Institution with legal title to a borrower's loan This may be the original lender, a secondary market to which the loan has been sold, or the guaranty agency in the case of default Back to the top of the page
The institution that holds legal title to a loan Often, lenders sell loans after disbursement or at repayment This does not change the borrower's repayment obligation, but it may make additional benefits available to the borrower
Owner of a student loan The holder may be the original lender or a transferee of the student loan
A corporation or individual on whose behalf the Carnet has been issued A Holder must have a beneficial interest in the merchandise being exported; therefore, a customs broker or freight forwarder cannot be listed as a Holder of a Carnet even when acting in their professional capacity on behalf of a third party
A holder is a container in which you put an object, usually in order to protect it or to keep it in place. a toothbrush holder
The organization that owns a borrower's loan or holds the paper and to whom the borrower owes repayment Some lenders sell loans to other lenders, resulting in a new holder for the borrower
The organization that holds your promissory note The holder has the right to collect on the loan from you They could be the original lender or another organization who has purchased your loan and promissory note on the secondary market