
listen to the pronunciation of spot
Englisch - Türkisch

Vücudunun her tarafında kırmızı benekler var. - He has red spots all over his body.

Cildindeki bu benekler nedir? - What are those spots on your skin?


Kaza onun şöhretinde bir leke bıraktı. - The incident left a spot on his reputation.

Gömlekten kan lekelerini nasıl çıkarabilirim? - How can I remove the spots of blood from the shirt?


Göl bu noktada en derindir. - The lake is deepest at this spot.

Kafamda yuvarlak kel bir nokta var. - I have a round bald spot on my head.

{f} görmek; seçmek; farketmek, ayırt etmek
{f} yerini saptamak
{f} seçmek
{i} yer

Tom gizli saklama yerinden anahtarı aldı ve kapıyı açtı. - Tom got the key from its secret hiding spot and opened the door.

Polisler hırsızı olay yerinde tutukladı. - The police arrested the burglar on the spot.

{f} yerine koymak
{f} lekelenmek
(Askeri) değerlendirmek
{f} beneklemek
(Ticaret) hazır
(Bilgisayar) sıcak nokta
ufacık leke
yüzdeki ben
{f} nokta yapmak
az bir miktar
{f} tanımak
radyo ilanı

Leyla'nın arabası en son Sami'nin öldürülmesinden bir gün önce mahallede fark edildi. - Layla's car was last spotted in the neighborhood a day before Sami's murder.

güç durum
{f} farket
(yüzdeki) ben
hüküm giyme
{f} yerleştirmek
kısa reklam
projektör ışığı
namus lekesi
ayırt etmek

Gezimizin amacı arkadaşları ziyaret etmek ve bazı turistik noktaları görmektir. - The purpose of our trip is to visit friends and see some tourist spots.

{f} benek benek olmak
{i} sahne ışığı
yerinde olan
{i} spot
{i} reklâm
{s} hemen teslim edilen
(Askeri) DEĞERLENDİRMEK, YERLEŞTİRMEK: 1. Atış tanzim için gerekli bilgileri vermek, atımların hedefe nazaran inhiraf miktarını gözetleme yaparak tespit etmek. 2. Uygun bir yere yerleştirmek. "adjustment of fire"
{i} gece klübü
{s} peşin para ile yapılan
{i} azıcık miktar
{i} puan
{i} olay yeri

Katil olay yerinde tutuklandı. - The murderer was arrested on the spot.

Polisler hırsızı olay yerinde tutukladı. - The police arrested the burglar on the spot.

{i} reklâm spotu
(Tıp) Leke, benek, nokta, macula
deniz güzeli
{i} zor durum

Sami zor durumda olduğunu biliyordu. - Sami knew he was in a tight spot.

Ben kendimi zor durumda buldum. - I found myself in a tight spot.

ara sıra rasgele
bir miktar güç durum
{i} eğlence yeri

Ben eğlence yerinde tutuklandım. - I was arrested on the spot.

{f} benek yapmak
{i} yer: We chose a shady spot. Gölgeli bir yer seçtik. That city has long been a trouble spot. O şehir uzun
(Denizbilim) belirlemek

Burada bir sürü balık yakaladım. Burası büyük bir balıkçılık bölgesi. - I've caught a lot of fish here. It's a great fishing spot.


Banka ona 500 dolar ödünç verdi. - The bank lent her 500 dollars.

Muhabir: Ona bir kedi yavrusu aldınız mı? - Reporter: Did you buy her a kitten?


O, ona bir süveter aldı. - She bought him a sweater.

Meseleyi ona bırakmaktan başka çaremiz yoktu. - We had no choice but to leave the matter to him.


Bu bir ev, şu ise camidir. - This is a house and that is a mosque.

Bu iyi bir kitaptır ama şu daha iyidir. - This is a good book, but that is better.


Sen olmasaydın, o hâlâ hayatta olacaktı. - If it hadn't been for you, he would still be alive.

Artık seni sevmiyorum. - I don't love you anymore.


Tazelik bizim önceliğimizdir. - Freshness is our top priority.

Bizim ana dilimiz Japoncadır. - Our native language is Japanese.


Onun bir gün birisi olacağından eminim. - I'm sure he's going to be somebody someday.

Birisi telefona cevap verebilir mi? - Can somebody answer the phone?


Merhaba, siz Bay Ogawa mısınız? - Hello, are you Mr Ogawa?

Sizin bir öğretmen olduğunuzu biliyorum. - I know that you're a teacher.

{i} biri

Merdivenlerden yukarı gelen birisi var. - There's somebody coming up the stairs.

Biri bu tabağı kırdı. - Somebody has broken this dish.


Sanırım birisi oraya gitti. - I think that someone went there.

Bir yabancı omzuma arkadan dokundu. Beni başka birisiyle karıştırmış olmalı. - A stranger tapped me on the shoulder from behind. He must have mistaken me for someone else.


Bir kırmızı ve benekli beyaz havlu, lütfen. - A red and spotted white towel, please.

spot bar
(Tiyatro) ışık çubuğu
spot beam
noktasal ışın demeti
spot color
(Bilgisayar) nokta rengi
spot face
(Mekanik) pul yatağı
spot loan
(Ticaret) spot kredi
spot sale
(Ticaret) derhal teslim şartlı satış
spot sale
(Ticaret) peşin satış
spot business
peşin alışveriş
spot cash
peşin para
spot cash
emre hazır para
spot check
rasgele yapılan tahkikat
spot lamp
spotlu lamba
spot lamp
efekt lambası
spot landing
çekit inişi
spot market
peşin alışveriş piyasası
spot price
spot fiyat
spot price
peşin fiyat
spot remover
leke çıkarıcı
spot sugar
benekli şeker
spot sugar
lekeli şeker
spot transaction
vadesiz işlem
spot transaction
spot işlem
spot welding
çekit kaynağı
spot carbon
spot karbon, izli karbon
spot checked
spot kontrol
spot exchange rate
(Ekonomi) O gün geçerli olan döviz kuru
spot filler
Yoklama macunu
spot jam
spot reçel
spot kick
spot tekme
spot lamp
spotlu lamba, efekt lambası, toplayıcı ışıldak
spot landing
nokta inişi
spot punch
tek delgi makinesi, tekli delgi makinesi
spot rate
spot kur
spot sugar
lekeli şeker, benekli şeker
spot transaction
spot işlem, vadesiz işlem
spot welder
spot kaynakçı
spot welding
nokta kaynağı
spot welding
(Mühendislik) punta kaynağı
spot announcement
kısa reklâm
spot announcement
reklâm spotu
spot ball
siyah noktalı beyaz bilardo topu
spot beam
noktasal isin demeti
spot cash
nakit ödeme
spot check
(deyim) a spot check ( genellikle do/carry out...) arasira kontrol ,teftis etme
spot check
ani denetim
spot check
gelişigüzel kontrol
spot check
(Askeri) KISMİ MUAYENE: Bütünün durumunu tespit etmek maksadıyla, birçok madde, parça, teçhizat veya personelden birkaçının muayenesi
spot check
rasgele yoklama
spot color ink
spot renk mürekkebi
spot direction
(Askeri) TRAFİK DÜZENLEME NOKTASINDA KONTROL, NOKTA KONTROLÜ: Yol trafik kontrolünde, trafiğin bir yol kavşağı gibi belirli bir noktadan idare edilmesi
spot distortion
benek bozunumu
spot elevation
(Askeri) NOKTA RAKIMI: Harita veya şema üzerinde yüksekliği belirtilen bir nokta
spot goods
peşin para ile alınan şeyler
spot goods
hemen teslim edilen mallar
spot height
(Askeri) NOKTA RAKIMI, RAKIM: Harita üzerinde, bir noktanın bir başlangıç yüzeyinden yüksekliğini gösteren, basılı rakam. Buna (spot elevation) da denir
spot jamming
(Askeri) NOKTA KARIŞTIRMASI: Belli bir kanal ya da frekansın karıştırılması. Bak. "barrage jamming", "electronic warfare"; "jamming"; "electronic jamming"
spot lamp
(Otomotiv) harita lambası
spot map
(Tıp) nokta haritası
spot map
(Askeri) OLAY YERİ HARİTASI: İşlenen suçların, trafik kazalarının meydana geldiği veya trafiğin ihlal edildiği yeri gösteren harita. Bak. "map"
spot map
(Askeri) olay yeri haritası
spot net
(Askeri) atım kestirme çevrimi
spot net
(Askeri) ATIM KESTİRME ÇEVRİMİ: Atış kıymetlendiricilerin ateş isteği için kullandıkları bir telsiz çevrimi
spot news
haberlerden özetler
spot news
kısa haberler
spot of
spot of
çok az
spot of
bir damla
spot on
spot on
spot on
spot price
hemen teslim fiyatı
spot price
peşin fiyatı
spot recorder
noktasal isil kaydedici
spot report
(Askeri) nokta raporu
spot report
(Askeri) GÖZETLEME RAPORU: Yapılmakta olan planlama ve harekat üzerinde acele ve önemli bir etki yapabilecek mahiyette olayları ve durumları içine alan ve emniyet tedbirlerine uygun en seri vasıtalarla gönderilen temel bilgileri özet halinde ve kronolojik sırasıyla bildiren rapor (Not; keşif ve gözetleme de "spot report" kullanılmayacaktır !. Bak Joint Tactical Air Reconnaissance/Survaillance Mission Report)
spot requisition
(Askeri) PLAN DIŞI SİVİL İKMAL MADDELERİ İSTEĞİ: Harekat alanı komutanlarınca istenilen, fakat plana dahil edilmemiş bulunan esas veya ek sivil ikmal maddeleri isteği
spot size
(Askeri) SPOT GENİŞLİĞİ: Katod su tüpünün ekranındaki spotun genişliği
spot test
benek deneyi
spot test
ani denetim
spot test
gelişigüzel kontrol
spot weld
nokta kaynağı ile tutturmak
spot weld
(isim)kta kaynağı ile tutturmak
special security officer; spot security office
(Askeri) özel emniyet subayı; nokta güvenlik ofisi
specialist intelligence report; spot intelligence report
(Askeri) uzmanın istihbarat raporu; nokta tespit istihbarat raporu

Kızı onunla her yere gitmeye hevesli. - His daughter is eager to go with him anywhere.

Onun adı Tomoyuki Ogura. - His name is Tomoyuki Ogura.


Eğer yapmadığım bir şey için ailem beni cezalandırdıysa , onlara doğruları söylerdim ve benim masumiyetle ilgili onları ikna etmeye çalışırdım. - If my parents punished me for something I didn't do, I would tell them the truth and try to convince them of my innocence.

Onlara karşı çıkmak hiçbir şeye yaramaz. - It'll be useless to stand against them.


Sosyal ağlarda hırsızlar, sahteciler, sapıklar veya katiller olabilir. Güvenliğiniz için, onlara inanmamalısınız. - There may be thieves, fakers, perverts or killers in social networks. For your security, you shouldn't believe them.

Onlardan herhangi birini seçebilirsin. - You may choose any of them.


Ben dün sizin babanıza rastladım. - I bumped into your dad yesterday.

Ben dün sizin babanıza rastladım. - I ran into your dad yesterday.

(İnşaat) benim N
eril onun

O, aynada kendine bakmadı mı? - Hasn't he looked at himself in a mirror?

O kendi kendineHAYIRdedi.Yüksek sesle EVET dedi. - He said NO to himself. He said YES aloud.


Tom asla ağzını birşeyi şikayet etmeden açmaz. - Tom never opens his mouth without complaining about something.

Yarın sabah Tom'un birşeyler yapmasına yardım etmeliyim. - I have to help Tom do something tomorrow morning.


Yağmur nedeniyle onların gezisi ertelendi. - Their trip has been cancelled due to rain.

Onların konuşmaları devam etti. - Their conversation went on.


Onun elleri buz kadar soğuktu. - Her hands were as cold as ice.

Onunla kahve dükkanında buluşmaya söz verdi. - He promised to meet her at the coffee shop.

bu kadar

O, daha önce hiç bu kadar korkmamıştı. - She'd never been this frightened before.

Her gün bu kadar sıcak mı? - Is it this hot every day?

non-parking spot
Park yapılmayan yer

Jane'nin hayali kendine yaşlı ve zengin bir sevgili bulmaktı. - Jane's dream was to find herself a sugar daddy.

Emi kendine yeni bir elbise ısmarladı. - Emi ordered herself a new dress.


Onu Kaliforniya'ya gönderiyorum. - I'm sending her to California.

Aşk onu rüyalarında görmektir. - Love is seeing her in your dreams.

dişil onun
{z} dişil onu; ona; ondan; onun: He loves her. Onu seviyor. He looked at her. Ona baktı. They hated her. Ondan nefret ettiler. It pleased

Kendisini ateşle ısıttı. - She warmed herself by the fire.

Kendisine HAYIR dedi. Yüksek sesle EVET dedi. - She said NO to herself. She said YES aloud.


O ondan daha akıllıdır. - He's smarter than her.

Bu eski madeni paraları ondan aldım. - I got these old coins from her.

dişil onu

Kızı onunla her yere gitmeye hevesli. - His daughter is eager to go with him anywhere.

Onunla beraber olduğun sürece mutlu olamazsın. - As long as you are with him, you can't be happy.


O, çocuklarını kendi etrafına topladı. - He gathered his children around him.

Kendisine HAYIR dedi. Yüksek sesle EVET dedi. - He said NO to himself. He said YES aloud.

{z} benim. ünlem O, ...! (Hayret belirtmek için kullanılır.): My, my, how nice you look! O, bu ne güzellik böyle!
bir kimse

O, oryantal sanatında birazcık uzmandır. - He is something of an expert on oriental art.

Bu biraz farklı bir şeydi ve beraber takıldığım insanlar bunlardan takıyordu. - It's something a bit different and the people I was hanging around with wore them.


Şu gömlek için sadece on dolar ödedi. - He only paid ten dollars for that shirt.

Coca-Cola'nın üretildiği ilk yıllarda, o kokain içeriyordu. 1914'te, kokain bir uyuşturucu olarak gruplandırıldı ve sonra Coca-Cola'nın üretimi için kokain yerine kafein kullandılar. - In the first years that Coca-Cola was produced, it contained cocaine. In 1914, cocaine was classified as a narcotic, after which they used caffeine instead of cocaine in the production of Coca-Cola.


Ailesinin dengeli bir diyet yaptığından emin. - She makes sure that her family eats a balanced diet.

Ek olarak yaşlılar birbirleriyle sosyalleşebilsin ve Amerikan hayatının aktif üyeleri olarak kalabilsinler diye birçok topluluk kurulmuştur. - In addition many groups have been formed so that the elderly can socialize with one another and remain active participants in American life.

bu kadar

Ver onu. Sahip olduğunun hepsi bu kadar mı? - Hand it over. That's all you've got?

İki yaşındaki bir çocuk bu kadar hızlı koşabilir mi? - Can a two-year-old boy run that fast?


Takımımız beyzbolda onları 5-0 mağlup etti. - Our team defeated them by 5-0 at baseball.

Onların hepsi sadece kızları götürmek için buradalar. - All of them are just here to pick up girls.


Sana satranç oynamayı öğreteceğim. - I will teach you to play chess.

Sana küçük bir şey getirdim. - I brought you a little something.

zam onunki
vay be!
million years
Aman! Olur şey değil Hayret!
vay canına!
vay be

Neden parka falan gitmiyoruz? - Why don't we go to the park or something?

Bir pizza falan sipariş edebiliriz. - We could order a pizza or something.

{i} önemli bir şey

Sana önemli bir şey söylemek istiyorum. - I want to tell you something important.

Mary'yi gördüğüm her seferde, ondan yeni ve önemli bir şey öğreniyorum. - Each time I see Mary, I learn something new and important from her.


Böyle bir durumun tekrar olacağının olası olmadığını düşünüyorum. - I think it's unlikely that a situation like this one would ever occur again.

Onun böyle güzel bir teklifi reddetmesine şaşırdım. - I am surprised that she refused such a good offer.

amerika birleşik devletleri
Türkisch - Türkisch
Dar bir alana çok güçlü ışık yöneltebilen stüdyo lambası, ışıntı lambası
Herhangi bir aynalı alet ile ekran üzerinde oluşturulan görüntü
Dar bir alana çok güçlü ışık yöneltebilen stüdyo lambası, ışıntı lambası, reklam ışıntısı
Bir malı çok miktarda toptancıdan veresiye aldıktan sonra piyasada değerinden daha aşağıya peşin olarak satma
Kısa süreli tanıtım filmi
Genellikle sıralamada başlıktan sonra yer alan haber ayrıntısı
spot alım
Fabrikalardan ve piyasalardan toptan ve vadeli senet karşılığında mal satın alma
spot mağaza
Fabrikalardan toptan ve vadeli mal satın alarak bunları indirimli fiyatlarla peşin olarak satan iş yeri
spot satım
Fabrikalardan ve piyasalardan toptan ve vadeli mal satma
(Osmanlı Dönemi) f. Bütün, hep, tamamen
Tekil isimlere tamlayan görevinde getirilerek birer birer olarak, "...-in hepsi" anlamını verir: "Bir hafta, her gece çalışmak suretiyle hikâyesini bitirdi."- H. E. Adıvar
(Osmanlı Dönemi) VAKŞ
(Osmanlı Dönemi) RUH
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Arslan yatağı
Duygu: "Birisi duygularına, hislerine kulak verir, öteki hile ve desise seslerine ..."- B. Felek
Sezgi, sezme
Duyu. Sezgi, sezme
Terbiyesiz kimse
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Meşelik
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Deveye ârız olan susuzluk hastalığı
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Kürtçede: Temel, esas
Tekil isimlere tamlayan görevinde getirilerek birer birer olarak, "...-in hepsi" anlamını verir
Bina temeli
Eskiden, Bingazi ve Trablusgarp'tan alınan bir çeşit vergi
Derinlemesine eşilen ve duvar örülen çukur
Köpek: "İt ürür, kervan yürür."- Atasözü
Değersiz, terbiyesiz kimse
Değersiz, terbiyesiz kimse: "Babaları da zaten itin biri."- H. Taner
Koyun, kuzu gibi hayvanların çıkardığı ses
Evrenin tasarlandığı gibi işlemesini sağlayan kutsal kurallar ve düzenlemeler
Koyun, kuzu gibi hayvanların çıkardığı ses: "Kara koyun kuzular kuzulamaz / Me deme."- F. H. Dağlarca
Eylemleri olumsuz yapmakta kullanılan ek
Türk alfabesinin on altıncı harfinin adı, okunuşu
Antimon elementinin simgesi
Englisch - Englisch
A popular given name for a dog
A small, unspecified amount or quantity

Would you like to come round on Sunday for a spot of lunch?.

An official determination of placement

The fans were very unhappy with the referee's spot of the ball.

Difficult situation; predicament

She was in a real spot when she ran into her separated husband while on a date.

A bright lamp; a spotlight
A location or area

I like to eat lunch in a pleasant spot outside.

A pimple, papule or pustule

I think she's got chicken pox; she's covered in spots.

A stain or disfiguring mark

I have tried everything, and I can’t get this spot out.

To remove, or attempt to remove, a stain

I spotted the carpet where the child dropped spaghetti.

To loan a small amount of money to someone

I’ll spot you ten dollars for lunch.

One who spots (supports or assists a maneuver, or is prepared to assist if safety dictates); a spotter
To see, find; to pick out, notice, locate, distinguish or identify

Try to spot the differences between these two entries.

A bill of five-dollar or ten-dollar denomination in dollars

Here's the twenty bucks I owe you, a ten spot and two five spots.

To keep the head and eyes pointing in a single direction while turning

Most figure skaters do not spot their turns like dancers do.

penalty kick
To support or assist a maneuver, or to be prepared to assist if safety dictates

I can’t do a back handspring unless somebody spots me.

A brief advertisement or program segment on television

Did you see the spot on the news about the shoelace factory?.

To stain; to leave a spot

Hard water will spot if it is left on a surface.

A round or irregular patch on the surface of a thing having a different color, texture etc. and generally round in shape

The leopard is noted for the spots of color in its fur.

{v} to mark, stain, daub, corrupt, disgrace
{n} a speck, blot, stain, disgrace, certain place
A high resolution satellite Earth Observation System designed by CNES (Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales), France, and developed with the participation of Sweden and Belgium MORE
a small contrasting part of something; "a bald spot"; "a leopard's spots"; "a patch of clouds"; "patches of thin ice"; "a fleck of red"
being on the spot, or place; on hand for immediate delivery after sale; said of commodities; as, spot wheat
Market of immediate delivery of the product and immediate payment Also refers to a maturing delivery month of a futures contract
Spots on a person's skin are small lumps or marks. Never squeeze blackheads, spots or pimples
an act that brings discredit to the person who does it; "he made a huge blot on his copybook"
a section of an entertainment that is assigned to a specific performer or performance; "they changed his spot on the program"
This artifact defined as an opaque area on the surface of the polarizer that does not allow any light through This type of artifact impacts transmission and may not be visible in crossed polarizer conditions
Satellite Pour l'Observation de la Terre A French satellite carrying two pushbroom imaging systems (Originally Système Probatoire de l'Observation de la Terre)
a slight attack of illness; "he has a touch of rheumatism"
make a spot or mark onto; "The wine spotted the tablecloth
A sciænoid food fish (Liostomus xanthurus) of the Atlantic coast of the United States
an outstanding characteristic; "his acting was one of the high points of the movie"
a blemish made by dirt; "he had a smudge on his cheek"
a lamp that produces a strong beam of light to illuminate a restricted area; used to focus attention of a stage performer
Refers to the characteristic of being available for immediate (or nearly immediate) delivery An outgrowth of the phrase "on the spot," it usually refers to a cash market price for stocks of the physical commodity that are available for immediate delivery, or conversely and depending upon the noun it modifies, the stocks themselves that are available for delivery if transactions are usually grouped into two kinds -spot and forward contracts However, "spot" is also sometimes used in reference to the futures contract of the current month, in which case trading is still "futures" trading but delivery is possible at any time
A particular location or area
a playing card with a specified number of pips on it to indicate its value; "an eight spot"
a short section or illustration (as between radio or tv programs or in a magazine) that is often used for advertising a mark on a playing card (shape depending on the suit) a small quantity; "a spot of tea"; "a bit of paper"
System Pour l'Observation de la Terre Polar-orbiting Earth observation satellite designed and operated by the French, having a ground resolution of 10m
rooted to the spot: see rooted to have a soft spot for someone: see soft
the illuminated area that appears where the electron beam strikes the screen of a CRT
mark with a spot or spots so as to allow easy recognition; "spot the areas that one should clearly identify"
exactly, precisely (Slang)
If you have a spot of something, you have a small amount of it. Mr Brooke is undoubtedly in a spot of bother We've given all the club members tea, coffee and a spot of lunch. = bit
It has a black spot behind the shoulders and fifteen oblique dark bars on the sides
To mark or note so as to insure recognition; to recognize; to detect; as, to spot a criminal
Satellite Pour l'Observation de la Terre (France)
A small area of corrosion or foreign substance Also, short for spot price
An earth resource satellite with high resolution sensors launched by France in January 1986
a job in an organization; "he occupied a post in the treasury"
Series of satellites developed by the French Space Agency, with the cooperation with Belgium and Sweden for the purpose of remotely monitoring resources on the Earth The first SPOT satellite was launched in 1986 See the following website for more information - SPOT Image
A spot in a television or radio show is a part of it that is regularly reserved for a particular performer or type of entertainment. Unsuccessful at screen writing, he got a spot on a CNN film show. = slot
Refers to the characteristic of being available for immediate (or nearly immediate) delivery Also refers to the cash market price of a specific commodity
Usually refers to a cash market price for a physical commodity that is available for immediate delivery
{i} roundish stain, dot, speck; place; awkward or difficult situation, predicament; specific location, area; stain on one's reputation, blemish; pimple (British); spotlight
catch sight of
To stain; to blemish; to taint; to disgrace; to tarnish, as reputation; to asperse
Generally describes a transaction which will come to settlement in two days
If you do something on the spot, you do it immediately. James was called to see the producer and got the job on the spot
become spotted; "This dress spots quickly"
If you are on the spot, you are at the actual place where something is happening. areas where troops are on the spot and protecting civilians
a business establishment for entertainment; "night spot" a playing card with a specified number of pips on it to indicate its value; "an eight spot" a small contrasting part of something; "a bald spot"; "a leopard's spots"; "a patch of clouds"; "patches of thin ice"; "a fleck of red" a section of an entertainment that is assigned to a specific performer or performance; "they changed his spot on the program" a short section or illustration (as between radio or tv programs or in a magazine) that is often used for advertising a mark on a playing card (shape depending on the suit) a small quantity; "a spot of tea"; "a bit of paper" mark with a spot or spots so as to allow easy recognition; "spot the areas that one should clearly identify" become spotted; "This dress spots quickly" make a spot or mark onto; "The wine spotted the tablecloth
mar or impair with a flaw; "her face was blemished"
An infestation in the forest, usually referencing a bark beetle infestation
A small extent of space; a place; any particular place
The position of the aircraft when the jumpers exit Spotting duties (selecting the spot) can be done by a skydiver or the pilot
To see, find; to pick out, notice, locate or identify
spot check
To inspect or examine briefly, or by sampling

They spot check the rooms periodically for problems.

spot check
A cursory inspection or examination or the inspection or examination of a sample of something

They do not measure each one, but they do a spot check on a few parts before shipping.

spot checked
Simple past tense and past participle of spot check
spot checking
Present participle of spot check
spot checks
Third-person singular simple present indicative form of spot check
spot checks
plural form of spot check
spot kick
penalty kick
spot kicks
plural form of spot kick
spot market
A market in which commodities are bought and sold for immediate delivery. Delivery usually takes place in the same or next business day

The price on the futures market depends in part on the price on the spot market.

spot markets
plural form of spot market
spot on
exact or correct

I was spot on with my guess.

spot price
The price at which a physical commodity for immediate delivery is selling at a given time and place
spot prices
plural form of spot price
spot prize
a small prize given informally during an event such as a dinner dance
spot test
The addition of a single drop of a reagent to a small sample as a qualitative analytical test for the presence of a specific compound or class of compounds

The DPA test referred to by Martz is a color spot test for a range of oxidizing compounds, which include but are not limited to nitrates.

spot the difference
A type of puzzle in which the object is to find a certain number of minor differences between two pictures, usually printed side by side, that are otherwise identical
spot the differences
plural form of spot the difference
spot weld
A weld made by spot welding
spot weld
To join pieces of metal using spot welding
spot welding
Present participle of spot weld
spot welding
The resistance-welding of overlapping pieces of metal by applying pressure and an electric current at small points
spot-backed antshrike
a passerine bird of the antbird family
correct; accurate; absolutely right
the spotted redshank
spot the difference
spot-winged antshrike
a passerine bird of the antbird family
spot-winged antshrikes
plural form of spot-winged antshrike
spot cash
cash money
spot cash
Cash paid or ready for payment at once upon delivery of property purchased
spot check
quick test; random investigation
spot check
a check on work performance or product quality made at random times without warning; "spot checks ensure a high level of performance by employees
spot check
If someone carries out a spot check, they examine one thing from a group in order to make sure that it is satisfactory. an examination of a few things or people from a group, to check whether everything is correct or satisfactory spot check on
spot color
Color used usually for accent
spot color
An alternative to four-color printing Instead of combining inks on the press to create an infinite variety of colors, inks are pre-mixed and loaded onto the press Typically no more than three spot colors are used per job
spot color
One (generally non-process) color other than black
spot color
Printing of one or more solid (not process) color of ink It's used very often to cut down printing costs and give the printed product one and up to three colors to enhance looks and reading Used on Newsletters, Stationery, books, etc Also used when a color can not be simulated very well using process colors (like gold and silver)
spot color
A spot color is a special premixed ink that is used instead of, or (less commonly) in addition to, CMYK process inks, and that requires its own printing plate on a printing press Use spot color when few colors are specified and color accuracy is critical Spot color inks can accurately reproduce colors that are outside the gamut of process colors However, the exact appearance of the printed spot color is determined by combination of the ink medium it's printed on, so it isn't affected by color values you specify or by color management Minimize the number of spot colors you use Each spot color you create will generate an additional spot color printing plate for a printing press, increasing your printing costs If you think you might require more than four colors, consider printing your document using process colors
spot color
A special ink added to a job as a solid color rather than a combination of the four process colors When the job is color separated, each spot color has its own separation
spot color
Toners used independently a) in a printed piece for a specific need or, b) in overlapping colors
spot color
Individual color or colors that are utilized to highlight illustrations or type Spot color is frequently printed with nonprocess color inks, although process inks can be used
spot color
The adding of a color for the purpose of creating greater impact
spot color
A premixed color ink used on a printing press A widely used system for selecting spot colors is the Pantone Matching System (PMS)
spot color
A single consistent color used throughout an area
spot color
Ink colors designated by the Pantone or similar system, in which the ink used is the actual color desired (I e , green ink rather than the process yellow and process cyan to simulate green) to top
spot color
Small area printed in a second color
spot color
The technique of coloring for emphasis some areas of basic black-and-white advertisements, usually with a single color
spot color
n A method of handling color in a document in which a particular color of ink is specified and each page having elements in that color is printed as a separate layer The printer then prints one layer for each spot color in the document See also color model, color separation (definition 1) Compare process color
spot color
On a standard printed page, the use of colored ink to highlight an area If this page were printed it would have yellow and blue spot color
spot color
Use of one additional color in printing
spot color
A custom mixed ink color used in printing A separate plate is used to print each spot color Pantone is a commonly used spot color matching system (See Process color) Each spot channel holds data for an individual custom color
spot color
Individual color or colors that are utilized to highlight illustrations or type Spot color is frequently printed with non-process color inks, although process inks can be used
spot color
same as PMS or Pantone color
spot color
Color printing method which uses one or more custom-mixed inks; appropriate for stationery and some brochures-not appropriate for reproducing photographs
spot color
Spot colors are printed on a printing press with premixed inks, to achieve an exact color match (to a Pantone number) To lighten a color, smaller halftone dots of the base color are created in a process called screening
spot color
A single color ink or varnish applied to printed material Primarily used when process colors are not appropriate The effective use of spot color can add heightened interest to printed materials without incurring the cost of process colors
spot color
The use of one or more extra colors on a page to highlight or enhance
spot exchange rate
The exchange rate between two currencies for immediate delivery
spot exchange rate
the spot exchange rate refers to the exchange rate that prevails on the spot, that is, for trades to take place immediately
spot exchange rate
A daily exchange rate you use to perform foreign currency conversion The spot exchange rate is usually a quoted market rate that applies to the immediate delivery of one currency for another
spot exchange rate
The exchange rate at a given moment 141, 313
spot exchange rate
The price of currencies for immediate delivery Statement of Cash Flows: One of the four basic financial statements, the Statement of Cash Flows presents a detailed summary of all of the cash inflows and outflows during a specified period
spot jam
jam a single frequency; "This operator is spot-jammed
spot jamming
electronic jamming of a specific channel or frequency
spot light
A light source emitting the light isotropically inside a cone of influence determined by the privileged direction of illumination (forming the axis of revolution) and the angle that the edge of the cone forms with this axis
spot light
Lighting tightly focused on a person or object, to bring attention to it, as contrasted with wash lighting Frequently sharp edged, the light can be diffused so it drops off less noticably When written as a single word -- spotlight -- it refers to lighting instruments that produce a tightly focused spot light Also used to refer to a followspot
spot light
A type of light cell that casts a conical beam of light
spot market
a market in which a commodity is bought or sold for immediate delivery or delivery in the very near future
spot market
situation in which commerce is based on immediate delivery
spot metering
Meter sensitivity is concentrated within a small circle in the center of the viewfinder Recommended for very precise metering; requires extensive knowledge of lighting for really effective use
spot metering
Takes meter reading from central 1%-7% of scene
spot metering
A method of autoexposure based on a meter reading of a small circle in the center of the viewfinder
spot metering
Autoexposure is based on a meter reading of a small circle in the center of the viewfinder
spot metering
An exposure metering system which takes an exposure reading from the centre of the frame only The light intensity without this central area is ignored by the metering system
spot news
updated news, latest news
spot of ink
ink stain, ink mark
spot of lunch
light meal, small meal
spot on the map
location which is marked on a map, town on a map
spot pass
A pass directed to a predetermined place on a playing area so that the receiving player arrives at the same time as the pass
spot pass
a pass to a designated spot on the field; the receiver should arrive at that spot the same time the ball does
spot price
The market price of a commodity
spot price
The price of a good for current delivery (p 172)
spot price
The current market price of an asset
spot price
The price at which the spot or cash commodity is selling on the cash or spot market
spot price
The market price for immediate delivery of a commodity, such as gold, silver or platinum
spot price
The daily or current market price Settlement of spot transactions usually occurs within two business days
spot price
The going price of silver or gold in the daily cash market See "cash price "
spot price
The current market price for a spot transaction
spot price
The market price for immediate delivery of a commodity, such as a precious metal
spot price
current delivery price of a commodity traded in the spot market; also called the cash price
spot price
Quoted price of a metals commodity such as gold or silver
spot price
The price of a commodity or currency available for immediate sale and delivery See spot market BACK TO TOP
spot price
the current delivery price of a commodity traded in the spot market
spot price
The present physical market price of the relevant commodity, currency, or investment instrument
spot price
The market price of a commodity or financial instrument that is available for immediate delivery
spot price
Current delivery price of a commodity traded in the spot market
spot price
The price of a security or commodity in the cash market Used in reference to the futures markets for securities or commodities which underlay various futures contracts
spot price
An asset's price on the spot market
spot price
The price at which a physical commodity for immediate delivery is selling at a given time and place See Cash Price
spot price
current price of gold or other commodity traded in the immediate market
spot price
The price at which the spot or cash commodity is currently trading in the spot market
spot price
the price quoted for a cash commodity
spot price
the price of the cash commodity that underlies a futures or index contract; the price of the front month contract
spot promote
promote on the spot; "Supreme Bishop Digby had been spot-promoted to Archangel
spot rate
accepted market interest rate for regular transactions
spot stroke
The pocketing of the red ball in a top corner pocket from off its own spot so as to leave the cue ball in position for an easy winning hazard in either top corner pocket
spot test
fast quiz; random sample
spot weld
each of the welds made by welding at a separate point
spot welding
creating an overlapping joint by welding at small points
pick out random samples for examination in order to ensure high quality
Spot-on means exactly correct or accurate. Schools were told their exam information had to be spot-on and accurate. exactly right
a welder who does spot welding
A sensitive, erogenous zone on the anterior wall of the vagina
Great Red Spot
a giant anticyclonic storm on the planet Jupiter; first observed about 1665
Medical examiner, or coroner
Montreal Exchange, a futures and derivatives exchange (formerly also a stock exchange)
Maine, a state of the United States of America
Middle English
Motor Yacht - diesel-driven yacht
傻屄 literally "stupid pussy"
season best (this season's personal best)
The statistic reporting the number of stolen bases
X marks the spot
You'll find what you're looking for under an obvious sign for it
be in a spot of bother
To have a slight problem, to be in a predicament
beauty spot
A place noted for its natural beauty
beauty spot
A birthmark, especially on a woman
black spot
The spot on a snooker table where the black ball is normally placed
black spot
A fictional judicial device among pirates, consisting of a black circle indicating condemnation
black spot
A fungal disease among plants, particularly roses, that results in black spots on the leaves
black spot
A section of roadway that has been designated as being particularly accident-prone
blind spot
A location where radio reception and/or transmission is significantly poorer than in surrounding locations
blind spot
In driving, the part of the road that cannot be seen in the rear-view mirror

When he changed lanes, he sideswiped a car that was in his blind spot.

blind spot
An inability to recognize a fact or think clearly about a certain topic, especially because of a prejudice

He loves her so much that he has a blind spot when it comes to her faults.

blind spot
The place where the optic nerve attaches to the retina, and so where the retina cannot detect light
blue spot
The spot on a snooker table where the blue ball is normally placed
brown spot
The spot on a snooker table where the brown ball is normally placed
brown spot
A fungal disease of some plants characterized by brown spots on the leaves
cold spot
A sensory area in the skin that responds to a decrease in temperature
faceoff spot
One of the five spots in an ice hockey rink where the playing may be started
green spot
The spot on a snooker table where the green ball is normally placed
The form of she used after a preposition or as the object of a verb; that woman, that ship, etc

The lady with the green feathers in her hat. A big Gainsborough hat. I am quite sure it was Miss Hartuff..

Belonging to her

This is her book.

he when used after a preposition or as the object of a verb

She treated him for a cold (direct object).

That which belongs to him; the possessive case of he, used without a following noun

The decision was his to live with.

Used erroneously in place of ’s after a noun, especially a masculine noun ending in s, to express the possessive case

Ahab his mark for Ahab's mark.

Belonging to him

This is his book.

hit the spot
To be particularly pleasing or appropriate; to be just right

Some ice cold lemonade would hit the spot on a warm afternoon.

hot spot
the surface manifestation of a plume that rises from deep in the Earth’s mantle
hot spot
Part of a control that responds dynamically as the user moves the pointer over it, as for example in an image map
Türkisch - Englisch
(Tiyatro) limelight

These are on sale everywhere. - Bunlar her yerde satılıyor.

Don't worry, everything will be OK. - Üzülmeyin, her şey düzelecek.


Feeling tired after his walk in the country, he took a nap. - Kırsaldaki yürüyüşünden sonra yorgun hissettiği için şekerleme yaptı.

Music that doesn't transmit feelings, images, thoughts, or memories is just background noise. - Hisleri, görüntüleri, düşünceleri ya da anıları iletmeyen müzik sadece arka fon gürültüsüdür.


I can't feel anything in my left foot; there's no sensation at all. - Ben sol ayağımda bir şey hissedemiyorum; hiç duygu yok.

I have a prickling sensation in my left eye. - Benim sol gözümde bir karıncalanma hissi var.


She must have sensed something odd. - Garip bir şey hissetmiş olmalı.

I sensed what was happening. - Ne olduğunu hissettim.

spot fiyat
(Ticaret) spot rate
spot genişliği
(Askeri) spot size
spot kur
(Ticaret) spot exchange rate
spot lamba
spot lamba
spot lambası
spot market
(Ticaret) spot market
spot renk
spot color
spot ceket
spot fiyat
spot price
spot karbon
spot carbon
spot renk mürekkebi
spot color ink
spot ticaret
(Ticaret) spot trading
spot çapı
spot diameter
{i} feel

Mary has nobody to talk with, but she doesn't feel lonely. - Mary'nin konuşacak hiç kimsesi yok fakat o kendini yalnız hissetmiyor.

I'm feeling a lot better. - Çok daha iyi hissediyorum.


Open an image and select an image layout. Click Open for opening an image. Click Quit for quitting the program. Image Layout feature allows you to view in any layout. - Bir resim açın ve bir resim düzeni seçin. Bir resim açmak için Aça tıklatın. Programdan çıkmak için Çıkışı tıklatın. Resim Düzeni özelliği herhangi bir düzende göstermenize olanak tanır.

Can you see anything in there? - Orada herhangi bir şey görebiliyor musun?

(Askeri) each

Each person paid one thousand dollars. - Her biri bin dolar ödedi.

Brush your teeth after each meal. - Her yemekten sonra dişlerini fırçala.


Can you see anything at all there? - Orada herhangi bir şey görebiliyor musun?

Open an image and select an image layout. Click Open for opening an image. Click Quit for quitting the program. Image Layout feature allows you to view in any layout. - Bir resim açın ve bir resim düzeni seçin. Bir resim açmak için Aça tıklatın. Programdan çıkmak için Çıkışı tıklatın. Resim Düzeni özelliği herhangi bir düzende göstermenize olanak tanır.


Above all, don't panic! - Her şeyden önce, panik yok!

Pandas spend at least 12 hours each day eating bamboo. - Pandalar her gün en az 12 saati bambu yiyerek geçirirler.


How many omnivorous children are patients in hospital? - Hastanede her şeyi yiyen kaç çocuk hasta var?

Jane Goodall discovered that chimpanzees are omnivorous, not vegetarian. - Jane Goodall şempanzelerin her şeyi yediklerini, vejetaryen olmadıklarını keşfetti.


I always felt emotionally abused. - Kendimi hep duygusal olarak kötüye kullanılmış hissettim.

If we let our reasoning power be overshadowed by our emotions, we would be barking up the wrong tree all the time. - Muhakeme gücümüzün hislerimiz tarafından gölgelenmesine izin verirsek her zaman yanlış ağaca havluyor oluruz.

{i} mind

You don't marry someone you can live with — you marry the person whom you cannot live without. - Sen yaşayabileceğin herhangi biriyle evlenme - sen onsuz yaşayamayacağın kişiyle evlen.

Each person paid one thousand dollars. - Her biri bin dolar ödedi.

{f} thrust
{i} sense
every single

Tom does this every single time. - Tom bunu her zaman yapar.

Every single word you say is a lie. - Söylediğin her söz bir yalan.

(Bilgisayar) recur every
(Bilgisayar) refresh every
(Bilgisayar) for all

That dispute has been settled once and for all. - O tartışma bir zamanlar karara bağlandı ve herkes için.

The law is equal for all. - Kanun herkes için aynıdır.

(Bilgisayar) start every

Either way will lead you to the station. - Her iki yol da seni istasyona götürecektir.

You may take either of the two books. - İki kitaptan herhangi birini alabilirsin.


Do you believe in extrasensory perception? - Altıncı hisse inanıyor musun?


I wonder if I should trust my instincts. - Hislerime güvenmem gerekip gerekmediğini merak ediyorum.

(Kimya) symbol of antimony
(Tıp) spotting

He believes whatever I say. - O, söylediğim her şeye inanır.

I will lend you whatever book you need. - İhtiyacın olan her kitabı sana ödünç vereceğim.


Whoever finds the bag must bring it here. - Her kim çantayı bulursa onu buraya getirmelidir.

Whoever comes will be welcomed. - Her gelen sıcak karşılanacak.


Tom couldn't help but feel sentimental. - Tom duygusal hissetmekten kendini alamadı.

cutaneous sensation
{f} jog
dig into
{f} shove
{f} pushing
Baa. Sheep's bleat, the sound a sheep makes
(abbr. for subay) mil. Off. (Officer)
every; each
feeling; emotion; sensation; sense
a sense (one of the five senses)
(a) feeling; (an) emotion
sensation, feeling
vulg. son of a bitch, bastard
dog; blackguard, scoundrel, cur, rascal, rogue, bastard, son of a bitch/gun
{i} senses