
listen to the pronunciation of skimmer
Englisch - Türkisch
kaymakçı kaşığı
{i} düzleme kürekli makine
{i} kepçe
deniz kıyılarında yaşayan kırlangıç benzeri bir kuş
köpük alacak alet kevgir
deniz süpürücüsü
{i} yarış kayığı
froth skimmer
köpük kepçe
oil skimmer
(Denizcilik) Denizden yağ/akaryakıt toplama gemisi
scum skimmer
köpük sıyırıcı
sea skimmer
(Askeri) DENİZ SATHINA YAKIN SEYREDEN FÜZE: Deniz yüzeyinden 50 feet: (15 m) daha alçakta uçmak üzere yapılmış füze
Englisch - Englisch
A person who skims
Any of three species of bird in the genus Rynchops of the family Laridae, that feed by skimming the surface of water bodies with their bills in flight
A device that skims
{n} a ladle to take off the skim with
A device in the pool or spa wall that continuously removes the surface water and floating debris to be taken away by the filter A hand skimmer net can be used manually to "dip" large floating debris from the water
The American species R
An inlet at water level to catch large debris thus preventing damage to the filter
Any one of several large bivalve shells, sometimes used for skimming milk, as the sea clams, and large scallops
A device on a water control structure used to prevent discharge of sediments, oils, greases, and other floatables into receiving waters
a utensil with which liquids are skimmed
Device which removes floating contaminants
a cooking utensil used to skim fat from the surface of liquids
nigra is common on the southern coasts of the United States
a device, located in the wall of a pool, that is connected to the suction line of the pump It helps to screen out leaves or floating debris
a rapid superficial reader
gull-like seabird that flies along the surface of the water with an elongated lower mandible immersed to skim out food
A device located at the perimeter of the pool at surface level It removes debris floating on or near the surface of the pool which is taken via an anti siphon pipe to the filter Some larger commercial type pools have several of these units placed strategically around the pool edge
(see Boater) Slouch hat: A soft hat with a high crown and drooping flexible brim Also called a Garbo hat, from the name of the actress who worn this style in many films Smoking cap: Men's pillbox shape cap, worn during the 19th century to prevent the hair from smelling of tobacco
Any of three species (family Rynchopidae) of waterbirds having a red bladelike bill, with the lower mandible longer than the upper. Skimmers live chiefly in estuaries and along wide rivers in warm regions. At twilight, they skim calm, shallow water with the open bill tip submerged; when a fish or crustacean is hit, the upper mandible snaps down. Skimmers are dark above with white underparts, face, and forehead, red legs, and black wings. The American black skimmer (Rynchops nigra) grows to 20 in. (50 cm) long
A type of bird, such as the "black skimmer" bird native to the Atlantic states, USA. "
white, box-like compartment on the side of the pool which automatically skims the top few inches of water, removing debris and oily film Contains a removable basket which needs to be cleared of debris periodically
A device installed through the wall of a pool or spa that is connected to the suction line of the pump that draws water and float- ing debris in the water flow from the surface without causing much flow restriction
{i} utensil used to remove matter floating on the surface of a liquid; any of several species of sea bird which captures food by skimming the surface of the water with its long beak, scissorsbill
A device installed through the wall of a pool or spa that is connected to the suction line of the pump that draws water and floating debris in the water flow from the surface without causing much flow restriction
Boston Whaler Boat used for river patrol
A device in the pool or spa wall that continuously removes the surface water and floating debris to be taken away by the filter
Called also scissorbill, and shearbill
gull-like seabird that flies along the surface of the water with an elongated lower mandible immersed to skim out food a cooking utensil used to skim fat from the surface of liquids a rapid superficial reader
a stiff straw hat with a flat crown
the water-level device, in the pool wall, that aids in the removal of floating debris
Any species of longwinged marine birds of the genus Rhynchops, allied to the terns, but having the lower mandible compressed and much longer than the upper one
A mechanical device connected to the recirculation piping which is used to skim the pool surface
One who, or that which, skims; esp
These birds fly rapidly along the surface of the water, with the lower mandible immersed, thus skimming out small fishes
black skimmer
A skimmer (Rynchops niger) of North and South America that is black above and white below and has a scissorlike bill, bright red legs and feet, and dark brown eyes with vertical pupils
plural of skimmer