sinir dokusu oluşturan veya sinir enerjisi meydana getiren, nevrojen (nörojen)

listen to the pronunciation of sinir dokusu oluşturan veya sinir enerjisi meydana getiren, nevrojen (nörojen)
Türkisch - Englisch
(Tıp) neurogenic
Originating in, or caused by, the nervous system
originating in the nervous system
caused or stimulated by the nervous system
(NEW-roh-JEN-ik) bladder
of nerve origin
arising in or stimulated by nerve tissues
Caused by disease or dysfunction of the nervous system Caused by nerve stimulation
{s} originating in a nerve (Medicine)
sinir dokusu oluşturan veya sinir enerjisi meydana getiren, nevrojen (nörojen)


    si·nir do·ku·su o·luş·tu·ran ve·ya si·nir e·ner·ji·si mey·da·na ge·ti·ren, nev·ro·jen (nö·ro·jen)