tanzimat fermanı

listen to the pronunciation of tanzimat fermanı
Türkisch - Englisch
(Turkish: "Reorganization") (1839-76) Series of reforms undertaken in the Ottoman Empire to modernize society along secular and bureaucratic lines. The first set of reforms (1839) sought to secularize the government's treatment of people and property and to reform taxation and military conscription. Later reforms (1856) established a secular school system and a new law code. Efforts to centralize government administration, however, ended by concentrating all authority in the hands of the sultan, who often abused the power. The constitution of 1876, while promising democratic reforms, actually was intended to stave off European intervention. See also Abdülhamid II; Young Turks
Türkisch - Türkisch
(Tarih) 3 Kasım 1839'da okunan Tanzimat Fermanı, Türk tarihinde demokratikleşmenin somut ilk adımıdır. Aslen İİ. Mahmut döneminde planlanmasına rağmen, İİ. Mahmut'un ölümünün ardından oğlu Abdülmecit döneminde dışişleri bakanı Mustafa Reşit Paşa tarafından okunmuştur. (Gülhane Parkı'nda okunması nedeniyle) Gülhane Hatt-ı Hümayunu veya Tanzimat-ı Hayriye de denir