solid rocket boosters

listen to the pronunciation of solid rocket boosters
Englisch - Englisch
(Teknoloji) Solid rocket boosters (SRB) (or motors, SRM) are used to provide the main thrust in spacecraft launches from the launchpad up to burnout of the SRBs. Many launch vehicles include SRBs, including the Ariane 5, Atlas V, and the NASA Space Shuttle. The NASA Space Shuttle uses two Space Shuttle SRBs, which are the largest of their type
Solid Rocket Booster
solid rocket boosters


    sol·id rock·et boosters

    Türkische aussprache

    sälıd räkıt bustırz


    /ˈsäləd ˈräkət ˈbo͞ostərz/ /ˈsɑːləd ˈrɑːkət ˈbuːstɜrz/