silahların sınırlandırılması

listen to the pronunciation of silahların sınırlandırılması
Türkisch - Englisch
The reduction, limitation or complete abandonment of a nation's armed forces and military equipment (nuclear disarmament - abandonment of nuclear weapons)
Action of disarming
act of reducing or depriving of arms; "the disarmament of the aggressor nations must be complete"
The reduction or destruction of weapons, usually as negotiated between countries or groups of countries
reducing the number of weapons and troops, usually according to the terms of a treaty
the act of disarming; reduction of military forces and equipment
The reduction or the abolition of the military forces and armaments of a nation, and of its capability to wage war
{i} demilitarization, weapons reduction
The act of disarming
a strong action which causes the opponent to lose his blade
To lay aside armament, to reduce armament and armed forces
Disarmament is the act of reducing the number of weapons, especially nuclear weapons, that a country has. the pace of nuclear disarmament. when a country reduces the number of weapons it has, or the size of its army, navy etc. Reduction in armaments by one or more nations. Arms reductions may be imposed by a war's victors on the defeated (as happened after Germany's defeat in World War I). Bilateral disarmament agreements may apply to a specific area (such an agreement has kept the Great Lakes weapon-free since 1817). The term is most commonly used for multilateral reduction and limitation agreements, particularly in the context of nuclear weapons. See also arms control
Stratejik Silahların Sınırlandırılması Görüşmeleri
(Hukuk) Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT)