A phenomenon in the developing process appearing on the border between high- and low-density areas, when vigorous development action spreads from the highlightsinto the shadows and degrades the sharp cut-off line between these areas It is often noticeable around a figure silhouetted against the sky
The process of removing air and excess oil from shock absorbers A properly assembled shock absorber is considered "bled"
Slowly reducing the pressure of liquid or gas from a system or cylinder by slightly opening a valve
describes what happens when there is excess dye in fabric or dye that has not been properly set The wash water will take on the color of the dye This excess dye can then settle on other fabric Soap helps release excess dye when prewashing Synthrapol® will keep dye from settling on adjacent fabrics when used in wash water
A coating defect consisting of the migration of an ingredient to the surface of a coating, or a migration, which stains in an adjacent area The term blooming is also a form of bleeding – usually associated with lubricants rather than pigments
The tendency of a liquid component to separate from a liquid-solid or liquid semi-solid mixture; as an oil from a grease
The migration of material from the substrate, causing discoloration of the paint
The absorption of oil or vehicle from a compound into an adjacent porous surface, and different from migration, which is the spreading or creeping of oil or vehicle from a compound out onto an adjacent non-porous surface