small tropical american tree bearing round or oblong fruit

listen to the pronunciation of small tropical american tree bearing round or oblong fruit
Englisch - Englisch
tropical American tree
protium heptaphyllum
tropical American tree
protium guianense
small tropical american tree bearing round or oblong fruit


    small trop·i·cal A·me·ri·can Tree bear·ing round or ob·long fruit

    Türkische aussprache

    smôl träpîkıl ımerıkın tri berîng raund ır äblông frut


    /ˈsmôl ˈträpəkəl əˈmerəkən ˈtrē ˈberəɴɢ ˈround ər ˈäblôɴɢ ˈfro͞ot/ /ˈsmɔːl ˈtrɑːpɪkəl əˈmɛrəkən ˈtriː ˈbɛrɪŋ ˈraʊnd ɜr ˈɑːblɔːŋ ˈfruːt/