(Askeri) ÖZEL GÖREV HAVACILIĞI: Askeri havacılığın; kıta nakli ve hava fotoğrafçılığı gibi, özel taktik görevleri yapan şubesi. Planörle nakliyatta buna dahildir. Bak. "combat aviation"., "experimental aviation", ve "training aviation"
(Askeri) ÖZEL MAKSAT MASKESİ: Özel maksat makse süzgeçleri, vasıtasıyla personeli amonyak, yağ ve asit buharları gibi endüstri gazlarına karşı koruyan maske
(Askeri) ÖZEL DURUM RASYONU, ÖZEL MAKSAT RASYONU: Kıta ve şahıslar tarafından özel durum ve şartlar kullanılmak üzere tertiplenmiş özel yiyecek, şekerleme vs. den mürekkep rasyon. Bu rasyon yemek olarak verilmez. Bak. "ration"
(Askeri) ÖZEL MAKSATLI KRİPTO SİSTEMİ: Bazı tip mesajlar için kullanılmak üzere hazırlanmış özel kripto vasıtaları. Bunların başlıcaları Genel yardımcı Muhabere Kitapları (General Auxiliary Signal Book) , Muhabere sözlüğü (Signal Vocabulary). Parola Sistemleri (Authenticator System), Uçak Kodları (Aircraft Codes) ve Av Harekat Terimleri vs. yi içine alır
(Askeri) ÖZEL MAKSAT İSTİHKAK ÇİZELGESİ: Eğitim, kıta, haber alma ve öğretim faaliyetleri, din işleri ve dini ibadet yerleri gibi bazı çeşitli maksatlar ve Müşterek faaliyetler için yetki verilmiş teçhizat gösteren istihkak çizelgesi. Bak. "table of allowance"
Englisch - Englisch
Definition von special-purpose im Englisch Englisch wörterbuch
(Finans) A special purpose entity (SPE; or, especially in Europe, special purpose vehicle/SPV, in Ireland – FVC financial vehicle corporation) is a legal entity (usually a limited company of some type or, sometimes, a limited partnership) created to fulfill narrow, specific or temporary objectives. SPEs are typically used by companies to isolate the firm from financial risk. A company will transfer assets to the SPE for management or use the SPE to finance a large project thereby achieving a narrow set of goals without putting the entire firm at risk. SPEs are also commonly used in complex financings to separate different layers of equity infusion. In addition, they are commonly used to own a single asset and associated permits and contract rights (such as an apartment building or a power plant), to allow for easier transfer of that asset. Moreover, they are an integral part of public private partnerships common throughout Europe which rely on a project finance type structure
(Finans) A special purpose entity (SPE; or, especially in Europe, special purpose vehicle/SPV, in Ireland – FVC financial vehicle corporation) is a legal entity (usually a limited company of some type or, sometimes, a limited partnership) created to fulfill narrow, specific or temporary objectives. SPEs are typically used by companies to isolate the firm from financial risk. A company will transfer assets to the SPE for management or use the SPE to finance a large project thereby achieving a narrow set of goals without putting the entire firm at risk. SPEs are also commonly used in complex financings to separate different layers of equity infusion. In addition, they are commonly used to own a single asset and associated permits and contract rights (such as an apartment building or a power plant), to allow for easier transfer of that asset. Moreover, they are an integral part of public private partnerships common throughout Europe which rely on a project finance type structure