
(Askeri) (ARTILLERY) HEDEF NUMARASI (TOPÇUDA): Ateş idare birliği tarafından hedefe verilen tanıtma numarası
target of opportunity
(Askeri) ANİ HEDEF (FIRSAT HEDEFİ) (NATO): Muharebe sırasında ortaya çıkan ve karadan, denizden ve havadan ateş edilebilen ve ateşin önceden planlamadan yapıldığı bir hedef. Aynı zamanda "opportunıty target"da denir
target of opportunity
(Askeri) Fırsat hedefi
target offset
(Askeri) HEDEF AÇISI: Hedef top hattı ile hedeften gözetleme yerine çekilen bir hat arasında hedefte oluşan yatay açı bak "angle of T "
target offset
(Askeri) hedef açısı
target opportunity
(Askeri) ANİ HEDEF (FIRSAT HEDEFİ) (ABD SAVUNMA BAKANLIĞI, SAVUNMA KURULU): 1. Bir satıh veya hava aracı ya da gözetleyici tarafından görülen, mevcut silahların menzili içinde bulunan ve kendisine karşı önceden atış planlanmamış veya ateş isteğinde bulunulmamış hedef. 2. Nükleer-önceden dikkate alınmayan, analiz edilmeyen veya planlanmayan bir nükleer taarruz için harekat başladıktan sonra gözlemlenen veya belirlenen hedef. Gerek olarak çok çabuk kaybolacağı için, mümkün olan en kısa sürede, dost birlikler veya uçaklarca koordinasyonu ve yeterli uyarıyı sağladıktan sonra, taarruz gerçekleştirilmelidir
target overlay
(Askeri) hedef minkalesi
target overlay
(Askeri) HEDEF MİNKALESİ: Belirli bir şema, harita, çizim, kestirme veya diğer bir şekildeki kağıdın üzerine koyulduğunda hedef yerlerini belirleyen şeffaf bir alet. Hedef minkalesi manevra elemanları, hedefler ve ileri dost mevzilerin sınırlarını da gösterebilir
target path
hedef yol
target pattern
(Askeri) hedef rotası
target pattern
(Askeri) HEDEF ROTASI: Taarruz sırasında uçağın izlediği rota. Ayrıca "attack pattern" da denir
target phase
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) amaç evresi
target phase
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) hedef fazı
target pit
(Askeri) HEDEF ÇUKURU: Bak "pit"
target plans and operations
(Askeri) hedef planları ve harekat
target plotter
(Askeri) HEDEF İŞARETLEYİCİ: Hareket halindeki bir hedefin takip ettiği yolu işaretleyen kimse
target plotter
(Askeri) hedef işaretleyicisi
target practice
(Askeri) HEDEFLİ ATIŞ EĞİTİMİ: Bir eğitim hedefine nişan alma ve atışı ihtiva eden herhangi bir çalışma. Bu terim, genellikle silahlar için kullanılmakla beraber, bazen ışıldak ve sualtı mayın eğitimi içinde kullanılır. "range practice (ders atışı) ". "practice fire (atış tatbikatı) ". "combat firing practice (muharebe atış tatbikatı) " birer hedefli atış eğitimidir
target practice
atış talimi
target practice ammunition
(Askeri) HEDEFLİ ATIŞ EĞİTİMİ MÜHİMMATI: Bak "target practice projectile"
target practice projectile
(Askeri) HEDEFLİ ATIŞ EĞİTİMİ MERMİSİ: Hakiki mermi ile aynı boy, biçim ve ağırlıkta olan, demir ve kumla doldurulmuş eğitim mermisi. Bu mermilerin bazıları tesirsizdir, bazılarında duman maddesi vardır
target pricing
(Ticaret) hedef fiyat belirleme
target priority
(Askeri) HEDEF ÖNCELİĞİ: Belirli bir taarruz sırasına göre hedeflerin gruplanması veya sıralanması
target product
(Bilgisayar) hedef ürün
target program
hedef program,hedeflenen program
target range
poligon, atış yeri
target range
(Askeri) ATIŞ YERİ: Hedeflere atış eğitimi için gerekli malzeme ile teçhiz edilmiş ve bu maksat için hazırlanmış saha. Bu anlamda "practice range" ve "range" de denir
target recognition attack multisensor
(Askeri) hedef tanıma taarruz çoklu sensörü
target response
(Askeri) (NUCLEAR) HEDEF TEPKİ DERECESİ (NÜKLEER): Bir nükleer silah infilakının meydana getirdiği blast, ısı, ışık ve nükleer radyasyonun insanlar, malzeme ve teçhizat üzerindeki etkisi
target return
(Ticaret) hedeflenen gelir oranı
target sectors
(Eğitim) hedef sektörler
target selection confusion of the operator; top secret control officer
(Askeri) operatörün hedef seçimini şaşırtması; çok gizli evrak kontrol subayı
target selector
(Askeri) HEDEF SEÇİCİ: Hem hedef tanıtma sistemi (target designating system), hem hedef gösterme sistemi (target indicating system) in ana parçası. Bu parça; ilk veya yeni hedefin seçilmesi maksadıyla imal edilen ve ayrı taşınan bir gözetleme aletidir. Alet, aşağıdaki iki işi yapacak şekilde, silahın mesnedine bir elektrik tertibatı ile bağlanmıştır. a. Hedef tanıtma sisteminin bir parçası olduğu zaman; silahı, seçilmiş bir hedefin ortalama istikamet ve yükseliş açısına çevirmek; b. hedef gösterme sisteminin bir parçası olduğu zaman; takip cihazı (tracker) 'na seçilmiş bir hedefin yaklaşma istikametinin bir belirtisini vermek
target setting
(Bilgisayar) hedef ayarı
target sheet
(Askeri) hedef kağıdı
target sheet
(Askeri) HEDEF KAĞIDI: Tüfekte atışta kullanılmak üzere bir hedef çerçevesine yapıştırılan ve hedef şeklini ihtiva eden kağıt
target sled
(Askeri) HEDEF KIZAĞI: Kablo ile çekilen bir kızak. Bu kızak, atış yerinde müteharrik bir hedefi taşımak için kullanılır
target sled
(Askeri) hedef kızağı
target status board
(Askeri) HEDEF DURUM LEVHASI: Müşterek harekat merkezi hava şubesi tarafından tutulan bir duvar haritası. Bu harita üzerinde hedeflerin listesi, yerleri, yapılacak işin öncelik derecesi ve safhası bulunur. Ayrıca tahrip için tavsiye edilen silah ve tapa cinsleri de dahil edilebilir
target system
(Askeri) HEDEF SİSTEMİ: Tahrip edilmeleri, taarruz eden tarafın arzu ettiği bazı belirli etkileri meydana getirecek derecede birbiriyle münasebetli bir hedef topluluğu
target system analysis; theater storage area; travel security advisory
(Askeri) hedef sistem analizi; harekat alanı depolama yeri; seyahat güvenlik danışmanı
target system component
(Askeri) HEDEF SİSTEMİ ANA UNSURU: Bir nihai maddenin, periskop gibi ana parçalarını veya birbirleriyle ilgili bir seri maddeden, uçak benzini gibi bir tekini imal için gerekli bir veya daha çok endüstri grubuna ve temel kamu tesisine ait bir hedef grubu
target text
erek metin
target theory
(Nükleer Bilimler) (hit theory) hedef teorisi (çarpma teorisi)
target tracing
(Askeri) hedef izleme
target tracing
(Askeri) hedef takibi
target tracking radar
(Askeri) HEDEF TAKİP RADARI: Bir silah sisteminin önemli bir kısmı olan ve hedef takibinde kullanılan hassas bir takip radarı. Bu radarın vazifesi; komutalı güdüm sisteminde kullanıldığı zaman, hesap cihazına (computer), hedef mevkii ile ilgili bilgileri vermektir. Hüzme ile güdüm sisteminde ise, füzenin kendi üzerindeki hesap cihazı ile hedefe sevkine imkan verecek koordinat bilgisi verir. Bu radar ayrıca, yarı aktif homing güdümünden faydalanan bir füze sisteminde hedefi aydınlatmaya yarar
target tray of tape
(Askeri) HEDEF BANDI: Bir füzeye, fırlatma noktasından hedefe, gerekli uçuş yolunu takip etmesi imkanı veren bilgiyi ihtiva eder bir füze ana unsuru
target types
(Askeri) hedef türleri
Englisch - Englisch
A butt or mark to shoot at, as for practice, or to test the accuracy of a firearm, or the force of a projectile

Take careful aim at the target.

A goal or objective

They have a target to finish the project by November.

A kind of small shield or buckler, used as a defensive weapon in war

These four came all afront, and mainly thrust at me. I made me no more ado but took all their seven points in my target, thus.

The translated version of a document, or the language into which translation occurs

Do you charge by source or target?.

The tenor of a metaphor
The pattern or arrangement of a series of hits made by a marksman on a butt or mark

He made a good target.

To aim for as an audience or demographic

The advertising campaign targeted older women.

A conspicuous disk attached to a switch lever to show its position, or for use as a signal
the number of runs that the side batting last needs to score in the final innings in order to win
A shield resembling the Roman scutum. In modern usage, a smaller variety of shield is usually implied by this term

The target or buckler was carried by the heavy armed foot, it answered to the scutum of the Romans; its form was sometimes that of a rectangular parallelogram, but more commonly had its bottom rounded off; it was generally convex, being curved in its breadth.

To aim something, especially a weapon, at (a target)
The sliding crosspiece, or vane, on a leveling staff
{n} a kind of buckler or shield
A SCSI device that executes a command from an initiator to perform a task Typically a SCSI peripheral device is the target but a host adapter may, in some cases, be a target
General name given to the information which it is hoped the the receiver/percipient will gain access to through psi For example, the target in a Ganzfeld ESP study would be the video clip which the sender is watching
{f} aim at something; direct toward; intend to achieve
An object, for which the form is created, or a feature of the object, to which the widget is bound
Trans-European Automated Real-time Gross settlement Express Transfer system A payment system denominated in euros, composed of one RTGS system in each of the countries which participate in Stage Three of EMU and the ECB payment mechanism RTGS systems of non-participating EU members may also be connected, provided that they are able to process the euro alongside their national currency
the goal intended to be attained (and which is believed to be attainable); "the sole object of her trip was to see her children"
A method of referring to some part of the file being edited
A thin cut; a slice; specif
A blueprint for building a product from specified files in your project It consists of a list of the necessary files and specifications on how to build them Some common types of targets build frameworks, libraries, applications, and command-line tools
There are 4 pre-defined targets: blank (new window), self (current frame), parent (open in parent frame), top (topmost frame) For example, suppose the target is set to blank (new window), then the browser will open a new window to display the advertiser's URL, when the banner is clicked
the location of the target that is to be hit intend (something) to move towards a certain goal; "He aimed his fists towards his opponent's face"; "criticism directed at her superior"; "direct your anger towards others, not towards yourself
A target is a display placed in front of a test subject during a neurosensory experiment This target usually has several LEDs (small lights called light emitting diodes) spread over the display When one of the LEDs lights up, the test subject has to point to it with a laser beam The laser itself is fixed on the forehead or on top of the head of the test person, so he/she has to move the head to point to the target These types of experiments are used to determine reaction time and coordination
sports equipment consisting of an object set up for a marksman or archer to aim at a reference point to shoot at; "his arrow hit the mark"
an interval on the Y axis of a chart equivalent to the measurement distance of a pattern indicating the price of a stock or the level of and index which may be expected as the minimum change following a breakout from a valid geometric pattern
(n ) a named specified in a type declaration statement containing the TARGET attribute, a data object created by an ALLOCATE statement for a pointer, or a subobject of such an object
{i} board marked with concentric circles used by a marksman or archer to aim at; mark, objective, aim, object, goal; goal or situation one intends to achieve
A performance characteristic Used to gauge performance in the short term Calculated from the corresponding driving factor values, usually using a model which assesses performance against the best achieved in the past (more)
The pattern or arrangement of a series of hits made by a marksman on a butt or mark; as, he made a good target
The budget contract for the operating unit, normally for a one-year time frame, and measured against the actual results
a reference point to shoot at; "his arrow hit the mark"
1 A geographical area, complex, or installation planned for capture or destruction by military forces 2 In intelligence usage, a country, area, installation, agency, or person against which intelligence operations are directed 3 An area designated and numbered for future firing 4 In gunfire support usage, an impact burst which hits the target (Joint Pub 1-02)
If someone or something is on target, they are making good progress and are likely to achieve the result that is wanted. We were still right on target for our deadline
A National Forest's annual goals for accomplishment for natural resource programs Targets represent the commitment the Forest Service has with Congress to accomplish the work Congress has funded, and are often used as a measure of the agency's performance
(Obsolete) A shield resembling the Roman scutum. In modern usage, a smaller variety of shield is usually implied by this term
Common term for the protected learning time (training) sessions, undertaken on one afternoon per month by all practices in the PCG area The term TARGET refers to the original scheme set up by GPs in Doncaster in 1999
An area, complex, installation, force, equipment, capability, function or behavior identified for possible action to support the commander's objectives, guidance, and intent
a person who is the aim of an attack (especially a victim of ridicule or exploitation) by some hostile person or influence; "he fell prey to muggers"; "everyone was fair game"; "the target of a manhunt"
The destination of a connection, specified by node handle and network variable or message tag index Each connection is defined in terms of a hub and a set of targets that connect to the hub For network variable connections, the hub must be either the only input or the only output in the connection For example, if the hub is an output network variable, all the targets in the connection must be input network variables
To aim something (especially a weapon) at a target
A target is something at which someone is aiming a weapon or other object. The missiles missed their target
The target should reflect the optimum place to average the process relative to product and process research The process should have the capability to average a target If not, the 3, 5 and 7 point rules cannot be used without creating overadjustment Each lines' capability may require a unique target in order to use 3, 5 and point control rules for certain variables The target can be fixed, blank or continuously calculated
the location of the target that is to be hit
An address written over a victim in a module during relocation For a dynamic link this is an address, direct, or indirect, of an export from another module See victim
A target is the window or frame which will display the requested web page or results output The default target is the same window the request is made from Target is an attribute of an anchor element
Chronostratigraphic system or lithostratigraphic group which include the rock unit which is the primary target of the well being drilled Seven primary targets are recognized in Ontario
A target is a result that you are trying to achieve. He's won back his place too late to achieve his target of 20 goals this season
the associated file, folder, or URL for a Montage Shortcut or a Windows link When a Montage Shortcut is open, the target window is the one belonging to the external application or form launched by that Shortcut You can examine or change the setting of a Shortcut's target via the Properties dialog
A web site or web-based application that LinkSource can link to The links on Link Source display are the targets
intend (something) to move towards a certain goal; "He aimed his fists towards his opponent's face"; "criticism directed at her superior"; "direct your anger towards others, not towards yourself"
of lamb, a piece consisting of the neck and breast joints
If you target a particular group of people, you try to appeal to those people or affect them. The campaign will target American insurance companies Target is also a noun. Yuppies are a prime target group for marketing strategies
Broad targets which describe the fluctuation of the attributes of an interest feature under prevailing conditions Because all features are subject to some change the targets may express how much change we would accept whilst still considering the feature to be in favourable condition These will serve as a trigger mechanism so that when changes that fall outside the thresholds expressed are observed or measured some further investigation or remedial action is taken
sports equipment consisting of an object set up for a marksman or archer to aim at a reference point to shoot at; "his arrow hit the mark" the location of the target that is to be hit intend (something) to move towards a certain goal; "He aimed his fists towards his opponent's face"; "criticism directed at her superior"; "direct your anger towards others, not towards yourself
To target a particular person or thing means to decide to attack or criticize them. He targets the economy as the root cause of the deteriorating law and order situation. Target is also a noun. In the past they have been the target of racist abuse
A tassel or pendent; also, a shred; tatter
A specific indicator value to be accomplished by a particular date in the future Targets represent commitments signifying what the project intends to achieve in concrete terms, and become the standards against which a project's performance or degree of success will later be judged It is also the specific and intended result to be achieved within an explicit timeframe and against which actual results are compared and assessed
sports equipment consisting of an object set up for a marksman or archer to aim at
{i} cockshot
target audience
The primary group of people that something, usually an advertising campaign, is aimed at appealing to
target cell
an abnormal red blood cell with a ringed appearance, associated with some anemias
target cell
any cell having a specific receptor for an antibody, antigen or hormone
target domain
Within a conceptual metaphor, the conceptual domain that we try to understand in terms of source domain
target group
The primary group of people that something, usually an advertising campaign, is aimed at appealing to
target language
The language into which a translation is done
target language
The machine language into which source code is to be compiled
target languages
plural form of target language
target market
A group of people whose needs and preferences match the product range of a company and to whom those products are marketed
target text
The finished product of a translated text, often abbreviated as TT

tudents in their first year believe that source text and target text should be identical in content, that the TT should be a reproduction of the ST in another language, and that the TT should read well and be understandable.

target costing
(Ekonomi) Target Costing is defined as "a cost management tool for reducing the overall cost of a product over its entire life-cycle with the help of production, engineering, research and design." A target cost is the maximum amount of cost that can be incurred on a product and with it the firm can still earn the required profit margin from that product. It is that estimated cost which enables a firm to remain and compete in the market in the very long-run
Target Acquisition and Designation System
TADS, system in Apache helicopters that locks on to targets and controls laser guidance
Target Market
(Reklam) The market segment or group of customers that a company has decided to serve, and at which it consequently aims its marketing activities
target acquisition system
a shipboard system for the detection and identification and location of a target with enough detail to permit effective weapon employment
target area
target region, region that is the goal
target audience
The profile of most desired consumer products for a product or a service, listed by characteristics such as demography, lifestyle, brand, or media consumption, purchase behavior, etc
target audience
An audience group being targeted by an advertiser, usually in terms of demographics, interests, product purchase behavior, product usage or media usage
target audience
The group of people that a live interpreter addresses Sometimes used (incorrectly) in the sense of target readership
target audience
A specific group of people defined by an advertiser as his potential customers
target audience
The people most likely to buy your product or service, or most interested in the information you provide The more you know about them, and have designed your product or service with them in mind, the easier it will be to sell it to them
target audience
The group of people that an interpreter addresses Used mostly in connection with simultaneous interpreting Sometimes used (incorrectly) in the sense of target readership
target audience
The desired or intended audience for advertising as described or determined by the advertiser Usually defined in terms of specific demographic (age, sex, income, etc ) characteristics
target audience
Is the term usually used to describe groups in the community selected as being the most appropriate (eg; primary purchasers, users or influencers) for a particular advertising campaign or schedule The target audience may be defined in demographic or psychographic terms, or a combination of both
target audience
the intended audience for a particular product/ type of media
target audience
- The consumer group most likely to buy a specific product and identified by region, age, demographics, or economic status The target audience might be as wide as "adults aged 35-54," or as narrow as "female high school prom-goers in Wabash, Indiana " Effective ads are created and placed in media with the target audience clearly in mind
target audience
a particular group for whom a product or service has been designed; often used in the media industries to describe the group of listeners or viewers
target audience
The section of the population that is identified as likely to be most interested in buying or being associated with a product
target audience
The veteran community and DVA providers
target audience
The primary visitors that your Web site addresses It is important to know your who your primary visitor are, so that you build a Web site to meet their needs See more about this is the Target Audience section of this guide
target audience
An identified group of readers who would most likely be interested in a book's particular subject matter
target audience
the group of people that something is trying to get to, those who have a high chance of needing the product
target audience
A group of people within a population that the media agency would like to reach For instance, the "target audience" for PBS's children's programming isn't "everyone"--it's young children and their parents or caregivers Just as common are the audiences targeted, sold and delivered to advertisers by media agencies Groups are targeted on the basis of demographics (age, ethnicity, level of education, income, etc ), media use patterns, zip codes and other factors
target audience
Materials and experiences in workshops have been developed specifically to enhance skills and abilities for these special groups or individuals
target audience
The people to whom advertising for a certain product is directed
target audience
Who are the readers of the newspaper? The editors and journalists must gear themselves towards writing what will interest this population, in order for the newspaper to be successful
target audience
The group to which the advertisement was directed Consumer (average-person types, who go to the stores for the particular items) or Trade (businesses that use this product [i e train engine parts] or would sell this product) Ad*Access contains primarily Consumer advertisements
target audience
the individual, organization, company, or population type you are addressing in your communication or to whom you are targeting your event
target audience
General description of the intended trainee population who will use the IMI product
target audience
is a group of people that is expected to buy a particular product or service For example, the target audience for diapers is mothers and fathers with babies Advertisers and marketers use focus groups to help them determine how to reach their target audience
target audience
A specified audience or demographic group for which an advertising message is designed
target cell
In the goal-seeking operation, the cell that contains the target value, the objective of the goal-seeking
target cell
The cell or cells to which the contents are copied
target cell
an abnormal red blood cell with a ringed appearance; associated with anemia any cell that has a specific receptor for antigen or antibody or hormone
target cell
The cell that a mobile is going to during the hand off process
target cell
A cell whose activity is affected by a particular hormone
target cell
Any cell that a virus can attack
target cell
any cell that has a specific receptor for antigen or antibody or hormone
target cell
an abnormal red blood cell with a ringed appearance; associated with anemia
target company
a company that has been chosen as attractive for takeover by a potential acquirer
target date
A date established as a target or goal, as for the completion of a project
target date
A date by which a particular action (e g application or implementation) is to be achieved In the CIP context required target dates resulting from Ministers, or Project Board decisions were applicable to all ECAC States participating in EATCHIP ; target dates proposed by the Project Leader had to be approved by the Project Board
target date
The expected date at which a member expects the price to reach the target price
target date
The date an activity is desired to be started or completed; accepted as the date generated by the initial CPM schedule operation and resource allocation process
target date
destination time, date which is aimed at
target date
(Ticaret) A projected start or finish date for a project task
target document
OLE document which uses objects from the source document
target frame
The name of a frame in which to display the target page of a hyperlink Typically, a hyperlink from one frame of a frames page will supply as its target frame another frame of the frames page
target frame
The name of a frame in which the target page of a hyperlink is displayed Typically, a hyperlink from one frame of a frames page will supply as its target frame another frame of the frames page See also frame, frames page
target identification
activity that involves distinguishing a target from the other objects surrounding it
target language
{i} object language, language into which another language is to be translated; language that a nonnative person is in the course of learning; (Computer Science) computer language into which something written in another computer language is to be translated
target machine
The CPU that Dynamite is generating code for
target machine
This is the machine the toolchain builds programs for
target machine
The machine on which the target program executes
target market
A group of people for whom a company creates and distributes a specific or series of specific messages to effect a desired consumer action
target market
The audience most likely to produce the best response for a specific mailing or offer
target market
the group whose needs and wants the company wishes to satisfy
target market
A target market is a market in which a company is trying to sell its products or services. We decided that we needed to change our target market from the over-45s to the 35-45s
target market
a fairly homogeneous (similar) group of customers to whom a company wishes to appeal
target market
- Target audience
target market
the specific individuals that you have selected to sell to
target market
A market segment that a company chooses to serve
target market
The group of consumers or potential customers selected for marketing A market segment of consumers
target market
a group or subgroup within a larger market that fit the market characteristics of your customers
target market
The specific individuals, distinguished by socioeconomic, demographic and interest characteristics, who are the most likely potential customers for the goods and services of a business
target market
The target market is a defined segment of the market that is the strategic focus of a business or a marketing plan Normally the members of this segment possess common characteristics and a relative high propensity to purchase a particular product or service Because of this, the member of this segment represent the greatest potential for sales volume and frequency The target market is often defined in terms of geographic, demographic, and psychographic characteristics
target market
The specific group of people that you want to reach, based on demographics and psychographics
target market
The particular segment of a total population on which organizations
target market
A group of individuals whom collectively, are intended recipients of an advertiser's message
target market
A market segment that has high probability for purchasing your product or service, and which you have selected for focused marketing activities
target market
a specific group of customers at which a company aims its products and services
target market
Most likely group determined to have the highest potential for buying a product or service
target market
Group of persons or companies for whom a firm creates and maintains a product or service mix that specifically fits the needs and preferences of that group
target market
A group of people for whom a company creates and maintains a marketing mix that specifically fits the needs and preferences of that group p 21
target market
A set of buyers sharing common needs or characteristics that the company decides to serve
target market
A group of consumers to whom a business will attempt to sell a particular product
target marking
casting illuminating or smoking ammunition at a target in order to indicate the target's location
target observation
line that connects an observer with the target of fire, ranging line
target organ
organ or tissue that is susceptible to a given poison
target organ
The biological organ(s) most adversely effected by exposure to a chemical substance
target organ
(radiology) organ intended to receive the therapeutic dose of a radioactive substance
target organ
An organ or tissue that is the "target" of secretion (hormone) by some endocrine gland
target practice
practice in shooting at targets
target price
Prices established in the 2002 Farm Act used for calculating counter-cyclical payments (CCPs) for wheat, corn, grain sorghum, barley, oats, rice, upland cotton, oilseeds, and peanuts Target prices are fixed for 2002-03 and then raised to fixed level for 2004-07, except for soybeans and rice, which remain at the 2002-03 levels Prior to 1996 target prices were used to calculate deficiency payments
target price
Fixed fee and incentive fee formula A method of pricing in which the contractor is paid costs reasonably and properly incurred as determined by audit, together with an agreed upon fixed fee as profit supplemented by an incentive fee which will be paid to the contractor on any savings achieved between a prescribed target cost and the actual cost as established by audit A target price contract may also include a provision for a ceiling price
target price
a price which is set in order to achieve a set percentage return on investment or a certain level of profit on net sales See Target Return Pricing
target price
The expected price of the stock that the member anticipates on the particular target date
target price
Estimated price for a product (or service) that potential customers will be willing to pay
target price
Used in the context of takeovers, this refers to the price at which an acquirer aims to buy a target firm Used in the context of options, this refers to the price of the underlying security at which an option will become in-the-money Used in the context of stocks, this refers to the price that an investor hopes a stock will reach in a certain time period
target price
In the context of takeovers, the price at which an acquirer aims to buy a target firm In the context of options, the price of the underlying security at which an option will become in the money In the context of stocks, the price that an investor hopes a stock will reach in a certain time period
target price
A price forecast usually projected from the measured move out of a chart pattern
target price
Used only in English auctions, the target price is the minimum price set by the seller, indicating the lowest bid they will accept for their item(s) In the case of a reverse auction, it is the highest price the buyer is willing to accept
target pricing
(Ticaret) Establishing a sales price based on market penetration or price points rather than building from standard cost
target program
machine language that is crated by a compiler
target range
firing range: a practice range for target practice
target spotting
line that connects an observer with the target of fire, ranging line
guided automatically toward the target
tactical target
target that is selected as a result of large-scale strategic considerations
digital target
A computer-generated symbol representing an aircraft's position, based on a primary return or radar beacon reply, shown on a digital display
digitized target
A computer-generated indication shown on an analog display resulting from a primary radar return or a radar beacon
easy target
Anything that is easy to criticize, lampoon etc. without fear of retribution
Away from a target
on target
Accurate, or accurately predicted

The second quartile's figures were right on target.

running target
a standard of performance set by the first place competitor that lower placed competitors try to exceed
running target
a firearms target that is towed across a range as the shooter shoots
running target
a goal that changes as effort is made to reach the goal
soft target
An undefended civilian target attacked by an army, military group or terrorists
Furnished, armed, or protected, with a target
{s} armed with a target, protected with a target; intended to; established as an aim or goal
past of target
The process of creating software modules appropriate for execution on your target system
Using demographics and related information in a customer database to select the most appropriate recipients for a specific e-mail campaign
a means test or a needs test in applied to determine eligibility and benefits are limited to those deemed eligible, based on administrative criteria
Use of computer code to determine the location where a missile will strike Computer code cannot be observed by the adversary and, therefore, it is difficult to verify whether de-targeting pledges have been implemented
The process of teaching your dog to touch and/or follow a target with his nose Simple suggestions for targets that may be useful: Your hand, a target stick, round plastic lids (useful for teaching tricks), a laser beam
Targeting is purchasing ad space on Web sites that match audience and campaign objective requirements Allows advertisers to reach the user that they want to reach out to
Sending the right message to the right recipient at the right time
The control of the distribution of ad creative to only those websites or those users that fit within the particular targeting parameters The depth and breadth of potential targeting parameters is unlimited Targeting has the potential to dramatically improve the advertiser's ROI Typical targeting parameters are: local user time of day, website category, user country, user age, etc
Focusing on a particular group of people who are most likely to buy your products
- The process of specifying software distribution to users and computers During targeting, administrators must determine which software users should get based on the users' specific job requirements
The decision about which market segment(s) a business decides to prioritise for its sales and marketing efforts p 228
Directing an intervention or policy instrument at a group that appears particularly vulnerable to a specific social problem, or to a particular problem Often equated with selectivity and a focus on the poor
The process to detect, select, and prioritize targets; match the appropriate action; and assess the resulting effects based on the commander's objective, guidance, and intent Targeting is both a joint- and component-level command function that selects targets, which meet military objectives; determines desired effects, and selects or tasks the means to achieve those effects
The practice by major campaign contributors of channeling donations to legislators and other elected officials best situated to further the contributors' agendas For example, six of the top 10 U S House recipients of agribusiness contributions in 1994 sat on the House Agriculture Committee, and all of the top 10 U S House and U S Senate recipients of contributions from military contractors sat on committees dealing with military spending
Purchasing ad space that matches audience and campaign objective requirements
The act of directing promotions to the target audience
the allocation of available resources to address particular issues within a priority watershed based on a set of criteria
Targeting is aiming a brand message to a specific audience or audiences, whether very broad (anyone with a TV) or aggressively narrow (female cat-lovers,18-34, in San Francisco)
present participle of target
Process of isolating an audience who is most likely to respond to your advertisement
Requirements of the HOME Program relating to the income or other characteristics of households that may occupy HOME-assisted units
Choosing segments to address based on matching the firm's strengths to the segments that will place the greatest value on these strengths and yield the greatest success
Any method by which an intervention is designed or implemented so that benefits accrue selectively to only a portion of the overall population Targeting can be by geographic concentration, eligibility requirements such as age, sex or health status, or by means tests that assess household income The efficiency of targeting decreases as the proportion of the population that is food insecure increases Targeting generally becomes inefficient when the targeted group comprises 50% or more of the population
The process of selecting targets and matching the appropriate response to them taking account of operational requirements and capabilities (Joint Pub 1-02)
1 The process of selecting targets and matching the appropriate response to them taking account of operational requirements and capabilities 2 The analysis of enemy situations relative to the commander's mission, objectives, and capabilities at the commander's disposal, to identify and nominate specific vulnerabilities that, if exploited, will accomplish the commander's purpose through delaying, disrupting, disabling, or destroying enemy forces or resources critical to the enemy (Joint Pub 1-02)
The process of prioritizing pollutant sources for treatment with BMPs or a specific BMP to maximize the water quality benefit from the implemented BMPs
Tool to Assess Regional and Global Environmental and Health Targets for Sustainability The TARGETS model is being developed by the National Institute for Public Health and Environmental Protection of The Netherlands (RIVM) The TARGETS model is designed to explore both global change and sustainable development by focusing on the long-term, dynamic interaction between human and environmental systems
Objectives that have been broken down into smaller units and restated in numerical terms Topic areas: Staff Development and Organizational Capacity, Accountability and Evaluation, Volunteer Management, Operations Management and Leadership
or quantitative objectives, are measurable conditions to be reached in a defined period of time Targets are generally a compromise or trade off between what is envisioned and what is feasible for an educational program to accomplish
Equity Linked Term Notes issued by Salomon Smith Barney Holdings Inc
Desired value or limits on value of the measures or dimension of performance
Palestinian buildings, homes, offices - What the Israeli military designates as military targets
Third person singular of target
"We have already acknowledged that sustainability is an ethical concept: it is explicitly an expression of the relationship between current and future generations To be useful, sustainability does not require any 'objective' definition of catastrophe It requires only that some answer is given to the question: How much change is acceptable? If a limit to change is set, this limit becomes the sustainability target, and policy can be directed towards this achievement " (Jacobs, M , 1993)
Plural of target
quantified results/outputs to be achieved if objectives are to be met e g 200 trainees to be trained in 12 months time Progress can be monitored against the defined targets
Palestinian buildings, homes, offices, ambulances or any vehicle operated by a Palestinian (Always carries a Blue License Plate) - What the Israeli military designates as military targets