staff noncommissioned officer

listen to the pronunciation of staff noncommissioned officer
Englisch - Türkisch
(Askeri) karargah astsubayı
staff officer
(Askeri) kurmay
staff officer
(Askeri) karargah subayı
staff officer
kurmay subay
staff officer
kurmay subayı
staff officer
(Askeri) KARARGAH SUBAYI: Bir karargahta, karargah heyetine mensup bir subay, kurmay subay
staff officer
ask. kurmay subay, kurmay
Englisch - Englisch

Definition von staff noncommissioned officer im Englisch Englisch wörterbuch

staff officer
An officer that fulfills a non-combat support function, often in a headquarters or planning office
Staff Officer
staff officer
commanding officer, administrative officer
staff officer
In the army and air force, a staff officer is an officer who works for a commander or in the headquarters. a military officer whose job is to help an officer of a higher rank
staff officer
a commissioned officer assigned to a military commander's staff
staff noncommissioned officer