Definition von streaming media im Englisch Türkisch wörterbuch
Streaming media, ses, video ve diğer multimedia dosyalarının İnternet’te veya kurumsal intranetlerde bilgisayara yüklemeden ve sabit disk içerisinde yer kaplamadan on-line izlenmesini sağlayan, tamamen ses ve görüntü dosyalarından oluşan bir sistemdir. “Streaming” sistemi sayesinde seslere ve görüntülere, veriyi bilgisayarınıza “indirmeyi” beklemeden ulaşabilirsiniz. Streaming media teknolojisinin kullanıcı, kullanıcı bilgisayarı, kullanıcı yazılımı, İnternet bağlantısı, ağ altyapısı, sunucu alt yapısı gibi kalite belirleyici kriterleri vardır
Englisch - Englisch
Definition von streaming media im Englisch Englisch wörterbuch
Streaming media is multimedia that is constantly received by and presented to an end-user while being delivered by a streaming provider. The name refers to the delivery method of the medium rather than to the medium itself. The distinction is usually applied to media that are distributed over telecommunications networks, as most other delivery systems are either inherently streaming (e.g., radio, television) or inherently non-streaming (e.g., books, video cassettes, audio CDs). The verb 'to stream' is also derived from this term, meaning to deliver media in this manner. Internet television is a commonly streamed medium
a type of media download method where the sound or video can begin playing before the entire file is downloaded A client can request a very large audio file and begin presenting its contents after it has received only a fraction of the total file
Streaming data refers to multimedia files, such as video clips and audio, that begin playing seconds after it is received by your computer from the World Wide Web The media is delivered in a "stream" from the server so that you don't have to wait several minutes or longer to download multimedia files
this term is used to describe multimedia streams (e g RealAudio, MS Media Server, Shoutcast, etc ) transmitted over the Internet and played on a client machine Media files are large In contrast to downloaded files, streaming media starts playing as soon as the first chunk of the audio/video data arrives, the rest coming later as a stream
allows you to quickly serve multimedia content to your web visitors The alternative is to require the user to download the entire file then play it Streaming allows the user to immediately start hear/seeing your content More info
A UW NetID service that allows you to put your encoded media files (e g , audio or video clips) on UW streaming media computers for others to access via the Internet
In theory, it's like listening to radio or watching television but with a signal that travels over the Internet In reality the quality can be woeful, but it's getting better as bandwidth increases
An Internet data transfer technique that allows the user to see and hear audio and video files without lengthy download times The host or source "streams" small packets of information over the Internet to the user, who can access the content as it is received
Any type of media (radio, television, virtual reality presentation, etc ) which can be view using a plug-in (RealNetworks's RealPlayer, or Microsoft's NetCast for example) The streaming media is usually broadcast live, and can be from anywhere in the world By using this feature, you will be able to enable view foreign broadcasts or listen to a radio station from across the United States
Is a technique for transferring data so it can be downloaded continuously in the form of a stream The alternative to this would be to wait for the data to be completely downloaded before being able to view or hear it This is something that is used widespread in the multimedia industry Users prefer accessing the data in real time, then waiting the file to completely arrive This is especially important when the file size is very large, such as a movie, television, or other video While streaming, if the data comes more quickly then needed, it is stored in a buffer However, if the data does not come quick enough (for example, if there is a slow connection) then the plugin or browser will need to stop to catch up to get more information Many free applications exist to play streams Windows Media Player and RealPlayer, for example, can play these files, which can include avi, mpeg, and mp3 files Internet radio is another example of this technology
continually sends small parts of a large file to your Web browser as you watch or listen to what you've already downloaded
Streaming media allows large sound and video files to be delivered via the World Wide Web The term "streaming" means the file can be played in real time as it's received, as opposed to waiting for the entire file to be downloaded before playing
Static HTML pages need to be brought to life, and Audio/video files are the way to do it Audio and video content is quickly becoming a normal everyday appearance on a website Take advantage of this quickly growing idea with the use of Microsoft's Streaming Media server
rather than download a large multimedia file all at once, "streaming" allows you to see and hear that file as it is being transmitted RealNetworks and QuickTime are currently the most popular streaming media platforms Streaming files can also be broadcast live allowing you to see and hear "real time" 5points offers both RealNetworks and QuickTime streaming media servers
Two types of audio services are supported: Real Audio and Windows Media Both these servers are remote servers to the local web servers Basic Real Audio and Video streaming use a batch of shared streams that are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis, and is available at no additional cost on some or all web packages Dedicated streams can be purchased on a per-stream basis
Streaming media technology enables the real time or on demand distribution of audio, video and multimedia on the Internet Streaming media is the simultaneous transfer of digital media (video, voice and data) so that it is received as a continuous real-time stream Streamed data is transmitted by a server application and received and displayed in real-time by client applications These applications can start displaying video or playing back audio as soon as enough data has been received and stored in the receiving station's buffer A streamed file is simultaneously downloaded and viewed, but leaves behind no physical file on the viewer's machine
A technology for transferring Internet video or audio to ones computer, so that the media can be seen or heard even while the data is still downloading The data thus streams from the media server to the end users computer
Technical term for digital audio or video transmissions via the Internet The sound and image data are sent as a data stream to the subscriber, hence the term "streaming" A variety of deferred data streams can be output from a streaming media server on the Net Each receiver can thus receive the same content deferred Normally, a packet- switched or asymmetric transmission method is used
A technique for transferring data such that it can be downloaded and processed in a continuous stream rather than waiting until the entire file is downloaded This technique is increasing in importance for audio and multimedia, as users are increasingly impatient to have to wait until a file is completely downloaded in order to view