(Askeri) SENKRONİZE ETMEK, EŞZAMANLI KILMAK: İki veya daha çok alet, mekanizma veya mekanizma parçalarını aynı zamanda, aynı sürat veya ahenkte çalıştırmak. Örneğin, bir uçakta dönmekte olan pervanenin kanatları arasından mermilerin geçmesi için makinalı tüfekleri ayar etmek gibi. Dönen pervanenin kanatları arasından mermilerin geçmesi için, uçak pervanesi ile ahenkli olarak ateş eden uçak makinalı tüfeği veya top
To bring to the same level, rate or status, as in the synchronization of linked production resources to the same timing and volume, or in distributing the same set of data to remote databases
Indicates if the employee is using Synchronize, the calendar system provided by CIRT If the flag is set to "Y", the employee's primary department is charged a minimal monthly fee to cover a portion of the site license Values
{f} cause to occur at the same time; cause to operate simultaneously; cause to show the same time (of clocks); occur at the same time; operate simultaneously; match up the soundtrack of a movie with the action (also synchronise)
To copy files between two folders on host and remote computers to make the folders identical to one another (Copying occurs in both directions ) If there are two files with the same name, the file with the most current date and time is copied Files are never deleted during the synchronization process See also clone
To make synchronous or simultaneous Example: to synchronize a drum pattern to play with melodies and chords on a synthesizer MIDI synchronization is a coordinating function--involving a sync signal
make synchronous and adjust in time or manner; "Let's synchronize our efforts" cause to indicate the same time or rate; "synchronize your watches" operate simultaneously; "The clocks synchronize" arrange or represent events so that they co-occur; "synchronize biblical events" make (motion picture sound) exactly simultaneous with the action; "synchronize this film" happen at the same time
syn·chro·nize synchronizes synchronizing synchronized in BRIT, also use synchronise If you synchronize two activities, processes, or movements, or if you synchronize one activity, process, or movement with another, you cause them to happen at the same time and speed as each other. It was virtually impossible to synchronise our lives so as to take holidays and weekends together Synchronise the score with the film action. a series of unexpected, synchronized attacks
The synchronized keyword is used in two related ways in Java: as a modifier and as a statement First, it is a modifier applied to class or instance methods It indicates that the method modifies the internal state of the class or the internal state of an instance of the class in a way that is not thread-safe Before running a synchronized class method, Java obtains a lock on the class, to ensure that no other threads can modify the class concurrently Before running a synchronized instance method, Java obtains a lock on the instance that invoked the method, ensuring that no other threads can modify the object at the same time Java also supports a synchronized statement that serves to specify a "critical section" of code The synchronized keyword is followed by an expression in parentheses, and a statement or block of statements The expression must evaluate to an object or array Java obtains a lock on the specified object or array before executing the statements
A keyword in the Java programming language that, when applied to a method or code block, guarantees that at most one thread at a time executes that code Unless synchronized is specified separate threads can exist in a method simultaneously Methods that access shared data should be synchronized to give them mutually exclusive access