
listen to the pronunciation of strategic
Englisch - Türkisch

Oyun teorisi, stratejik karar alma çalışmasıdır. - Game theory is the study of strategic decision making.

Tom stratejik bir hata yaptı. - Tom made a strategic error.

harp bilgisine uygun
(Askeri) STRATEJİK: Stratejiye ait veya strateji ile ilgili; strateji bakımından önemli ve değerli. Ayrıca bakınız: "tactical" ve "administrative"
{s} savaş stratejisine uygun
{s} şartlara uygun
strategic intelligence
stratejik zeka
strategic warning
stratejik uyarı
Strategic Business Unit
Bir organizasyonun içinde stratejik bir öneme sahip küçük yapılara denir. Her bir yapının kendine ait bir görevi vardır ve bunlar; strateji geliştirmek ve diğerlerine(kendi alanında bulunan diğer şirketlerin yapılarına)karşı rekabetçi bir güce sahip olmaktır
strategic alliance
Stratejik ortaklık

It is manufactured by a strategic alliance.

strategic alliance
stratejik ittifak
strategic alliances
stratejik işbirlikleri
strategic importance
Stratejik önem
strategic plans
stratejik planlar
Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty
(Askeri) Stratejik Silahları İndirimi Antlaşması
Strategic Command, Atlantic (NATO)
(Askeri) Atlantik Stratejik Komutanlığı (NATO)
Strategic Command, Europe (NATO)
(Askeri) Avrupa Stratejik Komutanlığı (NATO)
Strategic Defense Initiative Organization
(Askeri) Stratejik Savunma Girişim Kuruluşu
strategic advantage
(Askeri) STRATEJİK ÜSTÜNLÜK: Muhasım tarafların bir millete veya milletler grubuna askeri veya politik bir durumun seyrini müessir şekilde kontrol imkanı veren topyekün göreli güç ilişkileri
strategic air command
(Askeri) STRATEJİK HAVA KOMUTANLIĞI: Hava Kuvvetlerinin en ağır vurucu organı. Bu komutanlığın asıl görevi, ortak hava-kara harekatından ayrı olarak, düşmanın savaş potansiyelini tahrip suretiyle savaş azmini kırmak ve etkili bir savaşı devam ettirmeye yarayan vasıtalarını yok etmektir
strategic air intelligence
(Askeri) STRATEJİK HAVA İSTİHBARATI: Düşman imkan ve kabiliyetleri ile zayıf taraflarını değerlendirmek ve hava hazırlık derecesi ile hava harekatı hakkında fikir sahibi olmak özel amacıyla bir birleşim haline getirilmiş istihbarat. Ayrıca bakınız: "intelligence"
strategic air operations
(Askeri) STRATEJİK HAVA HAREKATI: Stratejik hava savaşının yürütülmesine yardım eden hava harekatı
strategic air transport
(Askeri) STRATEJİK HAVA ULAŞTIRMASI, STRATEJİK HAVA NAKLİYATI: Personel ve malzemenin bir stratejik plana uygun olarak havadan hareket ve intikali
strategic air transport operations
(Askeri) STRATEJİK HAVA ULAŞTIRMA HAREKATI: a. Programlı uçuş hizmeti, b. Özel uçuşlar, c. Hava lojistik destek, d. Hava sıhhi tahliyesi vasıtasıyla sorumluluk sahaları arasında yolcu ve yük taşınması
strategic air warfare
(Askeri) STRATEJİK HAVA SAVAŞI: 1. Seçilmiş hayati önemdeki bir dizi hedeflere sistemli şekilde yüklenerek bunları düşmanın savaş kapasitesi, kabiliyet ve iradesini kaybettirecek derecede tedricen tahrip etmek ve parçalamak gayesiyle yapılan hava muharebe ve destek harekatı. Hayati hedefler arasına kilit önemdeki üretim sistemleri, hammadde kaynakları, kritik malzeme, yedek stoklar, enerji sistemleri, ulaştırma sistemleri, muharebe sistemleri, düşman silahlı kuvvetlerinden muhabereye katılmamış unsurların yığınak noktaları, kilit önemde zirai sahalar ve bunlara benzer diğer hedef sistemleri girer. 2. Düşmanın harp yapma kapasitesini parçalamak ve imha etmek üzere planlanmış hava harekatı
strategic arms
stratejik silahlar
strategic army corps
(Askeri) (STRAC) STRATEJİK KOLORDU: Stratejik Kara Ordusu Kuvveti (STRAF) nin, genel savaşa yol açabilecek yerel veya genel savaş harekatında erken stratejik tertiplenme ihtiyaçlarını karşılamak üzere elde bulundurduğu büyük birlik
strategic army force
(Askeri) (STRAF) STRATEJİK KARA ORDUSU KUVVETİ: Kara Ordusu'nun, ABD Anayurdu'nda bulunan ve Kara Ordusu'nun yürürlükteki planlarına veya onaylanmış acil stratejik tertiplenme zaman çizelgelerine uygun olan ve, Milli seviyede stratejik tertiplenme için eğitilmiş, teçhiz edilmiş olarak elde tutulan kısmı. Ayrıca bakınız: "United States Strategic Army Forces"
strategic authorized strength
(Askeri) STRATEJİK KOLORDU FİİLİ KADRO MEVCUDU: Birliğin; yürürlükteki kuruluşunu belirten Kara Kuvvetleri Komutanlığı direktifinde gösterilmiş insan mevcudu. Bu mevcut; teşkilat ve personel kadro mevcuduna nazaran bir fazlalık veya malzeme kadrosu değişikliğini içerir. Toplu fiili kadro mevcudu Stratejik Kolordu birlik ve personel çizelgesinin "fiili kadro (Aut. Str) " sütununda görülür
strategic choice
(Politika, Siyaset) stratejik tercih
strategic command, control, and communications (C3) master plan
(Askeri) stratejik komuta, kontrol ve muhabere mastır planı
strategic concentration
(Askeri) STRATEJİK YIĞINAK: Sefer planının uygulanmasına geçildiği zaman kuvvetlerin en iyi şekilde tertiplenmesini temin gayesiyle, belirli kuvvetlerin harekata başlamaları, planlanmış bölgelerde toplanmaları
strategic concept
(Askeri) STRATEJİK TASARI: Stratejik durum muhakemesi sonunda kabul edilen hareket tarzı. Tasarı; yapılacak işin geniş anlamda ve ortaya çıkaracağı temel teşebbüslerin taslağını çizmede kendisinden faydalanmaya imkan verecek esneklikte yapılmış ifadesidir. Ayrıca bak. "basic undertakings"
strategic connectivity performance test
(Askeri) stratejik bağlantı performans testi
strategic defensive
(Askeri) STRATEJİK SAVUNMA: Bir milletin savaşta, özel bir harekatı kasteden taktik savunmanın aksine, geniş ölçüde uyguladığı savunma hareketi
strategic deployment
(Askeri) STRATEJİK YAYILMA: Kuvvetlerin stratejik amaçlarla stratejik sahalara tahsis ve tevzii. Ayrıca bakınız: "deployment"
strategic deployment strength
(Askeri) STRATEJİK KOLORDU TERTİPLENME MEVCUDU: Birliğin; görevlerini yerine getirmek üzere stratejik tertipleyeceği son insan mevcudu, Stratejik Kolordu teşkilat ve personel çizelgesinin "stratejik tertiplenme (Depl Str) " sütununda görülür.
strategic distribution platform
(Askeri) stratejik dağıtım platformu
strategic estimate of the situation
(Askeri) STRATEJİK DURUM MUHAKEMESİ: Durumun stratejik bakımdan muhakemesi. Stratejik durum muhakemesi, tamamen, normal durum muhakemesi şeklinde hazırlanmakla beraber, aşağıdaki konulara daha çok önem verilmesini gerektirir: a. Düşmanın milli gayeleri, b. Kendi milli gayelerimiz, c. Takip edilen yol ve yöntemler, hareket tarzları (policies), d. Doğal kaynaklar dahil, ekonomi, e. İnsan gücü ve psikoloji dahil, sosyoloji, f. Teknoloji
strategic hamlet
(Askeri) STRATEJİK KÖY: Stratejik bakımdan düşman kontrolündeki bölgelere yakın bulunan ve kendi kendisini savunacak şekilde tahkim ve teçhiz edilen köy
strategic intelligence
(Askeri) STRATEJİK İSTİHBARAT: Ulusal ve Uluslararası seviyelerde bir politikanın tespiti ve askeri planların düzenlenmesi için gerekli istihbarat. Stratejik ve taktik istihbarat başlıca uygulama seviyesinde farklılık gösterirler, ancak kapsam ve detay olarak da değişik olabilirler. Ayrıca bakınız: "intelligence"
strategic level of supply
(Askeri) stratejik ikmal seviyesi
strategic level of supply
(Askeri) STRATEJİK İKMAL SEVİYESİ: Bak. "level of supply"
strategic map
(Askeri) STRATEJİK HARİTA: Kıtaların intikali, yığınak ve ikmali dahil olmak üzere, harekatın planlanmasında kullanılan orta veya daha küçük ölçekte harita. Ayrıca bakınız: "map"
strategic material
(Askeri) (CRITICAL) STRATEJİK HAMMADDELER, KRİTİK MADDELER: Acil bir savaş şeklinde temel amaçlar için gerekli olan ve yeterli miktar, nitelik ve zamanda tedariki şu veya bu sebepten ikmalin önceden yapılmasını gerektirecek derecede kesin olmayan malzeme. Ayrıca bakınız: "critical material"
strategic military psychological warfare
(Askeri) STRATEJİK ASKERİ PSİKOLOJİ SAVAŞI: Askeri stratejinin tamamlayıcı ve koordineli bir unsuru olarak kullanılan askeri psikoloji savaşı. Ayrıca bakınız: "psychological warfare"
strategic mining
(Askeri) STRATEJİK MAYINLAMA: Belirli deniz rotalarını ve deniz sahalarını düşmanın kullanmasını önlemek üzere planlanmış uzun vadeli mayınlama harekatı
strategic missile
(Askeri) STRATEJİK FÜZE: Hava Kuvvetleri stratejik görevlerinde kullanılan bir güdümlü füze
strategic missile defense
(Askeri) stratejik füze savunması
strategic mission
(Askeri) STRATEJİK GÖREV: Düşmanın savaş gücünü ve iradesini tedrici olarak tahrip etmek ve parçalamak amacıyla seçilmiş bir seri hedeften biri veya birkaçı üzerine yöneltilmiş bir görev. Bu amaçla seçilmiş hedefler kilit önemdeki üretim sistemlerini, savaş malzeme kaynaklarını, kritik savaş malzemesini, yedek stokları, güç sistemlerini, ulaştırma sistemlerini, muhabere tesislerini ve bunlara benzer diğer hedefleri içine alır. Stratejik harekattan amaç taktik harekatın aksine, düşman ve düşman kuvvetleri üzerinde ani olmaktan çok uzun süreli bir etki yaratmaktır
strategic mobile command center
(Askeri) stratejik mobil komutanlık merkezi
strategic nuclear forces
(Askeri) stratejik nükleer kuvvetler
strategic offensive
(Askeri) STRATEJİK TAARRUZ: 1. Ulusal stratejiyi desteklemek üzere askeri kuvvetleri dünya çapında intikal ettirme ve devam ettirme imkan ve kabiliyeti. 2. Bir ulusun savaşta, özel bir harekatı kasteden taktik taarruzun aksine geniş ölçüde uyguladığı taarruz hareketi
strategic operations division
(Askeri) stratejik harekat tümeni
strategic or special reserve
(Askeri) ÖZEL STOK: Ancak tasvip edilmiş bir plan veya direktife uygun olarak belirli bir amaç için kullanılmak üzere, bir ikmal noktası, üssü veya benzeri bir tesiste bulundurulmasına yetki verilmiş olan özel stok miktarı. Bu maddeler, miktar veya günlük ikmal (day of supply) esasına göre ifade edilebilir. Ayrıca bakınız: "level of supply"
strategic plan
(Askeri) (S) STRATEJİK PLAN (LAR): Savaşın topyekün idaresiyle ilgili plan (lar). Bu planlar: A. Katılan kuvvetlere göre üçe ayrılır: (combined strategic plans), (joint strategic plans), (service strategic plans). B, Amaca göre: (basic war plan), (Outline plan) ve (operation plan) olmak üzere üçtür. C. Uygulama süresi bakımından da iki tiptir (capability plan) veya (short range plan), (future plan) veya (requirement plan), (long range plan). Bu terimlere bak
strategic propaganda
(Askeri) STRATEJİK PROPAGANDA: Şumüllü ve uzun vadeli amaçların gerçekleştirilmesini çabuklaştırmak için yapılan propaganda. Bu propaganda, genellikle, yukarı seviyelerden idare edilir ve bütünüyle, kuvvetlere, halk topluluklarına veya bölgelere tevcih olunur. Ayrıca bakınız: "propaganda"
strategic psychological activities
(Askeri) STRATEJİK PSİKOLOJİK FAALİYETLER: Harpte ve barıştaki, normal olarak dost ve tarafsız ülkelerin destek ve işbirliğini kazanmak ve düşman ve muhtemel düşman ülkelerin harbe devam istek ve kabiliyetini azaltmak amacını güden planlı psikolojik faaliyetler
strategic psychological warfare
(Askeri) STRATEJİK PSİKOLOJİK HARP: İlan edilmiş bir acil durum veya harpte uzun vadede ve başlıca siyasi hedefler izleyen ve düşmanın dövüşme arzusunu zayıflatmak ve savaşı sürdürme imkan ve kabiliyetini azaltmak üzere planlanan işlemler. Düşmana karşı (hakim siyasi grup, hükümet veya onun icrai kuruluşları) ve/veya genelde topluma veya onun belli bir unsuruna karşı olabilir. Stratejik psikolojik harp prensipleri en yüksek makamca belirlenir
strategic psychological warfare intelligence
(Askeri) STRATEJİK PSİKOLOJİ HARBİ İSTİHBARATI: Yabancı milletlerin yetenekleri ve olanakları, zayıf tarafları, olası hareket tarzları, sosyal, ekonomik ve askeri grupların davranışları ve başarı olanakları ile ilgili olarak, stratejik psikoloji harbini planlamak ve yürütmekle görevli yüksek seviyedeki komutanlar tarafından faydalanılmak üzere toplanan istihbarat. Ayrıca bakınız: "intelligence"
strategic reconnaissance
(Askeri) STRATEJİK KEŞİF: Stratejik ve büyük çapta kararlar alınmasına yardımcı olacak düşman yığınakları veya hareket ve intikalleri ile ilgili bilgi elde etmek için, geniş bölgelerde, genellikle havadan yapılan araştırma. Ayrıca bakınız: "reconnaissance"
strategic reserve
(Askeri) STRATEJİK MALZEME YEDEĞİ: Stratejik düşüncelerle veya ikmal dağıtım sistemindeki önemli aksamaları göz önünde tutarak, belirli bir coğrafi mahalle yerleştirilmiş malzeme miktarı. Bu miktar, gaye stoktan ayrı ve bunun üstündedir. Ayrıca bakınız: "level of supply". "strategic or special reserve"
strategic systems program office
(Askeri) stratejik sistemler program ofisi
strategic tactical map
(Askeri) STRATEJİK TAKTİK HARİTA: Bak. "intermediate scale map"
strategic telecommunications
(Askeri) STRATEJİK TELEKOMÜNİKASYON: Kara Kuvvetleri Komutanlığının kendi tasarrufunda bulunan bu kuvvet tarafından kiralanan, işletilen veya kontrol edilen kıta içi, kıtalar arası ve komutanlıklar arası telekomünikasyon tesisleri ve hizmetleri. Normal olarak, harekat alanı içindeki kara ordusu asli komutanına kadar tahsis edilmiş Kara Kuvvetleri unsurlarının ve emir verildiği zaman diğer Milli Savunma ve hükümet makamlarının, komuta ve kontrol yetkilerinin icrasında, lojistik ve idari destek ihtiyaçlarının yerine getirilmesinde bir vasıta olarak kullanılır
strategic toe strength
(Askeri) STRATEJİK KOLORDU TEŞKİLAT VE MALZEME KADROSU MEVCUDU: Birliğin oluşturulmasına esas olan teşkilat ve malzeme kadrosunda gösterilen, tam veya azaltılmış, insan mevcudu. Toplu teşkilat ve malzeme ı kadrosu mevcudu, Stratejik Kolordu teşkilat ve malzeme çizelgesinin "Teşkilat ve Malzeme Kadrosu (TOE Str) " sütununda görülür.
strategic transport aircraft
(Askeri) STRATEJİK NAKLİYE UÇAĞI: Uzun mesafelere yük (cargo) taşımak üzere tasarlanmış uçak
strategic vulnerability
(Askeri) STRATEJİK HASSASİYET: Bir başka milletin tatbik kabiliyetinde olduğu etkilerin uygulanmasıyla, milli güç hayati unsurlarında ciddi surette düşüklük veya ters yönde değişiklik istidadı. Stratejik hassasiyet; politik, ekonomik, coğrafi, bilimsel, sosyolojik veya askeri faaliyetlerle ilgili olabilir
strategic warning
(Askeri) STRATEJİK İKAZ: Düşman tarafından başlatılacak muhasamatın yakın olduğu yolunda ikaz. Burada zaman unsuru dakika ile saat, gün veya daha uzun bir süre arasında değişebilir. Ayrıca bakınız: "attack assessment"; "strategic warning lead time"; "strategic warning post decision time"; "strategic warning pre-decision time"; "tactical warning"
strategic warning lead time
(Askeri) STRATEJİK UYARI SONRASI DÖNEM: Stratejik ikazın alınmasıyla muhasamat başlangıcı arasında geçen zaman. Bu süre iki faaliyet dönemini içine alır: Stratejik uyarı karar öncesi dönemi ve stratejik uyarı karar sonrası dönemi. Ayrıca bakınız: "commanders estimate of the situation"; "strategic concept", "strategic warning"
strategic warning post decision time
(Askeri) STRATEJİK UYARI KARAR SONRASI DÖNEMİ: Stratejik uyarı neticesinde hükümetin en yüksek seviyesinde alınan kararların emredilmesi ve uygulamasıyla başlayıp muhasamatın başlaması veya tehdidin ortadan kalkmasıyla sona eren dönem. Bu süre, stratejik uyarı sonrası dönemin milli stratejik durumu güçlendirmek için belirli hazırlık faaliyetlerinin yapılabileceği kısmıdır. Ayrıca bak. "strategic warning", "strategic warning lead time". STRATEGIC WARNING PRE-DECISION TIME: STRATEJİK UYARI KARAR ÖNCESİ DÖNEMİ: Stratejik uyarının alınmasıyla başlayıp karar alınıp uygulamaya konulmasına kadar geçen süre. Bu süre, stratejik uyarı sonrası dönemin, uygulamaya konacak olan stratejik önlemlerle ilgili olarak hükümetin en yüksek düzeyinde kararların alınabileceği kısmıdır. Ayrıca bakınız: "strategic warning", "strategic warning lead time"
strategic withdrawal
(Askeri) STRATEJİK GERİ ÇEKİLME: Stratejik önem taşıyan sebeplerden dolayı geri çekilme; stratejik durumu düzenlemek amacıyla geri çekilme
(Askeri) strateji ile ilgili
tarımsal açıdan önemli
occupy a strategic place
Önemli bir yere sahip olmak,işgal etmek
Commander in Chief, United States Strategic Command
(Askeri) Birleşik Devletler Stratejik Komutanlığı Başkomutanı
Director of Strategic Target Planning
(Askeri) Stratejik Hedef Planlama Başkanı
Joint Strategic Capabilities Plan
(Askeri) Müşterek Stratejik Kabiliyetler Planı
Joint Strategic Planning System
(Askeri) Müşterek Stratejik Planlama Sistemi
United States Strategic Command
(Askeri) Birleşik Devletler Stratejik Komutanlığı
army strategic capabilities plan
(Askeri) KARA KUVVETLERİ STRATEJİK KABİLİYETLER PLANI: Müşterek plandaki direktifi geliştirmek ve genişletmek suretiyle müşterek kabiliyetler planını destekler
army strategic objectives plan
(Askeri) KARA KUVVETLERİ STRATEJİK HEDEFLER PLANI: Müşterek stratejik hedefler planından meydana getirilmiş, kara ordusu kontrol programlarına direktif temin eden bir plan
chairman's net assessment for strategic planning
(Askeri) başkanın net stratejik planlama değerlendirmesi
combined strategic plans
(Askeri) birleşik stratejik planlar
combined strategic plans
(Askeri) BİRLEŞİK STRATEJİK PLANLAR: İki veya daha çok milletin iştirak ettiği planlar. Ayrıca bakınız: "strategic plans"
intelligence priorities for strategic planning
(Askeri) stratejik planlama için istihbarat öncelikleri
joint strategic capabilities plan
(Askeri) MÜŞTEREK STRATEJİK İMKAN VE KABİLİYETLER PLANI: Müteakip yıla ait ABD milli hedeflerini ve politikasını askeri hedefler ve stratejik kavramlar (konseptler) halinde ifade eden ve ABD. nin bu günkü imkan ve kabiliyetlerine uygun soğuk, mevzii ve genel harple ilgili askeri görevleri açıklayan kısa vadeli mevcut imkan ve kabiliyetler planı
joint strategic objectives plan
(Askeri) MÜŞTEREK STRATEJİK HEDEFLER PLANI: 5: 8 yıllık ileri döneme ait ABD milli hedeflerini ve politikasını askeri hedefler ve stratejik kavramlar (konseptler) halinde ifade eden ve hedef kuvvet seviyeleri ile başarılabilecek soğuk, mevzii ve genel harple ilgili temel taahhütleri ifade eden orta vadeli bir hedefler planı
joint strategic planning document
(Askeri) müşterek stratejik planlama dokümanı
joint strategic planning document supporting analyses
(Askeri) müşterek stratejik planlama doküman destekleme analizi
joint strategic plans
long range strategic reconnaissance
(Askeri) UZUN MENZİLLİ STRATEJİK KEŞİF: Bak. "reconnaissance"
military strategic and tactical relay system
(Askeri) askeri stratejik ve taktik aktarma sistemi
national strategic targets list
(Askeri) milli stratejik hedef listesi
ready reserve strategic army forces
(Askeri) KARA KUVVETLERİ BİRİNCİ DERECEDE HAZIR İHTİYAT STRATEJİK KUVVETLERİ: Erken seferber olma ve stratejik tertiplenme için seçilmiş ihtiyat asli teşkilleri tümen kuvvetleri
red integrated strategic offensive plan
(Askeri) kırmızı entegre stratejik savunma planı
senior meteorological and oceanographic officer; strategic mobility office(r); s
(Askeri) kıdemli meteoroloji ve oşinografi subayı; stratejik hareket subayı; askeri harekat desteği
service strategic plans
(Askeri) SİLAHLI KUVVETLER STRATEJİK PLANLARI: Silahlı kuvvetlerden biri tarafından hazırlanmakla beraber, diğer kuvvetlerin iştiraklerini de ihtiva eden planlar. Bak. "strategic plans"
strateji bakımından
strateji ilmi
harp ilmi
united states strategic army forces
(Askeri) ABD STRATEJİK KARA KUVVETLERİ: Kara kuvvetlerinin mevcut planlara göre milli seviyede kullanılmak üzere eğitilen teçhiz edilen ve muhafaza edilen ve muhafaza edilen ve normal olarak kıtasal ABD'de konuşlu olan kısmı
Englisch - Englisch
{s} based on strategy, designed to achieve a goal; extremely important or beneficial (especially in regards to military advantage); intended to destroy the enemy's military potential
a word people often use to make their pet project sound important Often combined with "plan" or "planning" - this makes it sound doubly important, especially when mouthed by CONSULTANTS
Implies that the focus is on improving and sustaining the performance of the organic, and describes what management sees for the distant future Analysis is on organization performance objectives, critical success factors, problems, opportunities and threats, with information systems seen as an enabling mechanism, not the primary focus
relating to or concerned with strategy; "strategic weapon"; "the islands are of strategic importance"; "strategic considerations"
forming part of a long-term plan, often for military reasons
The "big picture" level of war, the highest level of military operations Strategic decisions are those made by the heads of nations or army commanders Few miniature games are strategic in nature, but miniature games could be generated by a strategic- or (more likely) operational- scale campaign game The opposite of strategic is tactical
focusing on key or essential issues/areas that have the potential to effect positive change
of or pertaining to strategy
If you put something in a strategic position, you place it cleverly in a position where it will be most useful or have the most effect. the marble benches Eve had placed at strategic points throughout the gardens, where the views were spectacular. + strategically stra·tegi·cal·ly We had kept its presence hidden with a strategically placed chair. adj. Office of Strategic Services Strategic Arms Limitation Talks Strategic Arms Reduction Talks Strategic Defense Initiative
highly important to or an integral part of a strategy or plan of action especially in war; "a strategic chess move"; "strategic withdrawal"; "strategic bombing missions"
Plans that apply to the entire organization overall objectives
In modern military usage, the term "strategic" usually implies a war-prosecuting plan, campaign, or combat capability that could be rapidly decisive in defeating an opponent In this book on proliferation, "strategic" usually refers to those weapons - long-range offensive nuclear arms, whether missiles or bomber aircraft - that are deployed for nuclear deterrence or retaliation, and to corresponding, strategically capable defensive weapons Although the term "strategic" is usually associated with long range weapons and operations, in regions consisting of heavily armed small states (e g , the Middle East), even shorter-range offensive systems may be considered strategic if they are nuclear-equipped and capable of striking deep into an opponent's heartland with potentially crippling effects
Programs, goals, and projects of great importance
relating to or concerned with strategy; "strategic weapon"; "the islands are of strategic importance"; "strategic considerations
Strategic weapons are very powerful missiles that can be fired only after a decision to use them has been made by a political leader. strategic nuclear weapons. tactical
We get things done with words -- by listening; by speaking Use of language to accomplish things with others
Relating to the use of knowledge of personal resources to meet the demands of a task in a way that gets the task done in the most effective and efficient manner
Of or pertaining to strategy; effected by artifice
Strategic means relating to the most important, general aspects of something such as a military operation or political policy, especially when these are decided in advance. the new strategic thinking which NATO leaders produced at the recent London summit The island is of strategic importance to France. + strategically stra·tegi·cal·ly strategically important roads, bridges and buildings
A way of thinking in which a plan of action is made and is intended to accomplish a specific goal
An operation in which we plan procedures or rules for the commitment of resources on a scale highly material to the organization for which the planning is done Compare tactical
Strategic Defense Initiative
A system proposed by U.S. President Ronald Reagan on March 23, 1983, to use ground-based and space-based systems to protect the United States from attack by strategic nuclear ballistic missiles. Abbreviation: SDI
strategic management
The art and science of formulating, implementing and evaluating cross-functional decisions that will enable an organization to achieve its objectives
strategic materials
Those materials considered crucial to national security concerns and military applications. Examples include:
strategic corporal
(Gıda) The notion that leadership in complex, rapidly evolving mission environments devolves lower and lower down the chain of command to better exploit time-critical information into the decision making process, ultimately landing on the corporal, the lowest ranking non-commissioned officer, typically commanding a fire team of 4 individuals or a squad of 13 individuals (three fireteams plus NCO)
Strategic Business Unit
Strategic Business Unit or SBU is understood as a business unit within the overall corporate identity which is distinguishable from other business because it serves a defined external market where management can conduct strategic planning in relation to products and markets. When companies become really large, they are best thought of as being composed of a number of businesses (or SBUs)
Strategic Alliance
league created for mutual strategic benefit
Strategic Arms Limitation Talks
negotiations started in 1969 between the United States and the Soviet Union to limit the nuclear armament, SALT
Strategic Arms Limitation Talks
Negotiations between the U.S. and the Soviet Union aimed at curtailing the manufacture of strategic nuclear missiles. The first round of negotiations began in 1969 and resulted in a treaty regulating antiballistic missiles and freezing the number of intercontinental ballistic missiles and submarine-launched ballistic missiles. It was signed by Leonid Brezhnev and Richard Nixon in 1972. A second round of talks (1972-79), known as SALT II, addressed the asymmetry between the two sides' strategic forces and ended with an agreement to limit strategic launchers (see MIRV). Signed by Brezhnev and Jimmy Carter, it was never formally ratified by the U.S. Senate, though its terms were observed by both sides. Subsequent negotiations took the name Strategic Arms Reduction Talks (START). See alsofintermediate-range nuclear weapons; Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty
Strategic Arms Reduction Talks
art. Negotiations between the U.S. and the Soviet Union aimed at reducing those countries' nuclear arsenals and delivery systems. Two sets of negotiations (1982-83, 1985-91) concluded in an agreement signed by George Bush and Mikhail Gorbachev that committed the Soviet Union to a reduction from 11,000 to 8,000 nuclear weapons and the U.S. to a reduction from 12,000 to 10,000. After the Soviet Union's collapse (1991), a supplementary agreement (1992) obligated Ukraine, Belarus, and Kazakhstan to destroy the nuclear weapons on their soil or to give them to Russia. Subsequent U.S. efforts to develop an antimissile defense system threatened new complications for the arms control regime. See also Strategic Arms Limitation Talks
Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty
October 1992 pact signed between the United States and the former Soviet Union in which both countries agreed to further reduce the production of nuclear arms, START
Strategic Defense Initiative
the full name of SDI. also called Star Wars Proposed U.S. strategic defense system against nuclear attacks. Announced as a 20-year, $20 billion effort by Pres. Ronald Reagan in 1983, SDI was intended to defend the U.S. from a full-fledged Soviet attack by intercepting ICBMs in flight. The interception was to be effected by technology not yet developed, including space-and ground-based laser stations and air-and ground-based missiles. The space component of SDI led to its being derisively dubbed "Star Wars" after the popular film. Though the program was roundly criticized by opposition politicians and arms-control advocates as unworkable and as a dangerous violation of the Antiballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty of 1972, Congress granted initial funding for it. Early development efforts were largely unsuccessful, and with the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991 the concept lost urgency. During the Bush and Clinton administrations, ballistic missile defense was scaled back to focus on protecting the U.S. from limited attack by a "rogue" state or a single accidentally launched missile. In 2002 the U.S. withdrew from the ABM treaty to begin active testing of a limited antimissile program. See also antiballistic missile
Strategic Defense Initiative
Star Wars", American military plan for destroying incoming nuclear missiles while they are still in the air (first announced by former President Ronald Reagan), SDI
strategic arms limitation talks
negotiations between the United States and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics opened in 1969 in Helsinki designed to limit both countries' stock of nuclear weapons
strategic bomber
airplane capable of firing missiles at a target located at a great distance
strategic buyout
an acquisition based on analysis of the benefits of consolidation in anticipation of increased earning power
strategic capability
ability to properly plan combat, ability to form plans that maximize military strength
strategic intelligence
intelligence that is required for forming policy and military plans at national and international levels
strategic interest
essential interest, interest that is part of a plan
strategic management
The term strategic management refers to the managerial process of forming a strategic vision, setting objectives, crafting a strategy, implementing and executing the strategy, and then over time initiating whatever corrective adjustments in the vision, objectives, strategy, and execution are deemed appropriate
strategic management
is an organisation-wide task involving both the development and implementation of strategy It demands the ability to steer the organisation as a whole through strategic change under conditions of complexity and uncertainty
strategic management
The process by which an organization determines its long-run direction and performance by ensuring that careful formulation, effective & efficient implementation, and continuous evaluation of strategy and performance takes place Strategic Management integrates various organizational functions and processes (that are typically strategic in nature) into a cohesive, broader strategy The boundaries between these various functions and processes are conceptual only, and it is through their interaction and interdependence that each is able to contribute to organizational improvements Strategic Management, therefore, is the process that links the various other functions and strategic processes together in a dynamic and interactive manner - responsive to the organization's changing environment
strategic management
The function of applying broad systematic management planning for the organisation Includes the activities involved with the development, monitoring, and reviewing of business plans, strategic plans, work plans, corporate plans, Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) plans, Ethnic Affairs Policy Statements (EAPS) and agreements, energy and waste management plans and other long-term organisational strategies Also includes the development of the corporate mission, objectives, continuous improvement processes, quality assurance and certification, and the formulation and amendment of legislation which provides the legislative basis for the organisation
strategic map
map showing areas of strategic advantage
strategic plan
A long-term, high-level plan that identifies broad business goals and provides a roadmap for their achievement
strategic plan
school document setting out its priorities for the development of the curriculum, staffing structure and site over a three to five year period
strategic plan
The management team's vision for where and how they will win on a sustainable long-term basis in terms of customer, product, channel, quality, delivery, and cost
strategic plan
A framework that articulates priorities, helps manage for desired results, and links results to the client or customer
strategic plan
Generally it is a long-term, high-level plan that identifies broad business missions, objectives, and goals; and provides a well-defined "roadmap" toward their attainment
strategic plan
A long-range organizational plan for combating a problem or problems (e g , substance abuse and violence prevention) or fulfilling a need or needs (e g , specific services or other resources) Basically, it is a snapshot of an organization's strengths and weaknesses, its environmental opportunities and threats, and its population's resources and needs It provides a framework for ongoing planning, community involvement, program implementation and evaluation, and overall cooperation, coordination and collaboration of activities and services
strategic plan
In the administrator evaluation system the term strategic plan is used to designate the collection of organizational goals, targets, and objectives of the Board of Education and the Superintendent When the Board of Education and the Superintendent establish a system wide Strategic Plan for the future, all administrators will be expected to support the actions included in the plan
strategic plan
Items needed (usually missing) to achieve mission, critical goal to achieve mission
strategic plan
The minimum and maximum weighting allowed within each asset sector These ranges vary accordingly to the type of discretionary option and are changed infrequently
strategic plan
as opposed to tactical, strategic involves thinking or planning on a larger scale For example your strategic plan is to get your target market to buy more of your product and have a positive brand image The tactical plan would then involve the smaller steps of everything you would do to achieve the higher buy rates and create the positive image
strategic plan
A document that sets organizational direction and measurable program objectives These goals and objectives not only provide the basis for determining necessary financial resources, but also provide the basis for work force needs
strategic plan
A document developed by an agency that documents the policy direction and agency goals for a three-year period
strategic plan
a document that outlines the mission, values, and goals for the medium to long term
strategic plan
The long range, highest-level company plan that describes its overall goals and objectives in determining what businesses to participate in, which strategic resources are required, assesses company strengths and weaknesses vs the competition, and serves as the basis or target for the next detail level (the business plan)
strategic plan
A document used by an organization to align its organization and budget structure with organizational priorities, missions, and objectives According to requirements of GPRA, a strategic plan should include a mission statement, a description of the agency's long-term goals and objectives, and strategies or means the agency plans to use to achieve these general goals and objectives The strategic plan may also identify external factors that could affect achievement of long-term goals [GAO] Strategic planning is a systematic method used by an organization to anticipate and adapt to expected changes The IRM portion of strategic planning sets broad direction and goals for managing information and supporting delivery of services to customers and the public and identifies the major IRM activities to be undertaken to accomplish the desired agency mission and goals [GAO]
strategic plan
The framework which an operating unit uses to articulate the organization's priorities, to manage for results, and to tie the organization's results to the customer and beneficiary The strategic plan is a comprehensive plan that includes the limitation of strategic objectives and a description of how resources will be deployed to accomplish the objectives A strategic plan is prepared for each portfolio whether it is managed at a country, regional, or central level
strategic plan
A plan which sets forth an organisation's mission, goals, objectives, courses of action, and expected results for a specific time frame, usually five to ten years Strategic planning is the process by which such plans are developed A council of ministers, or cabinet, may have a strategic planning process to establish goals and priorities for the government, but generally will not produce a "strategic plan" (document) as would a ministry or agency Sometimes called "business plans", these documents are often used a major justification for an organisation's budget request
strategic plan
A guide that enables an organization to respond in a focused, effective and innovative way to the challenges of its environment and constituents To this end, the strategic plan states goals, objectives, and action steps developed through a process that identifies stengths, weaknesses and critical needs of the organization, all within the context of the institutional mission MU's Strategic Plan is an evolving document that has been developed by faculty, staff, administration, student and alumni representatives on the Strategic Planning Advisory Council Copies are available from the Chancellor's Office or on the web at (please put in the web address here)
strategic plan
A plan for the overall conduct of a war (Joint Pub 1-02)
strategic plan
A strategic plan consists of an organization's mission and future direction, near-term and long-term performance targets, and strategy
strategic plan
a statement of long-range goals and directions, developed with particular attention to changing factors in the department environment Strategic planning involves deciding who the department's clients are, in what way they should be served, and how the department should adapt to major changes in its environment
strategic plan
A practical action-oriented guide based upon an examination of internal and external factors, which directs goal setting and resource allocation to achieve meaningful results over time
strategic plan
The strategic plan for undergraduate education is a statement of where the program wants to go and how it plans to get there The plan consists of thee parts: the program goal, the program objectives, and the program strategies
strategic plan
A road map that outlines the long-term goals of an organization or program and details how these will be achieved by adopting specific strategies, approaches and methodologies
strategic plan
a comprehensive set of programs and policies to achieve a define set of goals
strategic planning
determining the long term objective of a mission in detail
strategic studies
military education whose purpose is to provide the student with the tools to be prepared to fight intelligibly in a battle
strategic warning
(miliatry) a warning prior to the start of a threatening act
The field or activity of using strategy
Center for Strategic Studies
Jaffa Institute of the Tel Aviv University (Israel)
Office of Strategic Services
{i} OSS, United States government intelligence agency formed during World War II (forerunner of the CIA)
Office of Strategic Services
(1942-45) U.S. agency formed for the purpose of obtaining information about and sabotaging the military efforts of enemy nations during World War II. It was headed by William J. ("Wild Bill") Donovan (1883-1959). With some 12,000 staff, the OSS collected and analyzed information on areas of the world in which U.S. military forces were operating. It used agents inside Nazi-occupied Europe, including Berlin; carried out counterpropaganda and disinformation activities; produced analytical reports for policy makers; and staged special operations (e.g., sabotage and demolition) behind enemy lines to support guerrillas and resistance fighters. Many of its functions were later assumed by the Central Intelligence Agency
Of or pertaining to strategy; effected by artifice
relating to or concerned with strategy; "strategic weapon"; "the islands are of strategic importance"; "strategic considerations"
{s} strategic, based on strategy, planned, designed to achieve a goal
with regard to strategy; "strategically important decisions"
in a strategic manner
with regard to strategy; "strategically important decisions
the science or art of strategy