tüfekçi, tüfek ve tabanca yapan veya tamir eden kimse

listen to the pronunciation of tüfekçi, tüfek ve tabanca yapan veya tamir eden kimse
Türkisch - Englisch
{i} gunsmith
a person skilled in the repair and servicing of firearms
{n} a man who makes or sells guns
One whose occupation is to make or repair small firearms; an armorer
A gunsmith is someone who makes and repairs guns. someone who makes and repairs guns
{i} one who makes or repairs small firearms
someone who makes or repairs guns
tüfekçi, tüfek ve tabanca yapan veya tamir eden kimse


    tü·fek·çi, tü·fek ve ta·ban·ca ya·pan ve·ya ta·mir e·den kim·se

