star trek

listen to the pronunciation of star trek
Englisch - Türkisch

Definition von star trek im Englisch Türkisch wörterbuch

(Askeri) kısa ton; kısa araç; özel taktikler; taarruz timi (short ton; small tug; special tactics; strike team)
Englisch - Englisch
The first series of the Star Trek franchise
A popular sci-fi media franchise set in the future, primarily focusing on the adventures of the personnel of a space navy of an interstellar political federation of which Earth is a charter member
a very popular US science fiction television programme of the 1960s about the adventures of a group of people travelling through space in the Starship Enterprise. The characters include Captain Kirk, Scotty, and Mr Spock. There are several well-known phrases from the programme, such as 'Space - the final frontier', 'to boldly go where no man has gone before', and ' beam me up, Scotty '. There have been several new programmes based on the original idea, including Star Trek - The Next Generation, Star Trek - Deep Space Nine, Star Trek - Voyager, and Enterprise. There have also been several successful films based on the Star Trek stories. Klingon
science-fiction television program

As references in various articles on my Web site will demonstrate, I do spend time reading publications promoting non-Christian viewpoints. But still ST is supposed to be entertaining. And I do know of many Christians who have long since stopped watching ST due to the unchristian values sometimes presented.

star trek

    Türkische aussprache

    stär trek


    /ˈstär ˈtrek/ /ˈstɑːr ˈtrɛk/


    ... Perfect search engine, as Amit mentioned, is the Star Trek ...
    ... I would watch endless episodes of Star Trek, captivated by ...