
listen to the pronunciation of tactics
Englisch - Türkisch

Sami tüm satış taktiklerini biliyor. - Sami knows all the sales tactics.

Taktiklerimizi değiştirmek zorunda kaldık. - We were forced to change our tactics.

bir usul dairesinde hareket
{i} tabiye
(Askeri) TEKNİK: Birliklerin, imkan ve kabiliyetlerinden tam istifade için bir düzen halinde tertiplenmeleri ve hareketler
(Dilbilim) düzen bilgisi
tactics and techniques
(Askeri) TAKTİK VE TEKNİK: Muharebe gücünü düşmana karşı en tesirli şekilde kullanmak üzere, muharebede veya düşman karşısında, kıta hareketlerinin planlanması ve idaresi; bir yandan da, şahıs ve birlikler tarafından personel, silah ve teçhizatın muharebe maksadına göre kullanılmasını sağlama sanat ve fenni
tactics of fire
(Askeri) ATEŞ TAKTİĞİ: Muharebede ateşi, en tesirli şekilde kullanma
tactics, techniques, and procedures; trailer transfer point
(Askeri) taktik, tenik ve prosdürler; römork aktarma noktası
başvurulan yol ve yöntem

Bir uçak gemisi ancak bir taktik nükleer silahla yok edilebilir. - An aircraft carrier can only be destroyed with a tactical nuclear weapon.

Taktiklerimizi değiştirmek zorunda kaldık. - We were forced to change our tactics.

scare tactics
korkutma taktikleri
shock tactics
şok taktikler
standover tactics
Tehditle para sızdırma yöntemi

There were terrible allegations against her of fraud and standover tactics.

system tactics
sistem taktikleri
tactics of
Air Force tactics, techniques, and procedures; Air Force technical training publ
(Askeri) Hava Kuvvetleri taktikler, teknikler ve usulleri; hava kuvvetleri teknik eğitim yayını
barrier tactics
(Askeri) ENGELLEME TAKTİĞİ: Tabii ve suni vasıtalarla tahkim edilmiş ve ateşle desteklenmiş hatlardan faydalanmaya dayanan taktik
barrier tactics
(Askeri) engelleme taktiği
blocking tactics
(Spor) blok taktikleri
diversionary tactics
(Askeri) Yoldan çevirmek için değişik taktikler
fabian tactics
ağırdan alma politikası
fabian tactics
düşmanı ufak savaşlarla yorma
grand tactics
(Askeri) BÜYÜK BİRLİKLER TAKTİĞİ: Büyük kıta toplulukları tarafından yapılan harekat ile ilgili taktik
grand tactics
(Askeri) büyük birlikler taktiği
harassing tactics
(Askeri) TACİZ TAKTİĞİ: Tahripten ziyade taciz ve geciktirme gayesi güden taktik. Örneğin; vur-kaç taktiğinde (hit and run tactics) yapıldığı gibi, mükerrer küçük taarruzlarla düşmanı rahatsız etmek
joint tactics, techniques, and procedures
(Askeri) müşterek taktikler, teknikler ve prosedürler
minor tactics
(Askeri) KÜÇÜK TAKTİK: Ufak kuvvetlerin veya yalnız bir sınıftan teşekkül eden kuvvetlerin taktiği
minor tactics
(Askeri) küçük taktik
short ton; small tug; special tactics; strike team
(Askeri) kısa ton; kısa araç; özel taktikler; taarruz timi
small tactical terminal; special tactics team
(Askeri) küçük taktik terminali; özel taktik timi
soft spot tactics
(Askeri) ZAYIF NOKTALARA TAARRUZ TAKTİĞİ: Bir taktik çeşidi. Bu taktikte; tanklar ve diğer hücum unsurları kuvvetli bir şekilde savunulan mevkilere çatmayıp, en az mukavemet gösteren noktalardan nüfuz ederler. Kuvvetli bir şekilde savunulan mevkiler, daha sonra geriden veya yanlardan taarruz, eden diğer kıtalar tarafından düşürülür
special tactics squadron
(Askeri) özel taktik fibi
special weapons and tactics
(Askeri) özel silah ve taktikler
{i} ask. (belirli bir amaç için başvurulan) taktik
{i} taktik, manevra, başvurulan yol ve yöntem
(Askeri) TAKTİK: Bak "tactical"
Englisch - Englisch
plural The employment and ordered arrangement of forces in relation to each otherJoint Publication 1-02 U.S. Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms; 12 April 2001 (As Amended Through 14 April 2006)
plural The military science that deals with achieving the objectives set by strategy
plural Manoeuvres used against an enemy
plural form of tactic
any maneuvering or adroit management for effecting an object
{n} the art of ranging in order of battle
the racer's line through the course   The term, tactics, can also apply to the racer's plan or strategy for skiing the course
The military science that deals with achieving the objectives set by strategy
the art and science of employing available means to win battles and engagements
Plans or methods to win a game or battle or achieve a goal
A procedure or set of maneuvers engaged in to achieve an end, an aim, or a goal
the branch of military science dealing with detailed maneuvers to achieve objectives set by strategy
{i} science of employing forces in combat; military maneuvers; methods for achieving a goal
Hence, any system or method of procedure
[noun]: the military science that deals with securing objectives set by strategy, especially the technique of deploying and directing troops, ships and aircraft in effective maneuvers against an enemy [Theme]
( 1) The employment of units in combat and (2) the ordered arrangement and maneuver of units in relation to each other and/ or to the enemy in order to use their full potentialities
short-term, immediate attacks and threats
What a clock sounds like when it needs fixing
Deploying and directing resources on an incident to accomplish the objectives designated by strategy
a one-move threat (cf Strategy)
Organizational concept, on an individual, group and team basis, of player roles within the team structure
The science and art of disposing military and naval forces in order for battle, and performing military and naval evolutions
Plans and moves that gain advantages in the short term
The choice and application of technique in a specific situation
Manoeuvres used against an enemy
Plan of action of strategy to achieve particular objective
In warfare, the art and science of fighting battles. It is concerned with the approach to combat, placement of troops, use made of weapons, vehicles, ships, or aircraft, and execution of movements for attack or defense. In general, tactics deal with the problems encountered in actual fighting. Tactical thinking attempts to coordinate personnel with the existing weapons technology and apply both to the terrain and enemy forces in a way that uses the fighting force to best advantage. Deployment involves placing each type of weapon where it can do the most damage to the enemy or provide the most protection to one's own forces. Timing and direction of attack are also important considerations. At sea, direction was especially crucial in the era of wind-powered warships. In recent wars, timing has been a crucial factor in mounting airborne strikes that take advantage of the element of surprise. See also strategy
It is divided into grand tactics, or the tactics of battles, and elementary tactics, or the tactics of instruction
The employment and ordered arrangement of forces in relation to each other
n 1 Decisions that are based primarily on current situations and short-term goals adj –ical 2 In a wargaming sense, using a low level of abstraction to simulate conflict For example, using counters to depict individual soldiers or squads instead of platoons or battalions
military tactics
The techniques for using weapons or military units in combination for engaging and defeating an enemy in battle
Describing a polymer whose repeat units are identical
{a} relating to the art of war, military
standover tactics
(Australia) use of threats to extort money: the use of threats of violence in order to extort money or force somebody to do something
battle tactics
combat strategies, war plans
diversionary tactics
schemes developed to mislead an enemy, maneuvers executed to sidetrack another
harassing tactics
methods used to torment someone or something
hit and run tactics
method of warfare in which small groups of soldiers attack suddenly and then escape
minor tactics
minor combat, paramilitary troops that work in small groups
minor tactics warfare
combat by paramilitary troops that work in small isolated groups
poison pill tactics
(Economics) tactic used by company owners against potential hostile controllers (such as giving the right to loans or preferred stock to current shareholders)
scare tactics
methods of persuading people to do something by frightening them
sophisticated tactics
tactics based on advanced strategy or technology
stalling tactics
strategies used for gaining time, delaying tactics
{i} method to attain a goal; method of employing forces in combat; planning of small-scale military actions serving a larger strategy
An activity designed to achieve a desired result Tactics are the things you do to implement a strategy Where strategy describes "what", tactics describe "how to "
Of or pertaining to the art of military and naval tactics
An approach a teacher uses to help a student learn
A manoeuvre, or action calculated to achieve some end
a detailed, specific plan or course of action by which a strategy is to be implemented See Strategy
a method or action intended to accomplish a strategy
A planned action or maneuver for accomplishing an end
a plan for attaining a particular goal
Tactics are the methods that you choose to use in order to achieve what you want in a particular situation. What sort of tactics will the President use to rally the people behind him?
A calculated action with no proper focal point nor appropriate space of action It is more instinctive and personal than strategy and Benjamin would refer to it as involuntary memory It is more natural and yet an isolated action as it is not easily accepted within a given structure and must be prepared to grasp the momentary opportunities to exist and later be once again silent
{s} pertaining to combat tactics, pertaining to the science of employing forces in combat