so weit wie

listen to the pronunciation of so weit wie
Englisch - Türkisch

Definition von so weit wie im Englisch Türkisch wörterbuch

as far as
kadarıyla, -e göre: as far as I can see gördüğüm kadarıyla. as far as I'm concerned bana göre
as far as

Hatırladığım kadarıyla, o onu söylemedi. - As far as I remember, he didn't say that.

Bildiğim kadarıyla, söylenti doğru değildir. - The rumor is not true as far as I know.

as far as
olduğu kadar

Arabayı yarışa sokma.Biz mümkün olduğu kadar onu uzağa götürteceğiz. - Don't race the car. We want to make it go as far as possible.

as far as
prep.kadarıyla: ıf.kadarıyla
as far as

Varoluşumuzu olabildiğince kabul etmeliyiz. - We must accept our existence as far as possible.

as far as
bir dereceye kadar
as far as

Hatırladığım kadarıyla, o onu söylemedi. - As far as I remember, he didn't say that.

Anladığım kadarıyla, öylesine bir plan imkansızdır. - As far as my experience goes, such a plan is impossible.

Deutsch - Englisch
as far as
With respect to; as relates to

We put a lot of emphasis into the training of our staff, as far as food knowledge, wine knowledge, he said.

In the scope of
Our Living Language Despite the admonitions detailed in the Usage Note, recent research indicates that speakers of English in the United States and elsewhere are increasingly dropping the verbal part of the as far as construction, as in As far as a better house, I don't want one (instead of As far as a better house is concerned...). This trend is more noticeable in speech than in writing. We can infer that this syntactic change is ongoing because teenagers and young adults omit is/are concerned and go/went in these constructions more often than older speakers do.·Like other examples of language variation and change, a number of constraints that we follow regularly, although unconsciously, govern the dropping of the verb in as far as constructions. For instance, if as far as precedes a personal pronoun or one whose point of view is being represented (as far as he is concerned), the verb cannot be deleted (notice that as far as he is strikingly ungrammatical). The longer and more complex the noun or sentence that follows as far as, the more likely the verb is to be omitted. Thus, As far as getting a better house to live in, we... is more likely to be uttered than As far as a house, we.... The very similar phrase so far as is found within verbless constructions in complex sentences that use gerunds as early as the 19th century, as in Jane Austen's novel Emma: "so far as our living with Mr. Churchill at Enscombe, it is settled." These omissions in longer constructions seem to have initiated the change leading to their omission in short locutions. Only in the 20th century do we find first noun phrases and then simple nouns without a form of go or be concerned
as much as; until