take s.t. off

listen to the pronunciation of take s.t. off
Englisch - Türkisch
(bir sayıyı) (belirli bir miktarda) indirmek: I'll take ten percent off the total. Toplamdan yüzde on indiririm
oyunu/bir taşıtın
take off
{f} havalanmak

Havalanmak zorundayız. - We've got to take off.

Garip bir ses duyduğumda uçak havalanmak üzereydi. - The plane was about to take off when I heard a strange sound.

take off
(Fiili Deyim ) 1- uçağın kalkması 2- elbisesini çıkarmak
take off
hareket etmek
take off
(giysi) çıkarmak
take off
{f} kaldırmak
take off
{f} alıp götürmek
take off
(Askeri) KALKIŞ: Bir uçağın yerden, sudan veya herhangi bir pistten havalanması
take off
{f} götürmek
take off
izne çıkmak
take off
take off
üstünden elbise çıkarmak
take off
devam etmemek (salgın)
take off
giysiyi çıkarmak
take off
uçak havalanmak

Garip bir ses duyduğumda uçak havalanmak üzereydi. - The plane was about to take off when I heard a strange sound.

take off
çıkarmak (elbise vb)
take off
üzerinden almak (yük vb)
take off
kalkışa geçmek
take off
(Ticaret) fiyattaki ani artış
take off
uçağın havalanması
take off
take off
(Havacılık) uçak havalanma

Garip bir ses duyduğumda uçak havalanmak üzereydi. - The plane was about to take off when I heard a strange sound.

take off
elbisesini çıkarmak
take off
(Argo) çek git
take off
palamarı çözmek
take off
birdenbire çıkıp gitmek
take off
acele gitmek
take off
giysi çıkarmak
take off

Lütfen kapıda ayakkabılarınızı çıkartın. - Please take off your shoes at the door.

Bir Japon evinin girişinde ziyaretçilerden genellikle ayakkabılarını çıkartmaları istenir. - At the entrance of a Japanese house, visitors are generally asked to take off their shoes.

take off
(uçak) havalanmak
take off
(Hukuk) kalkış aşaması
take off
uçağın kalkması,kalkış
take off
{f} öldürmek
take off
{f} kalk

Uçakların kalkışını izlemeyi severim. - I like watching planes take off.

Tom tüm öğleden sonrayı havaalanında inip kalkan uçakları izleyerek geçirdi. - Tom spent all afternoon at the airport watching the airplanes land and take off.

take off
{f} taklidini yapmak
take off
{f} yola çıkmak
take off
{f} sıçramak
take off
(fiil) çıkarmak, götürmek, alıp götürmek, havalanmak, kaldırmak, öldürmek, inmek, ameliyatla almak, indirmek, taklidini yapmak, sıçramak, kalkmak, hareket etmek, yola çıkmak
take off
{f} inmek
take off
(deyim) rejimle zayıflamak,kilo vermek
take off
k.dili. birdenbire çıkıp gitmek; yola çıkmak
take off
(deyim) (uçak) havalanmak,kalkmak. a take-off havalanma,kalkış
take off
(deyim) servisten kaldırmak
take off
(uçak/kuş) havalanmak
take off
{f} kalkmak

Uçak kalkmak üzeredir. - The plane is about to take off.

Uçak Paris için kalkmak üzere. - The plane is about to take off for Paris.

take off
(deyim) (kd) acele gitmek. take someone off (kd) taklit etmek. a take-off taklit take sth. off 1.çıkarmak,kaldırmak
take off
{f} ameliyatla almak
take off
(deyim) tatil etmek,çalışmamak. take one's hat off to someone [kd] birine hayranligini ifade etmek,bravo demek take the lid off sth. [kd] gizli bir bilgiyi aciklamak
take off

Uçakların kalkışını izlemeyi severim. - I like watching planes take off.

Top helikopterin kalkışını izledi. - Tom watched the helicopter take off.

take off
take off
take off
take off
take off
take off
Englisch - Englisch

Definition von take s.t. off im Englisch Englisch wörterbuch

take off
To remove

Tomorrow the doctor will take the cast off her arm.

take off
To quantify

I'll take off the concrete and steel for this construction project.

take off
To imitate, often in a satirical manner

They love to take off all the politicians' mannerisms.

take off
To depart

Take off, loser!.

take off
To become successful, to flourish

The message is now the medium – that is powerful and means products can take off practically all by themselves..

take off
to absent oneself from work or other responsibility, especially with permission

He decided to let his mother take a night off from cooking, so he took her and his siblings out to dinner.

take off
To leave the ground and begin flight; to ascend into the air

The plane has been cleared to take off from runway 3.

take off
If you take time off, you obtain permission not to go to work for a short period of time. Mitchel's schedule had not permitted him to take time off She took two days off work
take off
If you take a garment off, you remove it. He wouldn't take his hat off She took off her spectacles. put on
take off
If something such as a product, an activity, or someone's career takes off, it suddenly becomes very successful. In 1944, he met Edith Piaf, and his career took off
take off
If you take off or take yourself off, you go away, often suddenly and unexpectedly. He took off at once and headed back to the motel He took himself off to Mexico
take off
If you take someone off, you make them go with you to a particular place, especially when they do not want to go there. The police stopped her and took her off to a police station = take away
take off
mimic or imitate, especially in an amusing or satirical manner; "This song takes off from a famous aria"
take off
depart from the ground; "The plane took off two hours late"
take off
leave; "The family took off for Florida"
take off
remove clothes; "take off your shirt--it's very hot in here"
take off
{f} lift-off, leave the ground in flight; rise off the ground; remove (clothing); bring down; lessen; leave, depart; put an end to, execute
take off
The material necessary to complete a job
take off
get started or set in motion, used figuratively; "the project took a long time to get off the ground"
take off
The list of materials necessary to complete a job
take off
Term used to describe a sharp increase in the price of a stock, or a positive movement of the market as a whole
take off
take away or remove; "Take that weight off me!"
take off
prove fatal; "The disease took off"
take off
A sharp increase in the price of a stock, or a positive movement of the market as a whole
take off
take time off from work; stop working temporarily
take off
If you take someone off, you imitate them and the things that they do and say, in such a way that you make other people laugh. Mike can take off his father to perfection. = mimic see also takeoff
take off
When an aeroplane takes off, it leaves the ground and starts flying. We eventually took off at 11 o'clock and arrived in Venice at 1.30. land
take off
make a subtraction
Türkisch - Englisch

Definition von take s.t. off im Türkisch Englisch wörterbuch

take off
to take off
take s.t. off