
listen to the pronunciation of spica
Englisch - Türkisch
sivri uç
{i} sivri uç [(Botanik) ]
(Tıp) 8 şeklinde bir banaj tipi
Englisch - Englisch
: A binary star in the constellation Virgo; alpha (α) Virginis
A kind of bandage passing, by successive turns and crosses, from an extremity to the trunk
A binary star in the constellation Virgo; alpha (α) Virginis
A star of the first magnitude situated in the constellation Virgo
A kind of bandage passing, by successive turns and crosses, from an extremity to the trunk; so called from its resemblance to a spike of a barley
the brightest star in Virgo
{i} flower spike (Botany); type of bandage applied in a crisscross pattern which resembles a spike of barley