sosyal sınıflaşma sistem ve ilkeleri

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Türkisch - Englisch
the division of society on artificial grounds
Clan society is rigidly divided into five caste: Warrior, Scientist, Merchant, Technician and Laborer Each caste has many subcastes, which are based on specialties within a professional field The Warrior Caste is based on a systematic eugenics program that uses the genes of prestigious successful current and past warriors to produce new members of the caste (See Sibko) These products of genetic engineering are known as Trueborns Other castes maintain a quality gene pool by strategic marriages within each caste
(Cast): within a colony, any set of individuals having both a distinct form and specialized behaviors
Clan society is rigidly divided into five castes: warrior, scientist, merchant, technician, and laborer Each caste has many subcastes, which are based on specialties within a professional field The warrior caste is based on a systematic eugenics program that uses the genes of prestigious, successful current and past warriors to produce new members of the caste (see Sibko) These products of genetic engineering are known as trueborns Other castes maintain a quality gene pool by strategic marriages within each caste
Any of the hereditary social classes and subclasses of South Asian societies
Caste is the system of dividing people in a society into different social classes. The caste system shapes nearly every facet of Indian life. Any of the ranked, hereditary, endogamous (see exogamy and endogamy) occupational groups that constitute traditional societies in certain regions of the world, particularly among Hindus in India. There caste is rooted in antiquity and specifies the rules and restrictions governing social intercourse and activity. Each caste has its own customs that restrict the occupations and dietary habits of its members and their social contact with other castes. There are about 3,000 castes, or jatis (broadly, "form of existence fixed by birth"), and more than 25,000 subcastes in India. They are traditionally grouped into four major classes, or varnas ("colours"). At the top are the Brahmans, followed by the Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, and Shudras. Those with the most defiling jobs (such as those who dispose of body emissions and dead animals) are ranked beneath the Shudras. Considered untouchable, they were simply dubbed as "the fifth" (panchama) category. Although a great many spheres of life in modern India are little influenced by caste, most marriages are nevertheless arranged within the caste. This is in part because most people live in rural communities and because the arrangement of marriages is a family activity carried out through existing networks of kinship and caste. In biology, a subset of individuals within a colony of social animals (chiefly ants, bees, termites, and wasps) that has a specialized function and is distinguished from other subsets by morphological and anatomical differences. Typical insect castes are the queen (the female responsible for reproduction), workers (the usually sterile female caretakers of the queen, eggs, and larvae), soldiers (defenders of the colony; also sterile females), and sometimes drones (short-lived males). The differentiation of larvae into various castes is often determined by diet, though hormonal and environmental factors can also play a role
the systemic delineation of social class in Indian society It consists fundamentally of four levels: seers (priests, teachers), administrators (military leaders, business owners), producers (skilled craftspersons), and servants (unskilled laborers) Historically, there have and do exist subcasts below even the lowest of these It is difficult if not impossible to reconcile this social reality with a political system in which all citizens supposedly have basic constitutional rights accorded to them From a religious standpoint, caste is irrevocably tied to Karma Recent efforts at social/religious reform are, as yet, ineffective and have in some cases resulted in violence between castes
A system of socioeconomic stratification in which strata are closed and a person’s membership is determined at birth
System that divides the Indian people into different groups
social status or position conferred by a system based on class; "lose caste by doing work beneath one's station"
Position held in social insect (e g some wasps and ants) hierarchy, i e Queen, Soldier, Worker, Male
One of the hereditary classes into which the Hindoos are divided according to the laws of Brahmanism
a social class separated from others by distinctions of hereditary rank or profession or wealth (Hinduism) a hereditary social class among Hindus; stratified according to ritual purity social status or position conferred by a system based on class; "lose caste by doing work beneath one's station
a social class separated from others by distinctions of hereditary rank or profession or wealth
Although only four castes, Brahmin (scholar), kshatriya (warrior, protector), vaisya (business, agriculture), and sudra (service, unskilled labor) mentioned frequently, there are numerous other castes, as kamma, naidu, etc Caste system refers to geneology, and as such, individuals are proud of their origins, irrespective of the positioning of that particular caste in the larger context Caste system is a dominant feature of Hinduism, and the Hindus comprise 80% of the population In the case of the other 20%, caste system is irrelevant
A separate and fixed order or class of persons in society who chiefly hold intercourse among themselves
A caste is one of the traditional social classes into which people are divided in a Hindu society. Most of the upper castes worship the Goddess Kali
{i} one of the four classes into which Hindu society is separated; class, station, social position; status
n a social class separated from others by distinctions of hereditary rank, profession, or wealth : social position or status
(Hinduism) a hereditary social class among Hindus; stratified according to ritual purity