subject matter jurisdiction

listen to the pronunciation of subject matter jurisdiction
Englisch - Englisch
: In the law of civil procedure, the ability of a court to hear a case based on the authority granted to the court to hear that particular type of case

The divorce court was overturned when it rendered a criminal conviction against a party, because it lacked the subject matter jurisdiction to hear a criminal case.

subject matter jurisdiction


    sub·ject mat·ter ju·ris·dic·tion

    Türkische aussprache

    sıbcekt mätır cûrısdîkşın


    /səbˈʤekt ˈmatər ˌʤo͝orəsˈdəksʜən/ /səbˈʤɛkt ˈmætɜr ˌʤʊrəsˈdɪkʃən/