skin and bone

listen to the pronunciation of skin and bone
Englisch - Türkisch
bir deri bir kemik
skin and bones
bir deri bir kemik

Zavallı yaşlı adam o kadar zayıfladı ki şimdi sadece bir deri bir kemik. - The poor old man became so thin that now he's just skin and bones.

Hasta adam sadece bir deri bir kemik kalmıştı. - The sick person was only skin and bones.

mere skin and bone
bir deri bir kemik
all skin and bone
kemikleri sayılan
Englisch - Englisch
overly skinny, so skinny that you can see his bones
skin and bones
Said of one who is emaciated; very skinny, as from lack of nutrition

Look at that starving dog; he's nothing more than skin and bones.

skin and bones
very thin
skin and bone