Basically means that fault is not required for an entity to be held responsible Under Superfund, a purchaser is liable for contamination even if the contamination occured prior to their ownership and without their knowledge See Innoscent Landowner Defense
Concept applied by the courts in product liability cases that when a manufacturer presents his goods for public sale, it is representing that they are suitable for their intended use
A concept applied by courts in product liability cases in which a seller is liable for any and all defective or hazardous products which unduly threaten a consumer's personal safety
Usually used when referring to Products coverage The liability that manufacturers and merchandisers may be subject to for defective products sold by them, regardless of fault or negligence A claimant must prove that the product is defective and therefore unreasonably dangerous See also Absolute Liability (LA)
- This represents a major exception to the requirement that there be a concurrence between the criminal act and criminal intent In such offenses, the offended poses a generalized threat to society at large