A document students usually receive on the first day of a class, offering an overview of the course Often included in a syllabus is an outline of topics, assignments, grading requirements, and related course details
A course outline provided by instructors that lists course requirements, grading criteria, course content, expectations, and other relevant course information
A description of an education and training program, the outcomes to be achieved and the evidence required to show that learners have achieved these outcomes
A syllabus is a document usually given out in the first class meeting It contains information of great importance to successfully completing a course, such as: the name, phone number and office hours of the professor; the text(s) to buy; the manner in which your grade will be computed; class policies on attendance, missed exams, late papers etc ; a listing of topics in sequential order with readings, exams times and dates; and just about anything else the instructor thinks you ought to know about the course Keep you syllabus safe and refer to it frequently if you have any questions on the topics it covers
A document provided by the instructor of a course that explains the course material, what students are expected to do, and how students will be graded/evaluated A syllabus may be printed or Web-based
one or more written pages that the professor provides as a course outline; it will usually include due dates, assignments, grading and attendance policies
A syllabus is an outline or summary of the subjects to be covered in a course. a plan that states exactly what students at a school or college should learn in a particular subject curriculum on a syllabus (from a mistaken reading of sittyba )
At the beginning of each course, you will receive a course syllabus or outline providing information on reading assignments, exam dates, the grading policy, and faculty office hours
a document which describes the content to be taught in a given subject at a given grade level A syllabus comes from the curriculum, and contains topics, objectives, competencies, and a description of assessment
A document from an instructor containing a course outline, assignments, attendance and grading policies, and office hours The syllabus is usually handed out to students on the first day of class
A course syllabus is a guide that outlines the goals, content, prerequisites, materials, assignments and grading procedures for a course It often includes a course calendar that tells students when each topic will be covered and when the tests will take place It is crucial to honor the syllabus in that it serves as a kind of contract between the department, the instructor and the students
This is a document that specifies the units of which the course is composed, or the topics covered by a particular unit The syllabus is extremely useful for exam revision and as a means of keeping track of what you have covered or what you will need to cover in future You may wish to refer to this when choosing a particular course, as it can provide very detailed information regarding what the course will cover and what will be expected of you
a summary paragraph usually prepared by the court preceding the body of a reported case which in some jurisdictions is the black-letter law of the jurisdiction
[ -b&s ] (noun.) circa 1656. Late Latin, alteration of Latin sillybus label for a book, from Greek sillybos.