so, what's going on (here)

listen to the pronunciation of so, what's going on (here)
Englisch - Türkisch

Definition von so, what's going on (here) im Englisch Türkisch wörterbuch

what's going on
neler oluyor

Bugün neler oluyor sana? - What's going on with you today?

Gerçek şu ki, etrafımızda neler oluyor bilmiyoruz. - The fact is we don't know what's going on around us.

what's going on
(isim) haber
what's going on
ne haber
Englisch - Englisch
so, what's going on (here)


    so, what's Go·ing on (here)


    ... what's going on here? ...
    ... at sunset during ramadan on the issue just when i was going on here so if you ...